sprblm / Diary-Studies-Designers-in-OSS

Funded by OCEAN (vermontcomplexsystems.org) we asked designers to complete weekly diary studies about their contributions to OSS for 10 weeks.
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45 min intro calls with diary study participants #1

Closed Erioldoesdesign closed 10 months ago

Erioldoesdesign commented 1 year ago

Interview Script

Hi there [___]

We’re going to spend some time chatting about your design in OSS experience to date to get a sense of what you have done to date.


Will you be recording video/audio for the diary study or writing?

Do you want a Zoom room that will auto-record a video/audio for your weekly diary


In your survey it says you’ve been doing OSS contributions for for X time?

How did you start in Design?

How did you start in OSS?

What OSS do you contribute to and participate in?

How do you decided on a project that they’d like to work on/contribute to?

Do you contribute to OSS as part of a paid role, volunteer (free) or both? in what ratio?

If you’re paid for OSS how does this feel to you?

If you’re not paid for OSS how does this feel to you?

What kind of design do you find yourself spending the most time doing? UX? UI? Research?

What tools and software do you use for your contributions?

What kind of processes and communication happens between you and the others that work on the OSS? Who else works on the OSS?

Are there other designers or people that are interested in design in the OSS project?

Thinking ahead to when you might stop contributing to the OSS projects you do, how would you like to leave that project? what would the design aspects look like to you?