spring-attic / spring-cloud-stream-binder-jms

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Release timeframe? #35

Open natami opened 6 years ago

natami commented 6 years ago

Hi, guys!

Are there any timeframe for a release?

tajdars commented 5 years ago

Similar question I had. Is this largely abandoned ? I see the last activity was 2 years back.

wyck commented 5 years ago

Hi, I have the same question -- Is a release for this project planned? Thanks!

alecl commented 5 years ago

Probably self-evident but any chance of release for this? Spring Cloud Streams ActiveMQ support would be great.

olegz commented 5 years ago

@alecl one of the reasons why we are reluctant to release this is that there is no such thing as "JMS". It was an idea by J2EE/JEE community that never materialised in a way they intended. . . What I am saying is that while JMS provides some standard, in reality no JMS systems are portable and/or compatible, since most of their features are not part of the JMS spec, which means we need to have binders for ActiveMQ, IMB MQ and many other JMS systems. And at the moment there is lack of community push for any of them.

That said, if anyone (e.g., you) is willing to engage we'll be happy to collaborate and help. After all, it's open source. And we do have plenty of community binders. You can see some of them listed on our front page - https://spring.io/projects/spring-cloud-stream.

madkt12 commented 4 years ago

Hi @olegz , I like to communicate and help in ActiveMQ binder part. If you already started working on it please let me know about the progress then I can continue otherwise I can start implementation. What is your idea?