spreadsheetimporter / ui5-cc-spreadsheetimporter

A UI5 Component to integrate a Spreadsheet Upload for UI5 Apps.
Apache License 2.0
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[Bug]: unable to load script spreadsheetimporter error in BAS with UI5 version 1.120.13 #570

Open imran612 opened 1 month ago

imran612 commented 1 month ago

OData Version

OData V4




Fiori Element



UI5 Spreadsheet Component


What happened?

I am trying to install UI5 spreadsheet component in BAS, followed steps mentioned in the Getting Started guide. In custom button creation of component is failing with error: failed to load 'cc/spreadsheetimporter/v1_0_0/Component.js' from sesmassuploadapp.sesappwithexcel/webapp/thirdparty/customcontrol/spreadsheetimporter/v1_0_0/Component.js: 404 not found.

Please see the attached document for details steps and screenshots. Excel upload configurations steps.docx

Relevant log output

```shell fetch-dbg.js:209 GET https://port4004-workspaces-ws-v9gxb.eu12.int.applicationstudio.cloud.sap/sesmassuploadapp.sesappwithexcel/webapp/thirdparty/customcontrol/spreadsheetimporter/v1_0_0/manifest.json?sap-language=EN 404 (Not Found) (anonymous) @ fetch-dbg.js:209 n @ fetch-dbg.js:147 t @ mixedFetch-dbg.js:55 i.loadResource @ LoaderExtensions-dbg.js:320 _.load @ Manifest-dbg.js:816 V @ Component-dbg.js:3103 z @ Component-dbg.js:2739 j.create @ Component-dbg.js:2455 n @ Component-dbg.js:1507 b.runWithOwner @ ManagedObject-dbg.js:1213 j.runAsOwner @ Component-dbg.js:762 j._createComponent @ Component-dbg.js:1518 j.createComponent @ Component-dbg.js:1338 Excelupload @ Excelupload.js?eval:11 eval @ FPMHelper.ts:48 (anonymous) @ ui5loader-dbg.js:2107 setTimeout (async) s @ ui5loader-dbg.js:59 (anonymous) @ ui5loader-dbg.js:2106 Oe @ ui5loader-dbg.js:1858 r @ ui5loader-dbg.js:2099 eval @ FPMHelper.ts:45 actionWrapper @ FPMHelper.ts:15 y @ ExpressionParser-dbg.js:412 (anonymous) @ ExpressionParser-dbg.js:735 l @ ExpressionParser-dbg.js:915 l.getExternalValue @ CompositeBinding-dbg.js:316 u @ EventHandlerResolver-dbg.js:349 eval @ EventHandlerResolver-dbg.js:173 r.fireEvent @ EventProvider-dbg.js:241 y.fireEvent @ Element-dbg.js:683 (anonymous) @ ManagedObjectMetadata-dbg.js:826 S.ontap @ library-preload.js?eval:206 y._handleEvent @ Element-dbg.js:352 N._handleEvent @ UIArea-dbg.js:1054 dispatch @ jquery-dbg.js:5430 c @ jquery-mobile-custom-dbg.js:1907 d @ jquery-mobile-custom-dbg.js:2030 dispatch @ jquery-dbg.js:5430 y.handle @ jquery-dbg.js:5234 trigger @ jquery-dbg.js:8823 (anonymous) @ jquery-dbg.js:8901 each @ jquery-dbg.js:385 each @ jquery-dbg.js:207 trigger @ jquery-dbg.js:8900 j @ jquery-mobile-custom-dbg.js:1455 L @ jquery-mobile-custom-dbg.js:1465 dispatch @ jquery-dbg.js:5430 y.handle @ jquery-dbg.js:5234 ui5loader-dbg.js:1463 GET https://port4004-workspaces-ws-v9gxb.eu12.int.applicationstudio.cloud.sap/sesmassuploadapp.sesappwithexcel/webapp/thirdparty/customcontrol/spreadsheetimporter/v1_0_0/Component-preload.js net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found) Ae @ ui5loader-dbg.js:1463 qe @ ui5loader-dbg.js:1681 Be @ ui5loader-dbg.js:2346 T @ Component-dbg.js:3232 (anonymous) @ Component-dbg.js:3449 Promise.then (async) V @ Component-dbg.js:3440 z @ Component-dbg.js:2739 j.create @ Component-dbg.js:2455 n @ Component-dbg.js:1507 b.runWithOwner @ ManagedObject-dbg.js:1213 j.runAsOwner @ Component-dbg.js:762 j._createComponent @ Component-dbg.js:1518 j.createComponent @ Component-dbg.js:1338 Excelupload @ Excelupload.js?eval:11 eval @ FPMHelper.ts:48 (anonymous) @ ui5loader-dbg.js:2107 setTimeout (async) s @ ui5loader-dbg.js:59 (anonymous) @ ui5loader-dbg.js:2106 Oe @ ui5loader-dbg.js:1858 r @ ui5loader-dbg.js:2099 eval @ FPMHelper.ts:45 actionWrapper @ FPMHelper.ts:15 y @ ExpressionParser-dbg.js:412 (anonymous) @ ExpressionParser-dbg.js:735 l @ ExpressionParser-dbg.js:915 l.getExternalValue @ CompositeBinding-dbg.js:316 u @ EventHandlerResolver-dbg.js:349 eval @ EventHandlerResolver-dbg.js:173 r.fireEvent @ EventProvider-dbg.js:241 y.fireEvent @ Element-dbg.js:683 (anonymous) @ ManagedObjectMetadata-dbg.js:826 S.ontap @ library-preload.js?eval:206 y._handleEvent @ Element-dbg.js:352 N._handleEvent @ UIArea-dbg.js:1054 dispatch @ jquery-dbg.js:5430 c @ jquery-mobile-custom-dbg.js:1907 d @ jquery-mobile-custom-dbg.js:2030 dispatch @ jquery-dbg.js:5430 y.handle @ jquery-dbg.js:5234 trigger @ jquery-dbg.js:8823 (anonymous) @ jquery-dbg.js:8901 each @ jquery-dbg.js:385 each @ jquery-dbg.js:207 trigger @ jquery-dbg.js:8900 j @ jquery-mobile-custom-dbg.js:1455 L @ jquery-mobile-custom-dbg.js:1465 dispatch @ jquery-dbg.js:5430 y.handle @ jquery-dbg.js:5234 launchpadPage.html#sesmassuploadappsesappwithexce-display&/SESMainHeader(ID=8aae3bfa-a7bb-4883-b66d-344c8d62bd4b,IsActiveEntity=false)?layout=TwoColumnsMidExpanded:1 Refused to execute script from 'https://port4004-workspaces-ws-v9gxb.eu12.int.applicationstudio.cloud.sap/sesmassuploadapp.sesappwithexcel/webapp/thirdparty/customcontrol/spreadsheetimporter/v1_0_0/Component-preload.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled. ui5loader-dbg.js:1463 GET https://port4004-workspaces-ws-v9gxb.eu12.int.applicationstudio.cloud.sap/sesmassuploadapp.sesappwithexcel/webapp/thirdparty/customcontrol/spreadsheetimporter/v1_0_0/Component-preload.js net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found) Ae @ ui5loader-dbg.js:1463 i @ ui5loader-dbg.js:1448 error (async) Ae @ ui5loader-dbg.js:1461 qe @ ui5loader-dbg.js:1681 Be @ ui5loader-dbg.js:2346 T @ Component-dbg.js:3232 (anonymous) @ Component-dbg.js:3449 Promise.then (async) V @ Component-dbg.js:3440 z @ Component-dbg.js:2739 j.create @ Component-dbg.js:2455 n @ Component-dbg.js:1507 b.runWithOwner @ ManagedObject-dbg.js:1213 j.runAsOwner @ Component-dbg.js:762 j._createComponent @ Component-dbg.js:1518 j.createComponent @ Component-dbg.js:1338 Excelupload @ Excelupload.js?eval:11 eval @ FPMHelper.ts:48 (anonymous) @ ui5loader-dbg.js:2107 setTimeout (async) s @ ui5loader-dbg.js:59 (anonymous) @ ui5loader-dbg.js:2106 Oe @ ui5loader-dbg.js:1858 r @ ui5loader-dbg.js:2099 eval @ FPMHelper.ts:45 actionWrapper @ FPMHelper.ts:15 y @ ExpressionParser-dbg.js:412 (anonymous) @ ExpressionParser-dbg.js:735 l @ ExpressionParser-dbg.js:915 l.getExternalValue @ CompositeBinding-dbg.js:316 u @ EventHandlerResolver-dbg.js:349 eval @ EventHandlerResolver-dbg.js:173 r.fireEvent @ EventProvider-dbg.js:241 y.fireEvent @ Element-dbg.js:683 (anonymous) @ ManagedObjectMetadata-dbg.js:826 S.ontap @ library-preload.js?eval:206 y._handleEvent @ Element-dbg.js:352 N._handleEvent @ UIArea-dbg.js:1054 dispatch @ jquery-dbg.js:5430 c @ jquery-mobile-custom-dbg.js:1907 d @ jquery-mobile-custom-dbg.js:2030 dispatch @ jquery-dbg.js:5430 y.handle @ jquery-dbg.js:5234 trigger @ jquery-dbg.js:8823 (anonymous) @ jquery-dbg.js:8901 each @ jquery-dbg.js:385 each @ jquery-dbg.js:207 trigger @ jquery-dbg.js:8900 j @ jquery-mobile-custom-dbg.js:1455 L @ jquery-mobile-custom-dbg.js:1465 dispatch @ jquery-dbg.js:5430 y.handle @ jquery-dbg.js:5234 launchpadPage.html#sesmassuploadappsesappwithexce-display&/SESMainHeader(ID=8aae3bfa-a7bb-4883-b66d-344c8d62bd4b,IsActiveEntity=false)?layout=TwoColumnsMidExpanded:1 Refused to execute script from 'https://port4004-workspaces-ws-v9gxb.eu12.int.applicationstudio.cloud.sap/sesmassuploadapp.sesappwithexcel/webapp/thirdparty/customcontrol/spreadsheetimporter/v1_0_0/Component-preload.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled. Log-dbg.js:499 2024-06-07 11:07:14.010300 failed to load JavaScript resource: cc/spreadsheetimporter/v1_0_0/Component-preload.js - sap.ui.ModuleSystem g @ Log-dbg.js:499 t.error @ Log-dbg.js:249 L.error @ Log-dbg.js:685 i @ ui5loader-dbg.js:1452 error (async) Ae @ ui5loader-dbg.js:1461 i @ ui5loader-dbg.js:1448 error (async) Ae @ ui5loader-dbg.js:1461 qe @ ui5loader-dbg.js:1681 Be @ ui5loader-dbg.js:2346 T @ Component-dbg.js:3232 (anonymous) @ Component-dbg.js:3449 Promise.then (async) V @ Component-dbg.js:3440 z @ Component-dbg.js:2739 j.create @ Component-dbg.js:2455 n @ Component-dbg.js:1507 b.runWithOwner @ ManagedObject-dbg.js:1213 j.runAsOwner @ Component-dbg.js:762 j._createComponent @ Component-dbg.js:1518 j.createComponent @ Component-dbg.js:1338 Excelupload @ Excelupload.js?eval:11 eval @ FPMHelper.ts:48 (anonymous) @ ui5loader-dbg.js:2107 setTimeout (async) s @ ui5loader-dbg.js:59 (anonymous) @ ui5loader-dbg.js:2106 Oe @ ui5loader-dbg.js:1858 r @ ui5loader-dbg.js:2099 eval @ FPMHelper.ts:45 actionWrapper @ FPMHelper.ts:15 y @ ExpressionParser-dbg.js:412 (anonymous) @ ExpressionParser-dbg.js:735 l @ ExpressionParser-dbg.js:915 l.getExternalValue @ CompositeBinding-dbg.js:316 u @ EventHandlerResolver-dbg.js:349 eval @ EventHandlerResolver-dbg.js:173 r.fireEvent @ EventProvider-dbg.js:241 y.fireEvent @ Element-dbg.js:683 (anonymous) @ ManagedObjectMetadata-dbg.js:826 S.ontap @ library-preload.js?eval:206 y._handleEvent @ Element-dbg.js:352 N._handleEvent @ UIArea-dbg.js:1054 dispatch @ jquery-dbg.js:5430 c @ jquery-mobile-custom-dbg.js:1907 d @ jquery-mobile-custom-dbg.js:2030 dispatch @ jquery-dbg.js:5430 y.handle @ jquery-dbg.js:5234 trigger @ jquery-dbg.js:8823 (anonymous) @ jquery-dbg.js:8901 each @ jquery-dbg.js:385 each @ jquery-dbg.js:207 trigger @ jquery-dbg.js:8900 j @ jquery-mobile-custom-dbg.js:1455 L @ jquery-mobile-custom-dbg.js:1465 dispatch @ jquery-dbg.js:5430 y.handle @ jquery-dbg.js:5234 ui5loader-dbg.js:1392 GET https://port4004-workspaces-ws-v9gxb.eu12.int.applicationstudio.cloud.sap/sesmassuploadapp.sesappwithexcel/webapp/thirdparty/customcontrol/spreadsheetimporter/v1_0_0/Component.js 404 (Not Found) je @ ui5loader-dbg.js:1392 qe @ ui5loader-dbg.js:1650 Oe @ ui5loader-dbg.js:1843 r @ ui5loader-dbg.js:2099 (anonymous) @ Component-dbg.js:3632 (anonymous) @ Component-dbg.js:3630 Promise.then (async) V @ Component-dbg.js:3625 z @ Component-dbg.js:2739 j.create @ Component-dbg.js:2455 n @ Component-dbg.js:1507 b.runWithOwner @ ManagedObject-dbg.js:1213 j.runAsOwner @ Component-dbg.js:762 j._createComponent @ Component-dbg.js:1518 j.createComponent @ Component-dbg.js:1338 Excelupload @ Excelupload.js?eval:11 eval @ FPMHelper.ts:48 (anonymous) @ ui5loader-dbg.js:2107 setTimeout (async) s @ ui5loader-dbg.js:59 (anonymous) @ ui5loader-dbg.js:2106 Oe @ ui5loader-dbg.js:1858 r @ ui5loader-dbg.js:2099 eval @ FPMHelper.ts:45 actionWrapper @ FPMHelper.ts:15 y @ ExpressionParser-dbg.js:412 (anonymous) @ ExpressionParser-dbg.js:735 l @ ExpressionParser-dbg.js:915 l.getExternalValue @ CompositeBinding-dbg.js:316 u @ EventHandlerResolver-dbg.js:349 eval @ EventHandlerResolver-dbg.js:173 r.fireEvent @ EventProvider-dbg.js:241 y.fireEvent @ Element-dbg.js:683 (anonymous) @ ManagedObjectMetadata-dbg.js:826 S.ontap @ library-preload.js?eval:206 y._handleEvent @ Element-dbg.js:352 N._handleEvent @ UIArea-dbg.js:1054 dispatch @ jquery-dbg.js:5430 c @ jquery-mobile-custom-dbg.js:1907 d @ jquery-mobile-custom-dbg.js:2030 dispatch @ jquery-dbg.js:5430 y.handle @ jquery-dbg.js:5234 trigger @ jquery-dbg.js:8823 (anonymous) @ jquery-dbg.js:8901 each @ jquery-dbg.js:385 each @ jquery-dbg.js:207 trigger @ jquery-dbg.js:8900 j @ jquery-mobile-custom-dbg.js:1455 L @ jquery-mobile-custom-dbg.js:1465 dispatch @ jquery-dbg.js:5430 y.handle @ jquery-dbg.js:5234 ui5loader-dbg.js:1156 Uncaught (in promise) ModuleError: failed to load 'cc/spreadsheetimporter/v1_0_0/Component.js' from sesmassuploadapp.sesappwithexcel/webapp/thirdparty/customcontrol/spreadsheetimporter/v1_0_0/Component.js: 404 at we (https://ui5.sap.com/1.120.13/resources/sap-ui-core.js:10:6645) at ge.failWith (https://ui5.sap.com/1.120.13/resources/sap-ui-core.js:10:4709) at qe (https://ui5.sap.com/1.120.13/resources/sap-ui-core.js:10:13312) at Oe (https://ui5.sap.com/1.120.13/resources/sap-ui-core.js:10:15314) at Object.r [as require] (https://ui5.sap.com/1.120.13/resources/sap-ui-core.js:10:18696) at https://ui5.sap.com/1.120.13/resources/sap-ui-core.js:446:36487 at new Promise () at https://ui5.sap.com/1.120.13/resources/sap-ui-core.js:446:36454 Caused by: XHRLoadError: 404 at n (https://ui5.sap.com/1.120.13/resources/sap-ui-core.js:10:9251) at XMLHttpRequest. (https://ui5.sap.com/1.120.13/resources/sap-ui-core.js:10:9504) at je (https://ui5.sap.com/1.120.13/resources/sap-ui-core.js:10:9596) at qe (https://ui5.sap.com/1.120.13/resources/sap-ui-core.js:10:13287) at Oe (https://ui5.sap.com/1.120.13/resources/sap-ui-core.js:10:15314) at Object.r [as require] (https://ui5.sap.com/1.120.13/resources/sap-ui-core.js:10:18696) at https://ui5.sap.com/1.120.13/resources/sap-ui-core.js:446:36487 at new Promise () at https://ui5.sap.com/1.120.13/resources/sap-ui-core.js:446:36454Caused by: XHRLoadError: 404 at n (ui5loader-dbg.js:1369:12) at XMLHttpRequest. (ui5loader-dbg.js:1382:21) at je (ui5loader-dbg.js:1392:8) at qe (ui5loader-dbg.js:1650:5) at Oe (ui5loader-dbg.js:1843:20) at Object.r [as require] (ui5loader-dbg.js:2099:4) at Component-dbg.js:3632:13 at new Promise () at Component-dbg.js:3630:12 we @ ui5loader-dbg.js:1156 failWith @ ui5loader-dbg.js:934 qe @ ui5loader-dbg.js:1655 Oe @ ui5loader-dbg.js:1843 r @ ui5loader-dbg.js:2099 (anonymous) @ Component-dbg.js:3632 (anonymous) @ Component-dbg.js:3630 Promise.then (async) j.registerForDestroy @ Component-dbg.js:3985 j.createComponent @ Component-dbg.js:1340 Excelupload @ Excelupload.js?eval:11 eval @ FPMHelper.ts:48 (anonymous) @ ui5loader-dbg.js:2107 setTimeout (async) s @ ui5loader-dbg.js:59 (anonymous) @ ui5loader-dbg.js:2106 Oe @ ui5loader-dbg.js:1858 r @ ui5loader-dbg.js:2099 eval @ FPMHelper.ts:45 actionWrapper @ FPMHelper.ts:15 y @ ExpressionParser-dbg.js:412 (anonymous) @ ExpressionParser-dbg.js:735 l @ ExpressionParser-dbg.js:915 l.getExternalValue @ CompositeBinding-dbg.js:316 u @ EventHandlerResolver-dbg.js:349 eval @ EventHandlerResolver-dbg.js:173 r.fireEvent @ EventProvider-dbg.js:241 y.fireEvent @ Element-dbg.js:683 (anonymous) @ ManagedObjectMetadata-dbg.js:826 S.ontap @ library-preload.js?eval:206 y._handleEvent @ Element-dbg.js:352 N._handleEvent @ UIArea-dbg.js:1054 dispatch @ jquery-dbg.js:5430 c @ jquery-mobile-custom-dbg.js:1907 d @ jquery-mobile-custom-dbg.js:2030 dispatch @ jquery-dbg.js:5430 y.handle @ jquery-dbg.js:5234 trigger @ jquery-dbg.js:8823 (anonymous) @ jquery-dbg.js:8901 each @ jquery-dbg.js:385 each @ jquery-dbg.js:207 trigger @ jquery-dbg.js:8900 j @ jquery-mobile-custom-dbg.js:1455 L @ jquery-mobile-custom-dbg.js:1465 dispatch @ jquery-dbg.js:5430 y.handle @ jquery-dbg.js:5234 ui5loader-dbg.js:1156 Uncaught (in promise) ModuleError: failed to load 'cc/spreadsheetimporter/v1_0_0/Component.js' from sesmassuploadapp.sesappwithexcel/webapp/thirdparty/customcontrol/spreadsheetimporter/v1_0_0/Component.js: 404 at we (https://ui5.sap.com/1.120.13/resources/sap-ui-core.js:10:6645) at ge.failWith (https://ui5.sap.com/1.120.13/resources/sap-ui-core.js:10:4709) at qe (https://ui5.sap.com/1.120.13/resources/sap-ui-core.js:10:13312) at Oe (https://ui5.sap.com/1.120.13/resources/sap-ui-core.js:10:15314) at Object.r [as require] (https://ui5.sap.com/1.120.13/resources/sap-ui-core.js:10:18696) at https://ui5.sap.com/1.120.13/resources/sap-ui-core.js:446:36487 at new Promise () at https://ui5.sap.com/1.120.13/resources/sap-ui-core.js:446:36454 Caused by: XHRLoadError: 404 at n (https://ui5.sap.com/1.120.13/resources/sap-ui-core.js:10:9251) at XMLHttpRequest. (https://ui5.sap.com/1.120.13/resources/sap-ui-core.js:10:9504) at je (https://ui5.sap.com/1.120.13/resources/sap-ui-core.js:10:9596) at qe (https://ui5.sap.com/1.120.13/resources/sap-ui-core.js:10:13287) at Oe (https://ui5.sap.com/1.120.13/resources/sap-ui-core.js:10:15314) at Object.r [as require] (https://ui5.sap.com/1.120.13/resources/sap-ui-core.js:10:18696) at https://ui5.sap.com/1.120.13/resources/sap-ui-core.js:446:36487 at new Promise () at https://ui5.sap.com/1.120.13/resources/sap-ui-core.js:446:36454Caused by: XHRLoadError: 404 at n (ui5loader-dbg.js:1369:12) at XMLHttpRequest. (ui5loader-dbg.js:1382:21) at je (ui5loader-dbg.js:1392:8) at qe (ui5loader-dbg.js:1650:5) at Oe (ui5loader-dbg.js:1843:20) at Object.r [as require] (ui5loader-dbg.js:2099:4) at Component-dbg.js:3632:13 at new Promise () at Component-dbg.js:3630:12 we @ ui5loader-dbg.js:1156 failWith @ ui5loader-dbg.js:934 qe @ ui5loader-dbg.js:1655 Oe @ ui5loader-dbg.js:1843 r @ ui5loader-dbg.js:2099 (anonymous) @ Component-dbg.js:3632 (anonymous) @ Component-dbg.js:3630 setTimeout (async) s @ ui5loader-dbg.js:59 (anonymous) @ ui5loader-dbg.js:2116 Oe @ ui5loader-dbg.js:1856 r @ ui5loader-dbg.js:2099 (anonymous) @ Component-dbg.js:3632 (anonymous) @ Component-dbg.js:3630 Promise.then (async) V @ Component-dbg.js:3625 z @ Component-dbg.js:2739 j.create @ Component-dbg.js:2455 n @ Component-dbg.js:1507 b.runWithOwner @ ManagedObject-dbg.js:1213 j.runAsOwner @ Component-dbg.js:762 j._createComponent @ Component-dbg.js:1518 j.createComponent @ Component-dbg.js:1338 Excelupload @ Excelupload.js?eval:11 eval @ FPMHelper.ts:48 (anonymous) @ ui5loader-dbg.js:2107 setTimeout (async) s @ ui5loader-dbg.js:59 (anonymous) @ ui5loader-dbg.js:2106 Oe @ ui5loader-dbg.js:1858 r @ ui5loader-dbg.js:2099 eval @ FPMHelper.ts:45 actionWrapper @ FPMHelper.ts:15 y @ ExpressionParser-dbg.js:412 (anonymous) @ ExpressionParser-dbg.js:735 l @ ExpressionParser-dbg.js:915 l.getExternalValue @ CompositeBinding-dbg.js:316 u @ EventHandlerResolver-dbg.js:349 eval @ EventHandlerResolver-dbg.js:173 r.fireEvent @ EventProvider-dbg.js:241 y.fireEvent @ Element-dbg.js:683 (anonymous) @ ManagedObjectMetadata-dbg.js:826 S.ontap @ library-preload.js?eval:206 y._handleEvent @ Element-dbg.js:352 N._handleEvent @ UIArea-dbg.js:1054 dispatch @ jquery-dbg.js:5430 c @ jquery-mobile-custom-dbg.js:1907 d @ jquery-mobile-custom-dbg.js:2030 dispatch @ jquery-dbg.js:5430 y.handle @ jquery-dbg.js:5234 trigger @ jquery-dbg.js:8823 (anonymous) @ jquery-dbg.js:8901 each @ jquery-dbg.js:385 each @ jquery-dbg.js:207 trigger @ jquery-dbg.js:8900 j @ jquery-mobile-custom-dbg.js:1455 L @ jquery-mobile-custom-dbg.js:1465 dispatch @ jquery-dbg.js:5430 y.handle @ jquery-dbg.js:5234 ```

Spreadsheet Component Init

], function(MessageToast) {
    'use strict';

    return {
        Excelupload:  async function(oEvent) {
            MessageToast.show("Custom handler invoked.");
            this.spreadsheetUpload =  await this._view.getController().getAppComponent().createComponent({
                usage: "spreadsheetImporter",
                async: true,
                    componentData: {
                        context: this,
                        debug: true


"componentUsages": {
      "spreadsheetImporter": {
        "name": "cc.spreadsheetimporter.v1_0_0"
    "resourceRoots": {
      "cc.spreadsheetimporter.v1_0_0": "./thirdparty/customcontrol/spreadsheetimporter/v1_0_0"
marianfoo commented 4 weeks ago

Please try to start the UI5 App from the index.html and not in the local launchpad

imran612 commented 4 weeks ago

Thanks for your response. After running the application from index.html getting the following error (screenshot attached) Screenshot 2024-06-10 at 8 40 19 AM Screenshot 2024-06-10 at 8 41 00 AM

ModuleError: failed to load 'cc/spreadsheetimporter/v1_0_0/Component.js' from thirdparty/customcontrol/spreadsheetimporter/v1_0_0/Component.js: script load error

imran612 commented 4 weeks ago

Hi Marian, Appreciate if you can provide your input, I need to show excelupload demo to users otherwise there is a strong push to go towards building freestyle Fiori app with custom excel upload functionality. I would like to stick to fiori element with spreadsheetimporter module. Please help. Thank you.

imran612 commented 3 weeks ago

Hi Marian, No luck even after changing UI5 version to 1.108. I followed all the steps mentioned in Getting Started section. Again I am using BAS with Productivity Tool dev space for developing full stack application. Appreciate your help!

marianfoo commented 3 weeks ago

Hi, it seems the app wants to load the component from the UI5 CDN, so the resourceRoots from the manifest does not work. In your index.html you have something like resourceRoots or modulePath. Try insert this and see if the app tries to load it locally instead of the UI5 CDN:

"cc.spreadsheetimporter.v1_0_0": "./sesmassuploadapp.sesappwithexcel/resources/cc/spreadsheetimporter/v1_0_0/",

or maybe

"cc.spreadsheetimporter.v1_0_0": "./sesmassuploadapp.sesappwithexcel/webapp/resources/cc/spreadsheetimporter/v1_0_0/",
imran612 commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks for your response Marian. I tried both the options but still component is not loaded. Please screenshot below. What might be changed? I followed standard documentation for setup, does the step got changed in BAS?

Screenshot 2024-06-13 at 11 49 29 AM

Screenshot 2024-06-13 at 11 50 10 AM

Screenshot 2024-06-13 at 11 50 21 AM

imran612 commented 2 weeks ago

Hi Marian, Any input? please share your thoughts!

sammok83 commented 2 weeks ago

Same issue here. Works from the sample (v0.31.1), but doesn't work with the latest version 1.1.1. Best way to replicate this is to clone the given sample https://github.com/spreadsheetimporter/sample-full-btp and upgrade v1.1.1 there and you'll see the same error as original poster.

I got pass this by: image

imran612 commented 2 weeks ago

Same issue here. Works from the sample (v0.31.1), but doesn't work with the latest version 1.1.1. Best way to replicate this is to clone the given sample https://github.com/spreadsheetimporter/sample-full-btp and upgrade v1.1.1 there and you'll see the same error as original poster.

I got pass this by: image

How can I install lower version of excel importer v0.31.1?

imran612 commented 2 weeks ago

How can we install lower version v0.31.1? Please advise.

marianfoo commented 2 weeks ago

Sorry, was not able to reproduce your errors.
Do you have a sample that does not work? https://github.com/spreadsheetimporter/sample-full-btp/commit/0ef14905865219f7acd3a357cce34929879098a1 image

imran612 commented 1 week ago

Thanks Marian. Please review the sourcecode https://github.com/imran612/testspreadsheet

Here is the error screenshot Screenshot 2024-06-26 at 6 24 49 PM

imran612 commented 1 week ago

Sorry, was not able to reproduce your errors. Do you have a sample that does not work? spreadsheetimporter/sample-full-btp@0ef1490 image

Please see the git repo to reproduce the error https://github.com/imran612/testspreadsheet

marianfoo commented 1 week ago

fixed, same steps as in my sample application might add that to the docs https://github.com/imran612/testspreadsheet/pull/1

does that help?