spray / twirl

The Play framework Scala template engine, stand-alone and packaged as an SBT plugin
Apache License 2.0
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Shared artifacts for twirl-api ? #8

Closed tomdz closed 11 years ago

tomdz commented 11 years ago

I've created a maven plugin for twirl for which I also need the twirl api as a compile and runtime dependency (for the generated code). The api code is at https://github.com/tomdz/twirl-api. I was wondering if you guys would be open to publishing the twirl api code (and maybe the compiler stuff) as separate artifacts to sbt & maven repos under the spray namespace ?

cimbul commented 11 years ago

I would also be very interested in any sort of Maven artifact for twirl-compiler. We're using the twirl-api artifact from the http://repo.spray.io/ repository, so that's not a problem (although it would be great to see this in Maven Central), and @tomdz's maven-scala-plugin works well for compiling the files before packaging. Since we want to support dynamic recompilation during development, though, we could really use a twirl-compiler artifact.

jrudolph commented 11 years ago

Since a while we are publishing twirl artifacts to the sbt plugin repo. However, this is a ivy style repo, so you can't use it from maven.

I think it would be perfectly possible to publish the same artifacts to the spray.io repo in maven style as well so that you can use them from maven as well.

jrudolph commented 11 years ago

Can you try with the new twirl 0.6.2 version? It should now be also published to repo.spray.io.

cimbul commented 11 years ago

Thanks! I can build my Maven project with the twirl-compiler artifact now.

Alas, I'm tied to Scala 2.10, and I see that there are several API changes in scala-compiler that mean TwirlCompiler.scala won't build against 2.10. Nothing you can do about that, since it's an upstream issue.

jrudolph commented 11 years ago

Yeah, I looked briefly into that as well this morning. The latest version of play seems to come with a 2.10 compatible compiler. However, because it seems they shuffled files around there's quite a bit of merging effort I have currently no time for. When I have a bit of free time for this I will try an update.