spoulson / Itinerary

Lazy time scheduling toolset for .NET
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Every x-Thursday of the Month? #16

Closed Mike-E-angelo closed 9 years ago

Mike-E-angelo commented 9 years ago

Cool project. :)

I apologize for creating an issue here. This is more of a question than issue (GitHub needs forums, too!). Please feel free to close this as soon as answered.

I checked out this page: https://github.com/spoulson/Itinerary/wiki/TDL-Expression-Syntax

And the advanced samples, and I couldn't find any examples that fit what I am trying to do specifically. I am writing a project where we will check to see if today is:

Obviously, the intervals are a close match to the 2nd scenario, but we're looking for the exact day number of the month.

Is this possible with TDL syntax?

Mike-E-angelo commented 9 years ago

Oh! There it is. It's hidden in the cron section:

First Friday of every month: cron 0 0 * * 5#1

Or in my case: cron 0 0 * * 4#3

Doing a little more searching on cron, I found the answer to my other scenario/question: cron 0 0 15 * *

Of course, I find them AFTER posting here. ;)

spoulson commented 9 years ago

Glad you found it useful!