spox / batali

Light weight cookbook resolver
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Defining path does not affect installed cookbook #54

Closed luckymike closed 9 years ago

luckymike commented 9 years ago

Setting the :path flag in the Batali file correctly allows cookbook resolution for a cookbook that is not in the root directory of the repo, however, the installed artifact contains the full repo contents rather than just the cookbook, e.g.:

$ ls cookbooks/zncrypt-4.1.0

$ ls cookbooks/zncrypt-4.1.0/znycrpt
Berksfile  CONTRIBUTING  Gemfile  LICENSE  README.md  attributes  libraries    
metadata.rb  providers  recipes  resources  test

This is a problem because damaging files (roles, environments, etc.) could be included in the top level and installed accidentally via knife upload cookbooks

chrisroberts commented 9 years ago

Fixed as of 0.2.28