sprblm / Diary-Studies-Designers-in-OSS

Funded by OCEAN (vermontcomplexsystems.org) we asked designers to complete weekly diary studies about their contributions to OSS for 10 weeks.
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45 min call with codename 'Blue' #10

Open Erioldoesdesign opened 10 months ago

Erioldoesdesign commented 10 months ago

Interview Script

Hi there Blue

We’re going to spend some time chatting about your design in OSS experience to date to get a sense of what you have done to date.

Will you be recording video/audio for the diary study or writing?

Writing responses.

Do you want a Zoom room that will auto-record a video/audio for your weekly diary

No thanks

In your survey it says you’ve been doing this for X time?

An academic - gradated in graphic design - design school. Student and academic events. Met other students and started to go to talks about cyber security. Thought ‘I need to know about this’ friend was starting linux on his computer and had a friend at university who is part of open source design and spoke to the students about linux - their computer crashed and used linux to recover files → search for files in their computer and noticed it was faster than the last windows. Needed windows for adobe → Adobebot for 2-3 years?

Followed (Specific OSS 1) communities 2019? joined the community to organise the (Specific OSS 1) conf. Makes the conf materials in linux software. 2-3 designers. only designer working on the artworks using Inkscape, Krita, Gimp etc.

Started with free software.

Free software saved their files when they needed them!

Changed their whole workflow to free software

Thinkpad with Windows to use adobe programs to open old files. don’t use too much thinking to not use adobe → pay for windows

developing skills in linux

Blender, motion, video on linux → learning video on blender via linux

Newspaper magazines and social media content

little bit of web design on WP - penpot figma, elementor - page builder for WP some OSS.

I don’t know how to code! so I have to work with graphical tools.

How did you start in Design? How did you start in OSS?

Before university I worked with silk screen in neighbourhood → small business and liked these - making and cleaning silk screens → learned photoshop & illustrator → liked to draw. Specialised designer and drawer. Design was focused on design thinking and management processes. Didn’t like this in university → like social science and cartography and social research. Worked as a graphic designer. And did a masters in geography dept.

Is a research assistant → running important processes and works with design → next year starting in PHD in geography ? → working in American in cybernetics revolutionaries. Design + socials studies + geography. Adam Adina MIT https://jacobin.com/2015/04/allende-chile-beer-medina-cybersyn/ https://mitpress.mit.edu/author/eden-medina-13238/ https://www.bloomsbury.com/us/disobedience-of-design-9781350162471/

Cartography is unrelated to the OSS. House shortage. Homeless and occupy.

What OSS do you contribute to and participate in?

(Specific OSS 1) is not only about the tech it’s about the events and confs and COC. takes a lot of time of my life.

Does small talks at events. FOSDEM considering - does small courses and classes in free software.

Teaching visual language fundamentals in Inkscape to (Specific OSS). They know how to use photoshop and Canva → Inkscape gives professional results.

I don’t know how to report bugs but I shout out on reddit - I don’t want to go to the forum.

(Participant shared a conf video link of specific OSS 1)

Did logo for linux conf

Small things for local hacker clubs.

Tried to join communities in brazil big linux → bit frightening and a bit frightening and right wing.

Can’t join a community where they think that way.

(Specific OSS 2) slack recently. Friend works for (Specific OSS 2).

(Specific OSS 1) conf 2023 → main project slow on tasks for design → aren’t answering me for 2 weeks getting anxious. Work on open innovation lab is confidential. Great for the professional level of work.

(Certain location) design team is a bit slow

How do you decided on a project that they’d like to work on/contribute to?

I look the community is cool and Latin American and Brazilian involved and prefer to do the work physically and go to conf or events locally.

(Specific OSS 1) have a Brazilian (Specific OSS 1) community.

Not in a nationalist way → we as Latin Americans involved in global work but have local autonomy and give our projects.

Appreciate advice from friends who recommend projects.

Big Linux is a 10 years+ project → if I help with that i wonder? see the messages and didn’t like the conversation. Saw members retweeting (Political Figure) → no COC

KD Brazil community is too closed on the KDE discussions la academy on design → ‘not one of us’

Local hacker spaces → Brazilian Hackerspace communities → live music with code → pure data

Do you contribute to OSS as part of a paid role, volunteer (free) or both? in what ratio?

Most of time to volunteer → don’t like the business aspect of OSS → I already work → when it becomes work i lose the joy. Less fun to work on OSS then vol. On (Specific OSS 1) sometimes only designer. 5-6 designers in (Specific OSS 1) everyone works for state companies! Events need fast materials so sometimes I get paid when I can if needed.

Never paid by (Specific OSS 1). can only go to (Specific OSS 1)conf if a bursary. travel is expensive. (Specific OSS 1) have criteria for bursaries. Development country and active contributor.

If you’re paid for OSS how does this feel to you? Unclear audio If you’re not paid for OSS how does this feel to you? Unclear audio

What kind of design do you find yourself spending the most time doing? UX? UI? Research?

Social media materials, graphic design and scientific publications and data journalists. elections year → only told good news. Open innovation lab → small start up’s get the big company support for prototypes. for state Catarina state → lab research and design thinking process, prototype workshops etc. and final materials. On management side and videos and motion for content about it. Concept steps and science process explained. Public employees public function have to authorise by public to know what you’re doing → document the process to know what works and does not work. Gamification process for google workspaces for govt’ employees. What they think about working with online tools and collecting data to put on spreadsheets and think about it.

What tools and software do you use for your contributions?

Krita, Penpot, Figma, (Specific OSS 1), Wordpress, Blender.

What kind of processes and communication happens between you and the others that work on the OSS? Who else works on the OSS? Unclear audio

Are there other designers or people that are interested in design in the OSS project? Unclear audio

Thinking ahead to when you might stop contributing to the OSS projects you do, how would you like to leave that project? what would the design aspects look like to you?

I’m not sure → my way of thinking for OSS contribution is similar when I’m in social movement projects I want to be part of movements and less tech. To inspire some designers to get on (Specific OSS 1). In uni people moved from Cinema3d to Blender through pressure on students and departments → I want to do this for other tools.

If I leave (Specific OSS 1) I would be part of other projects but (Specific OSS 1) will continue well. Maybe small projects and to feel more of it.

Social media project → homeless project → only graphic designer but not the only one to create works but is asked to approve the work. people would lack confidence in their own design work even though it’s great. (Participant shared a social media link with us)

I don’t want to stop → money and working to survive → wants to make a cooperative. (Specific OSS 3) contributes to an interface project.

When I send applications to SA designers and portfolio → is the perspective different. Jobs in government strict guidelines and rules and so do they.

Worried about why not being hired

Big companies don’t follow ethical processes that match OSS principles. Worried about the future.

Companies that sponsor confs and the (Specific OSS 4) interface and the guy the contributes. Their support is limited to their profits.

Works alone → doesn’t work with many people

Erioldoesdesign commented 9 months ago

Call has been done - now editing transcript for PII for public publishing