sprince0031 / UL_Masters

A repository containing all my work during my time as a masters student at the University of Limerick studying for an MSc in AI & ML
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Add references #91

Closed sprince0031 closed 6 months ago

sprince0031 commented 7 months ago

What the title says

sprince0031 commented 6 months ago


  1. https://www.kaggle.com/code/ahmeddheyaa/caltech-101-image-classification?scriptVersionId=153412198&cellId=16
  2. https://stackoverflow.com/a/57533806/5584011
  3. Review: ZFNet — Winner of ILSVRC 2013 (Image Classification) | by Sik-Ho Tsang | Coinmonks | Medium
  4. https://discuss.pytorch.org/t/computing-the-mean-and-std-of-dataset/34949/31
  5. ZFNet architecture code reference
  6. Activity-6 notebook submission from semester 1 for module CE4051-Introduction to Data Engineering and Machine Learning