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Health Record Dashboard_Weight Issues #14

Open ravi-sprim opened 10 years ago

ravi-sprim commented 10 years ago

Issue Description: Health Record Dashboard_Weight Issues


  1. Click on Health Tracker.
  2. Click on Health Record Dashboard.
  3. Weight-> Export-> Post on wall. (AR: 1, 2, 3)
  4. Weight Chart export-> Email report to HCP (AR: 4)
  5. Open any one patient, Which is having weight details and entered atleast one day prior. (AR: 5)
  6. Export chart to CSV file. (AR: 6)
  7. Health Tracker-> Click on 'Add More' Button-> Deselect all check boxes and Click on 'Save Selection'. (AR: 7)
  8. Height-> With out entering the Height value click on Submit. (AR: 8)


  1. It's taking time to load chart Overlay, Till it loads show the loading message and Don't allow user to click on any other link.(Till it loads)
  2. There is no successful message, After posting.
  3. In profile-> After posting 'Title name, Category & To' details are not displaying.
  4. Not able to email by entering mail(Tested with internal mail id SPRIM). Loading message is displaying for longer time.
  5. In Chat & Exported places-> Latest entered weight details are displaying even for today. Actually not yet entered any details today.
  6. Weight is not showing as 'kg'. It's just showing number.
  7. Loading is displaying for longer time.
  8. Following error message is displaying: 'Please enter Weight value'. It should be 'Height' Instead of 'Weight'.


  1. Show the loading message till it loads. And also don't allow user to click on any other link (or) page.
  2. Show the successful message after posting.
  3. After posting show the 'Title name, Category & To' details also.
  4. Should be able to email.
  5. Only entered details should display.
  6. Weight should show as kg/lbs.
  7. Eighter it should allow to save (or) Proper error message should display.
  8. It should be 'Height' Instead of 'Weight'.
sprimit commented 10 years ago

Place javascript validation for input .. Check error message for height input. Add more Parameter : without selecting any parameter not submitting the form.