spreedly / gala

Ruby library for decrypting Apple Pay payment tokens
MIT License
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Bump openssl #17

Open TomA-R opened 2 years ago

TomA-R commented 2 years ago

Hey @rwdaigle, any chance we could bump the OpenSSL gem to version 3 (or loosen the dependency)? Thanks!

TomA-R commented 2 years ago

Or maybe @InPermutation (sorry for the direct ping but you seem to be one of the active Ruby devs at Spreedly)

InPermutation commented 2 years ago

@TomA-R can you please write a pull request updating the gemspec to support either 2.x or 3.x? Also, it would be very helpful if you removed Gemfile.lock in the same commit (per https://yehudakatz.com/2010/12/16/clarifying-the-roles-of-the-gemspec-and-gemfile/ )

The spec.required_ruby_version is also very, very old – would you mind updating it to '>= 2.6.0' and letting me know which version of Ruby you've tested it on?

machty commented 2 years ago

Opened #19 to address this, incorporating all of the feedback here.

TomA-R commented 2 years ago

Thank you @machty! Hey @InPermutation, any chance that could be reviewed? Thanks a lot in advance