sprimit / DGC-Web

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'My Network' page issues. #9

Open ravi-sprim opened 10 years ago

ravi-sprim commented 10 years ago

Issue Description: 'My Network' page issues.


  1. Delete any existing group and navigate to 'My Networks' page.
  2. Click on 'Invite Friends'. (AR: 2)
  3. Click on submit, By entering invalid mail id / Without entering. (AR: 4)
  4. Click on 'Add friends'.(AR: 5)


  1. Below 'My Networks' message seems like not proper format.
  2. Capital letters are displayed in between of header name.
  3. Error message is displaying in black color.
  4. Scroll bar is displaying in overlay. Which is not required in this page.
  5. 'Add users' button is displaying with in overlay. 'Add Button' should display out side of the overlay.(It's user friendly to Add)
  6. By scrolling page 'Add Users' title name also scrolling.


  1. Below 'My Networks' message should be proper.
  2. Capital letters should not display in between of header name.
  3. Error message should be in red color.
  4. Scroll bar should not display in this overlay.
  5. 'Add Button' should display out side of the overlay.
  6. By scrolling, Title names should not scroll.


groups_delete_my network