spraakbanken / korp-backend

Backend for Korp, Språkbanken's corpus search tool
MIT License
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Proposal: Korp backend plugin facility #14

Open janiemi opened 2 years ago

janiemi commented 2 years ago


This issue tries to describe the plugin facility I have implemented for the Korp backend used in the Language Bank of Finland and that I’d propose as the basis for a plugin facility to be included in main Korp backend code. All feedback on the proposal is welcome.

Disclaimer: I have virtually no prior experience in plugin architectures, and also my knowledge of Flask and other Web technologies used in the Korp backend is almost solely based on the Korp backend and on what I have learned when modifying it. The features of the plugin facility reflect the modifications we’ve made to the Korp for the Language Bank of Finland, so something might be implemented in a too specific way or be completely missing. Thus, I’d be glad in particular if you pointed out if something in the plugin facility should be done differently.

The code for the plugin facility is currently on top of Språkbanken’s Korp backend code at commit aad6381f of 2020-01-20, but I’ll port it on top of the current code in the near future.

The plugin facility has a readme file, which contains some more details on the plugin facility.

Also see my proposal for a plugin facility for the Korp frontend.

I’m sorry that this is rather long for a GitHub issue description.

Korp backend plugin facility (proposal)


The aim of the Korp backend plugin facility is to make it easier to tailor Korp for different sites without having to modify main Korp code. To make this possible, the main Korp code needs some support for plugins and callback hook points in appropriate places in the Python code. The plugin support code is in currently in the package korppluginlib, but it will be moved under the korp package, probably named pluginlib.

The Korp backend supports two kinds of plugins:

  1. endpoint plugins implementing new WSGI endpoints, and
  2. callback plugins containing callbacks called at certain points (plugin hook points) in korp.py when handling a request, to filter data or to perform an action.

Plugins are defined as Python modules or subpackages, by default within the package korpplugins (customizable via the configuration variable PACKAGES).

Both WSGI endpoint plugins and callback plugins can be defined in the same plugin module.


Configuring Korp for plugins

Korp’s config.py contains the following plugin-related variables:

Configuring korppluginlib

The configuration of korppluginlib is in the module korppluginlib.config. Currently, the following configuration variables are recognized:

Alternatively, the configuration variables may be specified in the top-level module config within PLUGINLIB_CONFIG; for example:

    HANDLE_NOT_FOUND = "warn",

The values specified in the top-level config override those in korppluginlib.config.

Configuring individual plugins

Values for the configuration variables of individual plugin modules or subpackages can be specified in three places:

  1. An item in the list PLUGINS in Korp’s top-level config module can be a pair (plugin_name, config), where config is either a dictionary- or namespace-like object containing configuration variables.
  2. Korp’s top-level config module can define the variable PLUGIN_CONFIG_PLUGINNAME, whose value is either a dictionary- or namespace-like object with configuration variables.
  3. If the plugin is a subpackage, it can use separate configuration module named config within the subpackage, consisting of configuration variables.

The value for a configuration variable is taken from the first of the above in which it is set.

To get values from these sources, the plugin module needs to call korppluginlib.get_plugin_config with default values of configuration variables:

pluginconf = korppluginlib.get_plugin_config(
    CONFIG_VAR = "value",

The configured value of CONFIG_VAR can be then accessed as pluginconf.CONFIG_VAR.

Renaming plugin endpoint routes

Endpoint routes (routing rules) defined by a plugin can be renamed by setting an appropriate value to the configuration variable RENAME_ROUTES of the plugin in question. This may be needed if two plugins have endpoints with the same route, or if it is otherwise desired to change the routes specified by a plugin. The value of RENAME_ROUTES can be a format string, a dict or a function of one argument mapping the original route to a renamed route. For more information, please see the documentation.

Plugin information

A plugin module or package may define dict PLUGIN_INFO containing pieces of information on the plugin. Alternatively, a plugin package may contain a module named info and a non-package plugin module plugin may be accompanied by a module named plugin_info containing variable definitions that are added to PLUGIN_INFO with the lower-cased variable name as the key. For example:

    "name": "korppluginlib_test_1",
    "version": "0.1",
    "date": "2020-12-10",
    "description": "korppluginlib test plugin 1",
    "author": "FIN-CLARIN",
    "author_email": "fin-clarin at helsinki dot fi",

The information on loaded plugins is accessible in korppluginlib.loaded_plugins.

Endpoint plugins

Implementing a new WSGI endpoint

To implement a new WSGI endpoint, you first create an instance of korppluginlib.KorpEndpointPlugin (a subclass of flask.Blueprint) as follows:

test_plugin = korppluginlib.KorpEndpointPlugin()

You can also specify a name for the plugin, overriding the default that is the calling module name __name__:

test_plugin = korppluginlib.KorpEndpointPlugin("test_plugin")

You can also pass other arguments recognized by flask.Blueprint.

The actual view function is a generator function decorated with the route method of the created instance; for example:

@test_plugin.route("/test", extra_decorators=["prevent_timeout"])
def test(args):
    """Yield arguments wrapped in "args"."""
    yield {"args": args}

The decorator takes as its arguments the route of the endpoint, and optionally, an iterable of the names of possible additional decorators as the keyword argument extra_decorators, and other options of route. extra_decorators lists the names in the order in which they would be specified as decorators (topmost first), that is, in the reverse order of application. The generator function takes a single dict argument containing the parameters of the call and yields the result.

A single plugin module can define multiple new endpoints.

Non-JSON endpoints

Even though Korp endpoints should in general return JSON data, it may be desirable to implement endpoints returning another type of data, for example, if the endpoint generates a file for downloading. That can be accomplished by adding use_custom_headers to extra_decorators. An endpoint using use_custom_headers should yield a dict with the following keys recognized:

For example, the following endpoint returns an attachment for a plain-text file listing the arguments to the endpoint, named with the value of filename (args.txt if not specified):

@test_plugin.route("/text", extra_decorators=["use_custom_headers"])
def textfile(args):
    """Make downloadable plain-text file of args."""
    yield {
        "content": "\n".join(arg + "=" + repr(args[arg]) for arg in args),
        "mimetype": "text/plain",
        "headers": [
            ("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + args.get("filename", "args.txt") + "\"")

Neither the endpoint argument incremental=true nor the decorator prevent_timeout has any practical effect on endpoints with use_custom_headers.

Defining additional endpoint decorators

By default, the endpoint decorator functions whose names can be listed in extra_decorators include only prevent_timeout and use_custom_headers, as the endpoints defined in this way are always decorated with main_handler as the topmost decorator. However, additional decorator functions can be defined by decorating them with korppluginlib.KorpEndpointPlugin.endpoint_decorator; for example:

# test_plugin is an instance of korppluginlib.KorpEndpointPlugin, so this
# is equivalent to @korppluginlib.KorpEndpointPlugin.endpoint_decorator
def test_decor(generator):
    """Add to the result an extra layer with text_decor and payload."""
    def decorated(args=None, *pargs, **kwargs):
        for x in generator(args, *pargs, **kwargs):
            yield {"test_decor": "Endpoint decorated with test_decor",
                   "payload": x}
    return decorated

Callback plugins

Callbacks to be called at specific plugin hook points in korp.py are defined within subclasses of korppluginlib.KorpCallbackPlugin as instance methods having the name of the hook point. The arguments and return values of a callback method are specific to each hook point.

In the first argument request, each callback method gets the actual Flask request object (not a proxy for the request) containing information on the request. For example, the endpoint name is available as request.endpoint.

korp.py contains two kinds of hook points:

  1. filter hook points call callbacks that may filter (modify) a value, and
  2. event hook points call callbacks when a specific event has taken place.

Filter hook points

For filter hook points, the value returned by a callback method is passed as the first non-request argument to the callback method defined by the next plugin, similar to function composition or method chaining. However, a callback for a filter hook point need not modify the value: if it returns None either explicitly or implicitly, the value is ignored and the argument is passed as is to the callback method in the next plugin.

At present, filter hook points and the signatures of their callback methods are the following:

Event hook points

Callback methods for event hook points do not return a value.

At present, event hook points and the signatures of their callback methods are the following:

Callback plugin example

An example of a callback plugin containing a callback method to be called at the hook point filter_result:

class Test1b(korppluginlib.KorpCallbackPlugin):

    def filter_result(self, request, result):
        """Wrap the result dictionary in "wrap" and add "endpoint"."""
        return {"endpoint": request.endpoint,
                "wrap": result}

Notes on implementing a callback plugin

Each plugin class is instantiated only once, so the possible state stored in self is shared by all invocations (requests). However, see the next subsection for an approach of keeping request-specific state across hook points.

A single plugin class can define only one callback method for each hook point, but a module may contain multiple classes defining callback methods for the same hook point.

If multiple plugins define a callback method for a hook point, they are called in the order in which the plugin modules are listed in config.PLUGINS. If a plugin module contains multiple classes defining a callback method for a hook point, they are called in the order in which they are defined in the module.

If the callback methods of a class should be applied only to certain kinds of requests, for example, to a certain endpoint, the class can override the class method applies_to(cls, request) to return True only for requests to which the plugin is applicable.

Keeping request-specific state

Request-specific data can be passed from one callback method to another within the same callback plugin class by using a dict attribute (or similar) indexed by request objects (or their ids). In general, the enter_handler callback method (called at the first hook point) should initialize a space for the data for a request, and exit_handler (called at the last hook point) should delete it. For example:

from types import SimpleNamespace

class StateTest(korppluginlib.KorpCallbackPlugin):

    _data = {}

    def enter_handler(self, request, args, starttime):
        self._data[request] = data = SimpleNamespace()
        data.starttime = starttime
        print("enter_handler, starttime =", starttime)

    def exit_handler(self, request, endtime, elapsed):
        print("exit_handler, starttime =", self._data[request].starttime, "endtime =", endtime)
        del self._data[request]

Defining new hook points

New hook points can be added to plugins (as well as to korp.py) by invoking callbacks with the name of the hook point by using the appropriate methods. For example, a logging plugin could implement a callback method log that could be called from other plugins, both callback and endpoint plugins.

Given the Flask request object (or the global request proxy) request, callbacks for the (event) hook point hook_point can be called as follows, with *args and **kwargs as the positional and keyword arguments and discarding the return value:

korppluginlib.KorpCallbackPluginCaller.raise_event_for_request("hook_point", *args, **kwargs, request=request)

or, equivalently, getting a caller object for a request and calling its instance method (typically when the same function or method contains several hook points):

plugin_caller = korppluginlib.KorpCallbackPluginCaller.get_instance(request)
plugin_caller.raise_event("hook_point", *args, **kwargs)

If request is omitted or None, the request object referred to by the global request proxy is used.

Callbacks for such additional hook points are defined in the same way as for those in korp.py. The signature corresponding to the above calls is

hook_point(self, request, *args, **kwargs)

All callback methods need to have request as the first positional argument (after self).

Three types of call methods are available in KorpCallbackPluginCaller:

Only the first two are currently used in korp.py.

Accessing main application module globals in plugins

The values of selected global variables, constants and functions in the main application module korp.py are available to plugin modules as korppluginlib.app_globals.name. In this way, for example, a plugin can access the Korp MySQL database and the Memcached cache and use assert_key to assert the format of arguments.

Limitations and deficiencies

The current implementation has at least the following limitations and deficiencies, which might be subjects for future development, if needed. Some more information on the issues is in the documentation).

Influences and alternatives

Many Python plugin frameworks or libraries exist, but they did not appear suitable for Korp plugins as such. In particular, we wished to have both callback plugins and endpoint plugins.


Using a metaclass for registering callback plugins in korppluginlib was inspired by and partially adapted from Marty Alchin’s A Simple Plugin Framework.

The terms used in conjunction with callback plugins were partially influenced by the terminology for WordPress plugins.

The Flask-Plugins Flask extension might have been a natural choice, as Korp is a Flask application, but it was not immediately obvious if it could have been used to implement new endpoints. Moreover, for callback (event) plugins, it would have had to be extended to support passing the result from one plugin callback as the input of another.

Using Flask Blueprints for endpoint plugins was hinted at by @MartinHammarstedt.

Other Python plugin frameworks and libraries

janiemi commented 4 months ago

[I originally wrote this comment on 2022-10-13 but by accident added it to spraakbanken/korp-frontend#278 instead of this issue. I noticed that only now and moved the comment here, even though it is already out of date with respect to the current Korp backend.]

An amendment to the issue description above:

Implemented plugins

The plugins currently used in the Korp of the Language Bank of Finland are available in the branch plugins/master of our Korp backend fork. (This branch is a merge of individual plugin branches.)

The current plugins are the following:

lemgramcompleter is an endpoint plugin, whereas the others are callback plugins.

Many of the hook points in korp.py are currently used only by logger.

In addition, the sample plugins test1, test2 and test3 illustrate some features of plugins.

The plugins currently have no other documentation than source code comments, but I intend to add short readme files.