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Spring Development Environment for Eclipse
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Update Error [Mac] #14

Closed Dumbaz closed 9 years ago

Dumbaz commented 9 years ago

Trying to update STS from it´s native menu throws an error

An error occurred while collecting items to be installed
session context was:(profile=DefaultProfile, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.Collect, operand=, action=).
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,com.vmware.vfabric.ide.eclipse.tcserver.core,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,com.vmware.vfabric.ide.eclipse.tcserver.insight.ui,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,com.vmware.vfabric.ide.eclipse.tcserver.livegraph,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,com.vmware.vfabric.ide.eclipse.tcserver.reloading,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,com.vmware.vfabric.ide.eclipse.tcserver.ui,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.aspectj.ajde,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.aspectj.runtime,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.aspectj.runtime.source,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.aspectj.weaver,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.ajdt.core,2.2.4.e44x-20150202-1700
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.ajdt.doc.user,2.2.4.e44x-20150202-1700
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.ajdt.examples,2.2.4.e44x-20150202-1700
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.ajdt.mylyn.ui,2.2.4.e44x-20150202-1700
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.ajdt.ui,2.2.4.e44x-20150202-1700
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.aspectj,2.2.4.e44x-20150202-1700
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.contribution.visualiser,2.2.4.e44x-20150202-1700
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.contribution.weaving.jdt,2.2.4.e44x-20150202-1700
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.contribution.xref.core,2.2.4.e44x-20150202-1700
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.contribution.xref.ui,2.2.4.e44x-20150202-1700
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.fx.core,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.fx.javafx,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.fx.osgi,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.fx.osgi.util,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.aop,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.beans,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.context,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.context.support,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.data.core,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.expression,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.ajdt.ui.visualiser,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.ajdt.ui.xref,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.aop.core,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.aop.mylyn,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.aop.ui,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.aop.ui.matcher,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.batch,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.beans.core,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.beans.core.autowire,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.beans.core.metadata,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.beans.mylyn,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.beans.ui,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.beans.ui.autowire,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.beans.ui.editor,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.beans.ui.graph,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.beans.ui.livegraph,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.beans.ui.refactoring,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.beans.ui.search,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.bestpractices,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.boot,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.config.core,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.config.graph,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.config.ui,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.core,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.data.core,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.doc,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.integration,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.maven,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.metadata,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.mylyn,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.quickfix,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.security,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.ui,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.webflow.core,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.webflow.mylyn,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.webflow.ui,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.webflow.ui.editor,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.webflow.ui.graph,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.wizard,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.jdbc,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.jms,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.orm,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.oxm,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.transaction,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.web,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.web.servlet,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springsource.ide.eclipse.commons.browser,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springsource.ide.eclipse.commons.completions,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springsource.ide.eclipse.commons.configurator,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springsource.ide.eclipse.commons.content.core,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springsource.ide.eclipse.commons.core,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springsource.ide.eclipse.commons.frameworks.core,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springsource.ide.eclipse.commons.frameworks.ui,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springsource.ide.eclipse.commons.gettingstarted,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springsource.ide.eclipse.commons.livexp,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springsource.ide.eclipse.commons.quicksearch,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springsource.ide.eclipse.commons.ui,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springsource.ide.eclipse.dashboard.ui,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springsource.sts,
No repository found containing: org.eclipse.update.feature,com.vmware.vfabric.ide.eclipse.tcserver,
No repository found containing: org.eclipse.update.feature,com.vmware.vfabric.ide.eclipse.tcserver.insight,
No repository found containing: org.eclipse.update.feature,org.aspectj,
No repository found containing: org.eclipse.update.feature,org.eclipse.ajdt,2.2.4.e44x-20150202-1700
No repository found containing: org.eclipse.update.feature,org.eclipse.contribution.weaving,2.2.4.e44x-20150202-1700
No repository found containing: org.eclipse.update.feature,org.eclipse.contribution.xref,2.2.4.e44x-20150202-1700
No repository found containing: org.eclipse.update.feature,org.eclipse.fx.runtime.min.feature,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.core,
No repository found containing: org.eclipse.update.feature,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.ajdt.feature,
No repository found containing: org.eclipse.update.feature,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.aop.feature,
No repository found containing: org.eclipse.update.feature,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.autowire.feature,
No repository found containing: org.eclipse.update.feature,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.batch.feature,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.boot.launch,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.boot.properties.editor,
No repository found containing: org.eclipse.update.feature,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.data.feature,
No repository found containing: org.eclipse.update.feature,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.feature,
No repository found containing: org.eclipse.update.feature,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.integration.feature,
No repository found containing: org.eclipse.update.feature,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.maven.feature,
No repository found containing: org.eclipse.update.feature,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.mylyn.feature,
No repository found containing: org.eclipse.update.feature,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.security.feature,
No repository found containing: org.eclipse.update.feature,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.webflow.feature,
No repository found containing: org.eclipse.update.feature,org.springsource.ide.eclipse.commons,
No repository found containing: org.eclipse.update.feature,org.springsource.ide.eclipse.commons.quicksearch.feature,
No repository found containing: org.eclipse.update.feature,org.springsource.ide.eclipse.dashboard,
No repository found containing: org.eclipse.update.feature,org.springsource.sts,
No repository found containing: binary,org.springsource.sts.ide.executable.cocoa.macosx.x86_64,
No repository found containing: org.eclipse.update.feature,org.springsource.sts.package,
No repository found containing: binary,org.springsource.sts.package_root,

MacOS X 10.10 (Yosemite) Version: 3.6.3.RELEASE Build Id: 201411281415 Platform: Eclipse Luna SR1 (4.4.1)

martinlippert commented 9 years ago

This looks like a network issue or stale data in the p2 cache used by Eclipse/STS. Please try to delete the p2/org.eclipse.equinox.p2.repository/cache directory and try again. Another option would be to change the URL of the STS update site in the preferences from "download.springsource.com" to "dist.springsource.com" and try again. Hope this helps!

LaughingLogic commented 9 years ago

Changing from download.. to dist.. worked for me. Thanks @martinlippert

martinlippert commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the feedback and for letting us know. Will close this.

nkatsar commented 9 years ago

I have the same issue in Windows, my only pending update is:

  Spring Tool Suite

and the only update site related to Spring that is enabled on my installation is

SpringSource Update Site for Eclipse 4.4:

I tried deleting the cache folder contents, but it did not help.

OS: Windows 7 SP1 64bit Spring Tool Suite Version: 3.6.3.SR1 Build Id: 201501121239 Platform: Eclipse Luna SR1 (4.4.1)

The error message that I get is the following:

An error occurred while collecting items to be installed
session context was:(profile=DefaultProfile, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.Collect, operand=, action=).
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,com.vmware.vfabric.ide.eclipse.tcserver.core,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,com.vmware.vfabric.ide.eclipse.tcserver.insight.ui,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,com.vmware.vfabric.ide.eclipse.tcserver.livegraph,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,com.vmware.vfabric.ide.eclipse.tcserver.reloading,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,com.vmware.vfabric.ide.eclipse.tcserver.ui,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.aspectj.ajde,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.aspectj.runtime,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.aspectj.runtime.source,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.aspectj.weaver,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.ajdt.core,2.2.4.e44x-20150202-1700
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.ajdt.doc.user,2.2.4.e44x-20150202-1700
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.ajdt.examples,2.2.4.e44x-20150202-1700
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.ajdt.mylyn.ui,2.2.4.e44x-20150202-1700
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.ajdt.ui,2.2.4.e44x-20150202-1700
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.aspectj,2.2.4.e44x-20150202-1700
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.contribution.visualiser,2.2.4.e44x-20150202-1700
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.contribution.weaving.jdt,2.2.4.e44x-20150202-1700
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.contribution.xref.core,2.2.4.e44x-20150202-1700
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.contribution.xref.ui,2.2.4.e44x-20150202-1700
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.fx.core,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.fx.javafx,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.fx.osgi,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.fx.osgi.util,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.aop,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.beans,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.context,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.context.support,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.data.core,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.expression,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.ajdt.ui.visualiser,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.ajdt.ui.xref,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.aop.core,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.aop.mylyn,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.aop.ui,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.aop.ui.matcher,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.batch,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.beans.core,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.beans.core.autowire,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.beans.core.metadata,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.beans.mylyn,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.beans.ui,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.beans.ui.autowire,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.beans.ui.editor,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.beans.ui.graph,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.beans.ui.livegraph,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.beans.ui.refactoring,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.beans.ui.search,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.bestpractices,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.boot,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.config.core,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.config.graph,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.config.ui,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.core,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.data.core,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.doc,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.integration,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.maven,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.metadata,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.mylyn,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.quickfix,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.security,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.ui,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.webflow.core,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.webflow.mylyn,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.webflow.ui,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.webflow.ui.editor,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.webflow.ui.graph,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.wizard,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.jdbc,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.jms,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.orm,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.oxm,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.transaction,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.web,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.web.servlet,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springsource.ide.eclipse.commons.browser,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springsource.ide.eclipse.commons.completions,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springsource.ide.eclipse.commons.configurator,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springsource.ide.eclipse.commons.content.core,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springsource.ide.eclipse.commons.core,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springsource.ide.eclipse.commons.frameworks.core,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springsource.ide.eclipse.commons.frameworks.ui,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springsource.ide.eclipse.commons.gettingstarted,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springsource.ide.eclipse.commons.livexp,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springsource.ide.eclipse.commons.quicksearch,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springsource.ide.eclipse.commons.ui,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springsource.ide.eclipse.dashboard.ui,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springsource.sts,
No repository found containing: org.eclipse.update.feature,com.vmware.vfabric.ide.eclipse.tcserver,
No repository found containing: org.eclipse.update.feature,com.vmware.vfabric.ide.eclipse.tcserver.insight,
No repository found containing: org.eclipse.update.feature,org.aspectj,
No repository found containing: org.eclipse.update.feature,org.eclipse.ajdt,2.2.4.e44x-20150202-1700
No repository found containing: org.eclipse.update.feature,org.eclipse.contribution.weaving,2.2.4.e44x-20150202-1700
No repository found containing: org.eclipse.update.feature,org.eclipse.contribution.xref,2.2.4.e44x-20150202-1700
No repository found containing: org.eclipse.update.feature,org.eclipse.fx.runtime.min.feature,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.core,
No repository found containing: org.eclipse.update.feature,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.ajdt.feature,
No repository found containing: org.eclipse.update.feature,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.aop.feature,
No repository found containing: org.eclipse.update.feature,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.autowire.feature,
No repository found containing: org.eclipse.update.feature,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.batch.feature,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.boot.launch,
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.boot.properties.editor,
No repository found containing: org.eclipse.update.feature,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.data.feature,
No repository found containing: org.eclipse.update.feature,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.feature,
No repository found containing: org.eclipse.update.feature,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.integration.feature,
No repository found containing: org.eclipse.update.feature,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.maven.feature,
No repository found containing: org.eclipse.update.feature,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.mylyn.feature,
No repository found containing: org.eclipse.update.feature,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.security.feature,
No repository found containing: org.eclipse.update.feature,org.springframework.ide.eclipse.webflow.feature,
No repository found containing: org.eclipse.update.feature,org.springsource.ide.eclipse.commons,
No repository found containing: org.eclipse.update.feature,org.springsource.ide.eclipse.commons.quicksearch.feature,
No repository found containing: org.eclipse.update.feature,org.springsource.ide.eclipse.dashboard,
No repository found containing: org.eclipse.update.feature,org.springsource.sts,
No repository found containing: binary,org.springsource.sts.ide.executable.win32.win32.x86,
No repository found containing: org.eclipse.update.feature,org.springsource.sts.package,
No repository found containing: binary,org.springsource.sts.package_root,
martinlippert commented 9 years ago

What happens if you change the URL of the update site from "http://dist.springsource.com..." to "http://download.springsource.com..."? Or did you change this already in the past?

nkatsar commented 9 years ago

I had tried updating in the past using either of the two sites but it did not work. Just tried it again, after cleaning the cache, and it worked !!!

Thanks a lot for the suggestion, hope this will also help others.

Note to self: Next time try all possible combinations :-)

ronatartifact commented 9 years ago

Same problem. Fixed Download to dist. Needed to add the Luna update site to get most of the errors.

Still stuck with 4 errors 3 relating to eclipseLink and if I add the eclipselink site, I get more.

Making copy/paste work on the error windows would be a big help.

martinlippert commented 9 years ago

Usually the correct Eclipse update site should already be configured in your Eclipse/STS installation. You don't need to add a new one. It could be quite dangerous to add the Eclipse Luna update site to an STS installation that runs on Eclipse 4.3, for example. Your description @ronatartifact sounds a bit like this is what you tried.

If you would like to update to a new STS version, keep the Eclipse update site the same as before and run a "check for updates". If that fails for whatever reason, feel free to cleanup the cache and change the STS update site as described above. If that still fails, I would recommend to download a fresh copy of STS which is based on the latest Eclipse release and go from there.

Hope this helps!

ronatartifact commented 9 years ago

On 08/04/2015 7:58 AM, Martin Lippert wrote:

Usually the correct Eclipse update site should already be configured in your Eclipse/STS installation. You don't need to add a new one. It could be quite dangerous to add the Eclipse Luna update site to an STS installation that runs on Eclipse 4.3, for example. Your description @ronatartifact https://github.com/ronatartifact sounds a bit like this is what you tried.

If you would like to update to a new STS version, keep the Eclipse update site the same as before and run a "check for updates". If that fails for whatever reason, feel free to cleanup the cache and change the STS update site as described above. If that still fails, I would recommend to download a fresh copy of STS which is based on the latest Eclipse release and go from there.

Hope this helps!

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-ide/issues/14#issuecomment-90891574.

I tried a lot of these ideas over a period of a few days This included starting over with a new copy of STS in a new workspace. Now I spending a lot time fixing up connections to task repos and SCM systems.

I have got update down to failing on

!ENTRY org.eclipse.equinox.p2.engine 4 4 2015-04-08 11:27:44.578 !MESSAGE An error occurred while collecting items to be installed !SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.equinox.p2.engine 4 0 2015-04-08 11:27:44.578 !MESSAGE session context was:(profile=DefaultProfile, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.Collect, operand=, action=). !MESSAGE No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.jpql,2.6.0.v20140809-296a69f !MESSAGE No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.jpt.doc.user,3.2.100.v201308231650 !MESSAGE No repository found containing: org.eclipse.update.feature,org.eclipse.jpt.jaxb.eclipselink.feature,1.4.100.v201405081709-777IDFBgJ9EODHEUGrXp19c7 !MESSAGE No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.jpt.jpa.annotate,1.0.100.v201309261652 !MESSAGE No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.jpt.jpa.branding,3.4.0.v201309202144 !MESSAGE No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.jpt.jpa.core,3.4.0.v201312052110 !MESSAGE No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.jpt.jpa.db,2.2.100.v201311150251 !MESSAGE No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.jpt.jpa.db.ui,2.1.100.v201309202144 !MESSAGE No repository found containing: org.eclipse.update.feature,org.eclipse.jpt.jpa.feature,3.4.1.v201410241959 !MESSAGE No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.jpt.jpa.gen,2.3.100.v201309061349 !MESSAGE No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.jpt.jpa.ui,3.4.0.v201312022017

I removed all the !SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.equinox.p2.artifact.repository 4 0 2015-04-08 11:27:44.579 lines to make the log shorter.

There are also notes in the log !MESSAGE No repository found at http://download.eclipse.org/modeling/mdt/uml2tools/updates/releases/

org.eclipse.equinox.p2.core.ProvisionException: No repository found at http://download.eclipse.org/modeling/mdt/uml2tools/updates/releases/.

I am a big fan of STS but the last few updates have been hard to get working.


Ron Wheeler President Artifact Software Inc email: rwheeler@artifact-software.com skype: ronaldmwheeler phone: 866-970-2435, ext 102

martinlippert commented 9 years ago

I am sorry to hear that you are having so much trouble and would love to help you. I checked the mentioned two repo locations and there is indeed no p2 update repository found at those locations. But I wonder where they are coming from. You should not need to add additional update sites to STS as long as you don't have additional third-pary plugins installed.

I would also use your existing workspace with a fresh copy of STS to avoid the hassle of setting up all the various settings and preferences again.

Are there concrete steps that you can send me to reproduce issues on my end?

ronatartifact commented 9 years ago

Where does STS store its settings? I have been using STS for many years and have installed many third party plug-ins over the years so there could be traces on my workstation (Windows 7).

I did a clean install using the latest download and used the new workspace that the install setup.

Does this get rid of any third party plug-in history? It did get rid of all my connections to SVN, Git and Bugzilla so I spent yesterday afternoon reconnecting things.

Are there any files that I could look at to see where these extra repos are coming from?


On 09/04/2015 5:08 AM, Martin Lippert wrote:

I am sorry to hear that you are having so much trouble and would love to help you. I checked the mentioned two repo locations and there is indeed no p2 update repository found at those locations. But I wonder where they are coming from. You should not need to add additional update sites to STS as long as you don't have additional third-pary plugins installed.

I would also use your existing workspace with a fresh copy of STS to avoid the hassle of setting up all the various settings and preferences again.

Are there concrete steps that you can send me to reproduce issues on my end?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-ide/issues/14#issuecomment-91165275.

Ron Wheeler President Artifact Software Inc email: rwheeler@artifact-software.com skype: ronaldmwheeler phone: 866-970-2435, ext 102

martinlippert commented 9 years ago

If you install a fresh copy of STS (by downloading the ZIP file of the distribution and unpack it) and use a fresh and clean workspace, you are loosing third-party plug-in history. There should be nothing added to the installation automatically and settings should be clean as well.

The settings storage for Eclipse/STS question is difficult to answer, since not all plug-ins store their settings in the same area. A lot of settings are stored in the /.metadata/.plugins area. Maybe you can find the settings that you are looking for in there.

ronatartifact commented 9 years ago

I did not have the time or energy to try too many combinations but I think that I have solved the problem by deleting anything eclipse that I could find in my user account folders as well as in the sts folders and unzipping a fresh 3.6.4.

The only downside was that I lost the SVN connection between my projects and the SVN server. Fortunately I had Tortoise watching my projects and was able to update my projects outside STS and then check them out again. Not sure why STS could not reestablish the svn connection after I added the Subversion plug-in.

I did an update but there was no new Eclipse/STS updates and the CloudFoundary update ran OK.

Thanks for you encouragement.


On 12/04/2015 5:24 AM, Martin Lippert wrote:

If you install a fresh copy of STS (by downloading the ZIP file of the distribution and unpack it) and use a fresh and clean workspace, you are loosing third-party plug-in history. There should be nothing added to the installation automatically and settings should be clean as well.

The settings storage for Eclipse/STS question is difficult to answer, since not all plug-ins store their settings in the same area. A lot of settings are stored in the /.metadata/.plugins area. Maybe you can find the settings that you are looking for in there.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-ide/issues/14#issuecomment-92022226.

Ron Wheeler President Artifact Software Inc email: rwheeler@artifact-software.com skype: ronaldmwheeler phone: 866-970-2435, ext 102

martinlippert commented 9 years ago

Glad to hear that you got everything back to work and sorry again for the trouble you had with upgrading to the new version. Hope this is a lot smoother next time.

ronatartifact commented 9 years ago

On 13/04/2015 11:00 AM, Martin Lippert wrote:

Glad to hear that you got everything back to work and sorry again for the trouble you had with upgrading to the new version. Hope this is a lot smoother next time.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-ide/issues/14#issuecomment-92390977.

I am not sure but it may have been the e(fx)clipse (https://www.eclipse.org/efxclipse/install.html) plug-in that was the root of the problem. It could not be added to Eclipse/STS for some reason that had to do with osgi bundle conflicts. I had to install a clean Luna Eclipse and work on the JaxaFX application in Eclipse. Perhaps this left some traces in some of the places that STS looks when trying to update itself.

Any chance that this plug-in will be added to STS? Does anyone else still build Java applications?

I have finished working on that application for the moment but if I need to update it, I will try to add the plug-in to STS before reverting to Eclipse itself. If I have to install Eclipse, I will try to make some investigation about what changes in the user configuration. Or just make my life easy and use another workstation!


Ron Wheeler President Artifact Software Inc email: rwheeler@artifact-software.com skype: ronaldmwheeler phone: 866-970-2435, ext 102

martinlippert commented 9 years ago

I don't think that we will add the e(fx)clipse plugin to the STS distribution by default, but it should certainly be possible to install e/fx)clipse into STS. Did you try this with the latest STS release? If that doesn't work, please let us know and report a separate issue about that. We are working closely with the e(fx)clipse guys to make sure e(fx)clipse installs and behaves nicely within STS. So if that is not the case at the moment, we should fix this as soon as possible.

ronatartifact commented 9 years ago

Went in as smoothly as a baby's.... (got to watch those old English expressions that will get you arrested for pedophelia).

You are right about not including it by default. STS is big enough now! OOTB it was around 1.5 GB of private bytes and now it is 1.9 GB with a working set of 900Mb.

The only way that I can run Eclipse is off a RAMDrive. Otherwise it is just too slow.

I have an 8GB portable (windows 7- 64 bit) with 2 GB dedicated to RAMDrive so that I can put STS, the Java JDK , Maven and the DITA-OT plug-in (documentation in DITA) in a fast place. It makes for a reasonably snappy Eclipse even with a lot of other processes running - Skype, Dragon Dictate, Chrome, Firefox and Thunderbird are all active with STS.


On 14/04/2015 11:05 AM, Martin Lippert wrote:

I don't think that we will add the e(fx)clipse plugin to the STS distribution by default, but it should certainly be possible to install e/fx)clipse into STS. Did you try this with the latest STS release? If that doesn't work, please let us know and report a separate issue about that. We are working closely with the e(fx)clipse guys to make sure e(fx)clipse installs and behaves nicely within STS. So if that is not the case at the moment, we should fix this as soon as possible.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-ide/issues/14#issuecomment-92894367.

Ron Wheeler President Artifact Software Inc email: rwheeler@artifact-software.com skype: ronaldmwheeler phone: 866-970-2435, ext 102