Closed yangzii0920 closed 7 years ago
Are there any messages or errors in the javascript console?
Got a 404 on loading http://localhost:8081/webjars/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js.
Tried using CDN Then when I click, it says $ is not defined regarding to the event.
I simply added a @EnableHystrixDashboard
annotation in a SpringBoot application without anything else. Could it be the problem?
What version are you using?
from what I can see it's Spring Boot 1.5.3.Release.
version of spring cloud?
It's Dalston.release.
Problem solved. The jar file in ~/.m2/repository/org/webjar/jquery/2.1.1/jquery-2.1.1.jar is broken.
hey @yangzii0920 how did you solve the problem ? I'm also facing the same issue ? @spencergibb
Simply delete the jar under maven repositories
I deleted the jar but still same issue, also apart from that jar there are these files jquery-2.1.1.jar.sha1 ,jquery-2.1.1.pom ,jquery-2.1.1.pom.sha1
shall I delete them as well? @yangzii0920
Even after deleting them , I still see this error in chrome console: hystrix:14 Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined at sendToMonitor (hystrix:14) at HTMLButtonElement.onclick (hystrix:50)
Facing same issue, any updates? @spencergibb
You probably have no URLs mapped or map only "/". When you add any mapping the problem will be resolved.
There should be no mapping with default render("/") example:- change @GetMapping to @GetMapping("/SomethingElse"). This will resolve your issue.
@spencergibb I am trying this sample . I updated this with Hoxton.RELEASE and springboot 2.2.4.RELEASE. (With only code change of removing Sleuth config AlwaysSampler (as could not find in deps with latest change). When I go to hystrix dashboard http://localhost:2222/hystrix and then type in http://localhost:3333/actuator/ and hit on Monitor Stream and I see same issue as above mentioned. I see Loading ....
Looks like the above issue Can you please help?
I see in logs of account service 2020-02-13 16:12:15.753 INFO [account-service,ff3f4d0dc9340df9,ff3f4d0dc9340df9,false] 9431 --- [nio-2222-exec-3] ashboardConfiguration$ProxyStreamServlet :
Proxy opening connection to: http://localhost:3333/actuator/
Also, first I made enabled on customer but not effect on dashboard UI .It kees saying Loading... and then on account (I think it should be on account service side ) still no effect
//omitting other entries
In my project, I have a REST service A on port 8888, consumed by a Hystrix application B on port 8000. They work functionally correct as I got the expected message.
However, I have issue with Hystrix Dashboard. First I tried to make B as a Hystrix Dashboard application by adding the
annotation. I could open the Hystrix Dashboard home page on http://B:8000/ but there were just text data.I though an explicit Hystrix Dashboard application might be needed so I created Hystrix Dashboard application C on port 8081 by adding the
annotation. Again, the http://C:8081/ worked, yet the Monitor Stream button not working.If I manually type http://hystrix-dashboard-app:port/hystrix/monitor?stream=http%3A%2FHystrixApp%3Aport/ it would take me to the statistic page but forever it shows 'Loading...'
Please give any thought you have. Thanks.