spotipy-dev / spotipy

A light weight Python library for the Spotify Web API
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Using Spotipy in Django Application - access_token is the same for all the users, even with different Spotify accounts. #1048

Open Rafael-Rueda opened 7 months ago

Rafael-Rueda commented 7 months ago

So, to begin, I have this view which leads me to the beggining of my Spotipy authentication proccess:

from django.conf import settings
from django.shortcuts import redirect, render
from spotipy import Spotify
from spotipy.oauth2 import SpotifyOAuth

def spotify_auth(request):
    if 'token_info' in request.session:
        del request.session['token_info']

    sp_oauth = SpotifyOAuth(
        scope="user-library-read user-top-read user-read-playback-state user-read-recently-played",

    auth_url = sp_oauth.get_authorize_url()
    return redirect(auth_url)

With this, I get a code as a query string in my URL, which is used to receive my access_token to Spotify API. Here is how I use this code to get my access_token:

If someone know why this is happening, i would be very thankful !


When I restart all my project from scratch, then, I do the first spotify authentication into my website, (which the spotify user is in the User Management of my Spotify App). I get as result, the new user information, and a new access token. However, if try to login with a new Spotify user, the token remains the same, and the information is all of my first authenticated user.

I can imagine that there is something like a "cache" of access tokens, or something like that, that i need to clear before making another authentications. I dont know if its real, but any ideas would help me figure out.

Possible Solution:

Use the implicit flow without Spotipy module. Use requests module instead, to make requests to Spotify API. This worked for me, but I still want to know the answer, why was I receiving the same access token for different users ?

travesties commented 5 months ago

For anyone who is experiencing this problem, Spotipy does in fact cache access tokens. You can disable this when calling get_access_token by passing in the parameter check_cache=False. Here is the source code in question

dieser-niko commented 3 weeks ago

Hi there, no need to do check_cache=False. You can just use spotipy.cache_handler.DjangoSessionCacheHandler which would bind the token to sessions.