Open tribalvibes opened 14 years ago
These are just the specific errors I hit when using wsdl2ruby with --module_path The same issue with String.each_line may well occur elsewhere in the source.
I will try and get this updated and pushed out in the next day or two.
Edits related to String.each => String.each_line in 1.9
driverCreator.rb, lines 36 and also 51 in dump: @modulepath.each_line do |name|
clientSkeltonCreator.rb, line 36 in dump: result << @modulepath.each_line.collect { |ele| "module #{ele}" }.join("; ")
clientSkeltonCreator.rb, line 45 in dump: result << @modulepath.each_line.collect { |ele| "end" }.join("; ")