spotify / sparkey

Simple constant key/value storage library, for read-heavy systems with infrequent large bulk inserts.
Apache License 2.0
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Add zstd support #42

Closed vasi closed 4 years ago

vasi commented 4 years ago

Zstd is a fast compressor with a better compression ratio than Snappy. It's been gaining support pretty quickly! This PR adds a "compressor" abstraction to Sparkey, and adds Zstd as an option.

Tests and benchmarks seem to indicate this works well. Data is about 60% of the size of Snappy data, but lookups are between 30-70% slower on 4K blocks—which makes sense, Zstd usually targets larger block sizes. For my use case, that's a very worthwhile tradeoff, I'm limited on I/O much more than CPU.

I also have a Java port:

It might be annoying to some folks that this now requires Zstd. We could make it optional, but then someone's build of Sparkey may or may not be able to open a given file, so it's a trade-off. Happy to defer to you on this.

spkrka commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the PR here and in the java project. I am on vacation so I am not sure when I will have time to properly review it. Possibly within a month though. If that fails, please remind me.

I took a brief look and I don't see any problem with this PR conceptually.

Just as a curiosity, would is it useful to have this type of block-based compression for zstd if it also supports dictionary training? An alternative solution could be to first train a dictionary with all (or a subset of) the values and then store each key-value pairs as:

sparkey[key]= zstd(value, trained_dictionary)
sparkey["__zstd_dict__"] = trained_dictionary

Then you would avoid the performance problem associated with block compression and still get the benefit of a shared compression dictionary.

vasi commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the quick look, even when on vacation! I should be so responsive on my own OSS projects :)

Dictionary training might make sense as a follow up! It might improve compression ratios even more. Not sure how much it'd help lookup latency--that would only improve if training lets us shrink block sizes, and it seems unlikely we can usefully shrink them below the 4 KB default. Do you know if most users use the default size, or choose higher ones?

spkrka commented 4 years ago

I didn't mean that as a followup, but as a way to utilize zstd compression without changing the sparkey storage layer.

You could store zstd compressed data as uncompressed sparkey values and utilize a custom dictionary to still get some compression advantages

vasi commented 4 years ago

Oh, I see, that's an interesting idea! But I don't think that would help many of my use cases, my values are sometimes very small (<16 bytes). Block-based compression is the only way to get an acceptable compression ratio for very small values.

spkrka commented 4 years ago

Right, that makes sense.

spkrka commented 4 years ago

Looks good overall, just some minor restructuring comments

spkrka commented 4 years ago

Accidentally clicked the wrong button to close and comment instead of just comment...

spkrka commented 4 years ago

Actually, maybe I can do those minor changes myself after merging