spreadsheetimporter / ui5-cc-spreadsheetimporter

A UI5 Component to integrate a Spreadsheet Upload for UI5 Apps.
Apache License 2.0
75 stars 15 forks source link

[Bug]: Issue with deploying html apps into BTP buidl workzone #582

Open TravelTechCode opened 2 weeks ago

TravelTechCode commented 2 weeks ago

OData Version

OData V4




Flexible programming model



UI5 Spreadsheet Component


What happened?

Hi Marian, I am deploying a cap based fiori app to cloud foundry . The app is successfully deployed and the app is available at the html Applications , but due to some weird reasons the app isnt available in content explorer of build workzone. Regards, Priyanka

Relevant log output


Spreadsheet Component Init

openSpreadsheetUploadDialog: async function (event) {
                this.spreadsheetUpload = await this.editFlow.getView()
                        usage: "spreadsheetimporter",
                        async: true,
                        componentData: {
                            context: this,
                            columns: ["SAP_MATNR", "EXT_MATNR", "Distributor_code"],
                            spreadsheetFileName: "External Material Mapping Template.xlsx",
                            mandatoryFields: ["SAP_MATNR", "EXT_MATNR", "Distributor_code"],
                            batchSize: 100,
                            //createActiveEntity: true,
                            i18nModel: this.getModel("i18n"),
                            //  useTableSelector: true


  "_version": "1.59.0",
  "sap.app": {
    "id": "com.bsci.latam.externalmaterialmap",
    "type": "application",
    "i18n": "i18n/i18n.properties",
    "applicationVersion": {
      "version": "0.0.1"
    "title": "{{appTitle}}",
    "description": "{{appDescription}}",
    "resources": "resources.json",
    "sourceTemplate": {
      "id": "@sap/generator-fiori:fpm",
      "version": "1.13.6",
      "toolsId": "3100caf3-9fdf-4cb3-8d4b-095bcd281f01"
    "embeds": ["thirdparty/customControl/spreadsheetImporter/v0_33_0"],
    "dataSources": {
      "mainService": {
        "uri": "/odata/v4/catalog/",
        "type": "OData",
        "settings": {
          "annotations": [],
          "odataVersion": "4.0"
    "crossNavigation": {
      "inbounds": {
        "externalmaterialmapping-maintain": {
          "semanticObject": "externalmaterialmapping",
          "action": "maintain",
          "title": "{{flpTitle}}",
          "signature": {
            "parameters": {},
            "additionalParameters": "allowed"
  "sap.ui": {
    "technology": "UI5",
    "icons": {
      "icon": "",
      "favIcon": "",
      "phone": "",
      "phone@2": "",
      "tablet": "",
      "tablet@2": ""
    "deviceTypes": {
      "desktop": true,
      "tablet": true,
      "phone": true
  "sap.ui5": {
    "flexEnabled": false,
    "dependencies": {
      "minUI5Version": "1.124.1",
      "libs": {
        "sap.m": {},
        "sap.ui.core": {},
        "sap.ushell": {},
        "sap.fe.templates": {}
      "components": {
        "cc.spreadsheetimporter.v0_33_0": {}
    "contentDensities": {
      "compact": true,
      "cozy": true
    "models": {
      "i18n": {
        "type": "sap.ui.model.resource.ResourceModel",
        "settings": {
          "bundleName": "com.bsci.latam.externalmaterialmap.i18n.i18n"
      "": {
        "dataSource": "mainService",
        "preload": true,
        "settings": {
          "operationMode": "Server",
          "autoExpandSelect": true,
          "earlyRequests": true
      "@i18n": {
        "type": "sap.ui.model.resource.ResourceModel",
        "uri": "i18n/i18n.properties"
    "resources": {
      "css": []
    "resourceRoots": {
      "cc.spreadsheetimporter.v0_33_0": "./thirdparty/customControl/spreadsheetImporter/v0_33_0"
    "componentUsages": {
      "spreadsheetimporter": {
        "name": "cc.spreadsheetimporter.v0_33_0"
    "routing": {
      "config": {},
      "routes": [
          "name": "MaterialMappingMain",
          "pattern": ":?query:",
          "target": "MaterialMappingMain"
      "targets": {
        "MaterialMappingMain": {
          "type": "Component",
          "id": "MaterialMappingMain",
          "name": "sap.fe.core.fpm",
          "options": {
            "settings": {
              "viewName": "com.bsci.latam.externalmaterialmap.ext.main.Main",
              "contextPath": "/MaterialMapping"
  "sap.cloud": {
    "public": true,
    "service": "ExternalMaterialMapping"
FabienHenique commented 2 weeks ago

I do have the same issue, I've raised an incident to SAP.

Some logs from the HTML5 importer: {"status":"PARTIAL","contents": {"total":11,"failed":2,"status":"PARTIAL","messages": {"xxxxxx":{"error":["Failed to search xxxxxx"],"warning":[]},"AppId_cc.spreadsheetimporter.v1_0_0": {"error":["Replication failed for HTML5 app 'xxxxxx' and manifest 'thirdparty/customcontrol/spreadsheetimporter/v1_0_0/manifest.json'","Service name 'spreadsheetimporter_v1_0_0' and public setting 'true' in embedded manifest.json have to be equal to service name 'xxxxxxx' and public setting 'true' of root manifest.json"],"warning":[]}},"correlationId":"xxxxxx"},"reportId":{"contextId":"SUB_ACCOUNT","subdomain":"xxxxxx","instanceId":"SAAS_APPROUTER_HTML5_APP_REPO","providerId":"saas_approuter","contextType":"sub_account","identityZoneId":"xxxxxx"},"correlationId":"xxxxxx","providerTitle":"HTML5 Apps","statusText":"Une partie du contenu a été mise à jour."}

TravelTechCode commented 2 weeks ago

@FabienHenique How are your accessing this log?? Is your app getting deployed to html5 repository?? In my case the app is deployed to html5 repo but not available in channel manager of build workzone

marianfoo commented 1 week ago

"Service name 'spreadsheetimporter_v1_0_0' and public setting 'true' in embedded manifest.json have to be equal to service name 'xxxxxxx' and public setting 'true' of root manifest.json"]

@FabienHenique Had this issue reported before but i am not able to raise a ticket with SAP. Please report back what SAP will respond to this issue.

@TravelTechCode do you have the same issue? If yes, you can also raise a issue ticket with SAP

Current workaround (and recommended) is to deploy the component not in the app itself. This helps with the ABAP Stack and BTP deployment. https://docs.spreadsheet-importer.com/pages/CentralDeployment/#deployment-to-html5-repository-on-btp

FabienHenique commented 1 week ago

@marianfoo, this is answer from SAP: Hi Fabien,

Could you change below setting, rebuild and deploy again? Then update content in workzone content channel and see if issue is resolved.



"sap.cloud": { "public": true, "service": "spreadsheetimporter_v1_0_0" }


"sap.cloud": { "public": true, "service": "mycloudservicename" }

FabienHenique commented 1 week ago

@FabienHenique How are your accessing this log?? Is your app getting deployed to html5 repository?? In my case the app is deployed to html5 repo but not available in channel manager of build workzone

When you refresh your HTML5 repo, you can download the report and you should see any partial import in the json file.

marianfoo commented 1 week ago

@FabienHenique the service name mycloudservicename is your servicename or a generic one? Is it the same as your name? I am not sure how to make it possible that every customer can change that

FabienHenique commented 1 week ago

@marianfoo our cloud service name is nagarro.xxx.xxx. I've put mycloudservicename as an example. If we go with a global deployment, we'll not face any issue?

marianfoo commented 1 week ago

@FabienHenique just i understand correct: SAP want you to have the cloud service name in the spreadsheet importer manifest as in the app? Or what is the problem with "spreadsheetimporter_v1_0_0"?

dguess commented 5 days ago

I ran into this issue and resolved it by using the SAP suggestion above of manually updating the below file: ./thirdparty/customcontrol/spreadsheetimporter/v1_0_0/manifest.json

"sap.cloud": {
"public": true,
"service": "mycloudservicename"

(where mycloudservicename is the same as what's in your deployed app)

When you try and update the HTML5 'Content Channels' so the apps are available in the Content Manager, SAP is running this check (not sure why) to make sure that the sap.cloud.service name in the manifest of the component matches that sap.cloud.service name in the manifest of the app.

marianfoo commented 5 days ago

Ok, i try to fix this with #587 Let me see if that helps so you dont have to do that manually

marianfoo commented 4 days ago

@dguess @FabienHenique @TravelTechCode can you please try this custom task https://github.com/spreadsheetimporter/ui5-task-btp-manifest

It worked in my test setup. It gets the name from the ["sap.cloud].service and replaces that with the ["sap.cloud].service in the spreadsheetimporter manifest.

Sample App manifest.json


Spreadsheet Importer manifest.json in dist folder


ui5.yaml to build

# yaml-language-server: $schema=https://sap.github.io/ui5-tooling/schema/ui5.yaml.json

specVersion: "2.5"
  name: ui.v4.ordersv4fe
type: application
    - name: ui5-task-btp-manifest
      afterTask: replaceVersion
        prefix: "test"
    - name: fiori-tools-proxy
      afterMiddleware: compression
        ignoreCertError: false # If set to true, certificate errors will be ignored. E.g. self-signed certificates will be accepted
            - /resources
            - /test-resources
          url: https://ui5.sap.com
          - path: /odata/v4/Orders
            url: http://localhost:4004
    - name: ui5-middleware-ui5
      afterMiddleware: compression
            configFile: "ui5-serve.yaml"
    - name: ui5-tooling-modules-middleware
      afterMiddleware: compression
        debug: "verbose"
        addToNamespace: true
        prependPathMappings: true
    - name: fiori-tools-appreload
      afterMiddleware: compression
        port: 35730
        path: webapp
        delay: 300
    - name: fiori-tools-preview
      afterMiddleware: fiori-tools-appreload
        component: ui.v4.ordersv4fe
        ui5Theme: sap_horizon
FabienHenique commented 4 days ago

Hello @marianfoo , is there any specificity with MTA deployment? I got an error message: taskRepository: Unknown Task ui5-task-btp-manifest

marianfoo commented 4 days ago

Need to install it, see the readme https://github.com/spreadsheetimporter/ui5-task-btp-manifest?tab=readme-ov-file#ui5-task-to-change-spreadsheet-importer-manifest

TravelTechCode commented 2 days ago

Hi @marianfoo . I tried this approach , But getting the same issue. Though one hack i found is that ,if i deploy my app first without the ui5 spreadsheet component and then add and deploy the ui5 spreadsheet component in the second deployment, then it's not causing any deployment error and can be access in the content explorer too.

marianfoo commented 2 days ago

@TravelTechCode can you please check if the service name in the spreadsheet importer and build output change?

TravelTechCode commented 2 days ago

Hi @marianfoo yeah so i noticed that there are two manifests file in the /thirdparty/customcontrol/spreadsheetimporter/v33_0_0/manifest.json one where the service name is "spreadsheetimporter_v0_33_0" and the second one where the service name is "myservicename".

marianfoo commented 2 days ago

I see, please update spreadsheet importer to v1

TravelTechCode commented 2 days ago

@marianfoo I need to use importer v0.33.0 version only as the user needs the button icons. Is it not possible to address this issue in version 0.33.0

marianfoo commented 2 days ago

@TravelTechCode i updated the task so it supports your version as well https://www.npmjs.com/package/ui5-task-btp-manifest/v/0.2.0

marianfoo commented 43 minutes ago

a influence was created to change that. SAP dont see an error here https://influence.sap.com/sap/ino/#/idea/326299