spray / sbt-revolver

An SBT plugin for dangerously fast development turnaround in Scala
Apache License 2.0
846 stars 55 forks source link

Artefacts not available on Sonatype #110

Closed jmvandebron closed 1 year ago

jmvandebron commented 1 year ago

Hi, we are having trouble adding the sbt-revolver plugin to our sbt build, because the latest version (0.9.1) cannot be found.

Can you tell us if/when this plugin will be migrated to Sonatype (https://www.scala-sbt.org/1.x/docs/Using-Sonatype.html)?

jrudolph commented 1 year ago

As most sbt plugins it is available at the sbt plugin repo at https://repo.scala-sbt.org/scalasbt/sbt-plugin-releases:


What is the error message you are getting?

jmvandebron commented 1 year ago

I've been unable to reproduce the issue lately, and have not saved the logs from when we had the issues (should have done that :( ). Perhaps this was caused by some misconfiguration at my clients' side. Anyway, this issue can be closed.