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Health Records-> Fitness Issues #18

Open ravi-sprim opened 10 years ago

ravi-sprim commented 10 years ago

Issue Description: Health Records-> Fitness Issues


  1. Click on Health Tracker-> Fitness.
  2. Add more than 10 records. (AR: 1)
  3. In fitness chart mouse hover on any one activity. (AR: 2)


  1. In Health Records(Sub tabs), Fitness tabs History is showing only 10 records. If beyond 10 records are entered, Then past data is not displaying.
  2. Time is displaying. But no where we are capturing the time in application. By default it's displaying 00:00
  3. Activity entered on 1st Dec. In chart which is showing on 25th Nov.
  4. 'Intensity' selected light and added activity. In chart which is showing as 'Not active' (PFA).
  5. In chart 'Hightcharts.com' link is displaying.
  6. Added activities in different dates. In chart all are showing under one date. And even on mouse hover in chart also, Help text is displaying same date.
  7. In chart entire week minutes is calculating and showing.
  8. Even after exporting to CSV file as same as chart details are displaying,


  1. Display scroll bar, If records are more than 10..
  2. Allow user to select time, While adding activity.
  3. Activity date should display proper.
  4. 'Intensity' should display proper in chart.
  5. Should not display 'Hightcharts.com' link.
  6. In chart activities should display based on added.
  7. Need clarification.
  8. Based on added date it should display.



sprimit commented 10 years ago

Add time with date selection remove highchart link