sprince0031 / UL_Masters

A repository containing all my work during my time as a masters student at the University of Limerick studying for an MSc in AI & ML
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CS6271 - Evolutionary Computation [Week 4] #5

Closed sprince0031 closed 8 months ago

sprince0031 commented 9 months ago
sprince0031 commented 9 months ago

Notes on this week's research paper:

Main goal

How are EAs used here?

Advantages of the evolved antennas:

Mission constraints for ST5:

Additional pointers and context for reference:

The antenna design problem requires two features that are hard to achieve simultaneously:

  1. Wide beamwidth for a circularly-polarized wave:
    • This means that the antenna should be able to transmit and receive electromagnetic waves that have a circular shape and a constant orientation in any direction within a large angle range.
    • This is important for communication with the ground station regardless of the spacecraft’s orientation.
  2. Wide bandwidth:
    • This means that the antenna should be able to operate at different frequencies without losing much power or signal quality.
    • This is important for data transmission and reception at different rates and modes.

These two features are challenging to design because they often conflict with each other. For example, increasing the beamwidth usually reduces the gain (the strength of the signal) and increasing the bandwidth usually increases the VSWR (the ratio of reflected to transmitted power). Therefore, finding an optimal balance between them requires a sophisticated design method.


X-band refers to a frequency range of electromagnetic waves that is commonly used in satellite communication and radar systems. The X-band frequency range is approximately 8 to 12 gigahertz (GHz), which corresponds to a wavelength of approximately 2.5 to 3.75 centimeters. The ST5 mission required an X-band antenna that could transmit and receive circularly polarized waves with a wide beamwidth and bandwidth, which was a challenging design problem.

Week 05 Discussion Group.pdf

sprince0031 commented 8 months ago

Week 4 submissions done. However, need to catch up on backlog lecture content. Carrying over this to the current open issue.