Closed d53dave closed 3 years ago
@d53dave That's correct, a higher level service is required to manage that.
I would think that supervisor3
would work for you, but I have limited experience with it. I wonder if instead of wrapping it around Kaffe.GroupMemberSupervisor
, you should wrap it around the application supervisor that starts Kaffe.
If you can come up with a recipe, I'd love to add it to the Kaffe README or otherwise incorporate it into Kaffe itself.
@objectuser thanks for your response. I've found the issue and from what I see here, it cannot be solved by proper supervision alone.
I've successfully wrapped Kaffe.GroupMemberSupervisor
with a supervisor3
and got the desired behavior: instead of the supervisor dying, it was restarting the GroupMemberSupervisor. This however proved to be insufficient, because Kaffe.GroupManager
doesn't support the case where it is created but brod
already created a client, because GroupManager
is calling kafka().start_client/3
and only matching on :ok
Since brod itself already handles connections problems (i.e. the client recovers or is re-created when the connection comes back) via :supervisor3
, I think kaffe
should not error out in the case when start_client
returns {:error, :already_present}
, but continue like so:
case kafka().start_client(config.endpoints, config.subscriber_name, config.consumer_config) do
:ok ->
{_, :already_present} ->"The brod client is already created, continuing.")
One alternative way would be to link a supervisor from the brod tree into the kaffe supervision and restart them together but this feels dirty since brod already has logic that handles connection problems.
Do you agree? If so, would you accept a merge request regarding this issue?
PS: the application supervisor that starts Kaffe doesn't seem to be linked to consumer groups and manually killing it in the observer doesn't trigger any action in my consumer supervision tree.
@d53dave Did your PR work out? If so, could you share your usage of supervisor3
It did work out, thanks! I'm on holidays right now but I will update this thread with our supervisor3
once I'm back.
My solution is quite simple as I didn't go through the work of making GroupMemberSupervisor
work with supervisor3
. Instead, I have another supervisor with @behaviour :supervisor3
that has a GroupMemberSupervisor
child with the delayed restart policy.
In short it could look like this:
defmodule MyFancySupervisor do
@behaviour :supervisor3
def start_link() do
:supervisor3.start_link({:local, __MODULE__}, __MODULE__, [])
def init(_options) do
{:ok, {{:one_for_all, 0, 1000},
{"GroupMemberSupervisor", {Kaffe.GroupMemberSupervisor, :start_link, []}, {:permanent, 11}, 4000, :worker, [Kaffe.GroupMemberSupervisor]}
def post_init(_) do
The interesting bit is {:permanent, 11}
, which states that instead of escalating to the parent supervisor when reached_max_restart_intensity
, it will wait 11 seconds and try to restart this child. Unfortunately, the supervisor3 documentation is rather thin, but it was sufficient for me. Using {:one_for_all, 0, 1000}
means it will trigger the delayed restart if it encounters a single crash over a period of 1000 seconds, i.e. always. This is important because otherwise it will try to restart the child until it hits the maximum restart intensity before supervisor3
does it's delayed restart magic, because that would be the expected behaviour of a supervisor.
It would probably be cleaner if Kaffe.GroupMemberSupervisor
supported this directly but I haven't looked too much into that direction.
EDIT: as for me, this issue can be closed if there are no more things to discuss from your side.
@d53dave Thank you very much for explaining your approach! We're going to look into this further. We might do as you suggest and leverage supervisor3
or add your approach to the README for others to leverage.
It looks like the support for :already_present is in kaffe 1.18. This version of kaffe brings in brod 3.15 which does not seem to bring in the deps for supervisor3 and kafka_protocol even though I see them in the brod rebar.config. I am using otp 22 and elixir 1.10. What could I be doing wrong?
@jamesgaul I think supervisor3
et al should be included. You don't see them in your mix.lock
"kaffe": {:hex, :kaffe, "1.18.0", "c6064797e5e0e0b625df8de1b9bff2d0b5e48104ea28e8677d9db73e641b263e", [:mix], [{:brod, "~> 3.0", [hex: :brod, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "fccf831ee0d9c07374c6a60c1be1bb878051db43f2ec3d563a45bd9ae5271c55"}, "kafka_protocol": {:hex, :kafka_protocol, "1.1.2", "96d09c4287377795ae2c488aceae2dc6872b94edba8309a27ace933d9ae32333", [:rebar, :rebar3], [{:snappyer, "1.2.1", [hex: :snappyer, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "782ba96f060f30cb989806c89bb4114df070640e1193b3e04ad4378244e84a76"}, . . . "supervisor3": {:hex, :supervisor3, "1.1.5", "5f3c487a6eba23de0e64c06e93efa0eca06f40324a6412c1318c77aca6da8424", [:make, :rebar, :rebar3], [], "hexpm", "e6f489d6b819df4d8f202eb00a77515a949bf87dae4d0a060f534722a63d8977"},
OK that looks correct. What are you experiencing?
When I do mix deps.get supervisor3 and kafka_protocol deps do not get downloaded. Could it be I do not have rebar3 installed properly?
@jamesgaul You shouldn't have to do that explicitly. Maybe just mix deps.clean --all
and then mix deps.get
to see what happens.
$ mix deps.clean --all ; mix deps.get
include/brod_int.hrl:21: can't find include lib "kafka_protocol/include/kpro.hrl"; Make sure kafka_protocol is in your app file's 'applications' list
* (Mix) Could not compile dependency :brod, "/Users/james/.asdf/installs/elixir/1.10.3/.mix/rebar3 bare compile --paths="/Users/james/repos/ESE/vfb/_build/dev/lib//ebin"" command failed. You can recompile this dependency with "mix deps.compile brod", update it with "mix deps.update brod" or clean it with "mix deps.clean brod"
That's weird. I'd suggest reinstalling Erlang and Elixir, just getting a clean environment.
I will try that. Thanks
I still cannot build brod from an elixir app with kaffe 1.18.0. It doesn't seemed to want to download the supervisor3 and kafka_protocol dependencies.
i tried to install elixir 1.10.3 and erlang 22 on a clean VM. Created a new elixir project and included kaffe 1.18.0 in deps and still get same results.
I updated one of our apps to the same versions and think I'm getting the same issue.
I was able to pin brod
to 3.12.0
and it compiled. same with 3.13.0
and 3.14.0
. But once I set it to 3.15.0
I get:
===> Compiling brod
===> Compiling src/brod_group_member.erl failed
include/brod.hrl:21: can't find include lib "kafka_protocol/include/kpro_public.hrl"
include/brod_int.hrl:21: can't find include lib "kafka_protocol/include/kpro.hrl"
** (Mix) Could not compile dependency :brod, ".../.asdf/installs/elixir/1.10.2-otp-22/.mix/rebar3 bare compile --paths=".../dev/kafka/gateway-routing/_build/dev/lib/*/ebin"" command failed. You can recompile this dependency with "mix deps.compile brod", update it with "mix deps.update brod" or clean it with "mix deps.clean brod"
Looking at the diff here I don't really see the problem. 🤔
I was integrating kaffe into a consumer-only application I'm working on and I've encountered the following behaviour:
(Assuming I have everything set up pretty much default using the examples from the README)
(1) If I start my application and Kafka is not reachable (e.g. getting
), kaffe never recovers from that. If Kafka comes back online, the errorsstop, but my consumers are never initialized.
(2) If, during normal use of my app, Kafka becomes unreachable, kaffe will never recover from this. When Kafka is reachable again, the error messages stop, but consumers are not re-created.
Am I making a mistake here? Do I need a special ceremony to make this work? I tried wrapping the
with asupervisor3
so that it can be restarted after a delay in case it dies, but this didn't seem to solve the issue.I'm using Elixir
and kaffe1.14.1
on MacOS10.14.6