spq / pkappa2

Network traffic analysis tool for Attack & Defense CTF's
Apache License 2.0
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Migration to Vue 3 #30

Open schmop opened 1 year ago

schmop commented 1 year ago

Vue 3 was release in Februar 2022. Migration was blocked by Vuetify only supporting Vue 2. Vuetify 3 was released 1. November 2022, so we should try to migrate now.

Release v3.0.0 · vuetifyjs/vuetify Breaking Changes | Vue 3 Migration Guide The new default state management library for Vue 3 is Pinia: Home | Pinia When possible Typescript support should be enabled without much additional trouble: Using Vue with TypeScript | Vue.js

peace-maker commented 8 months ago

We're now at vuetify 3.4. Do you remember the small-stepped plan to migrate this @schmop ?