spring-cloud / spring-cloud-dataflow

A microservices-based Streaming and Batch data processing in Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes
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problems running the skipper #5528

Open DaniloSottoDeLima opened 8 months ago

DaniloSottoDeLima commented 8 months ago

Description: I'm creating a project that will use spring cloud dataflow with an oracle database. However, looking at the documentation, I saw that there is no driver for Oracle, thus forcing the dependency to be added to the skipper's pom.xml, for example. After adding this dependency, I generated the jar file and a docker image on top of it. Therefore, when I try to deploy this image to Kuberentes, based on the skipper-config-kafka.yaml and skipper-deployment.yaml files, it is not able to read the configmap's application.yaml.

Release versions: latest

Steps to reproduce: Build the skipper-server application with the oracle database dependency in pom.xml and upload it to the kubernetes environment using the files skipper-config-kafka.yaml and skipper-deployment.yaml.

Screenshots: skipper-config-kafka.yaml: image skipper-deployment.yaml: image error on deploy skipper: image

Error text Parameter 2 of method cloudFoundryPlatform in org.springframework.cloud.skipper.server.autoconfigure.CloudFoundryPlatformAutoConfiguration required a bean of type 'org.cloudfoundry.logcache.v1.LogCacheClient' that could not be found.

Additional context: It seems to me that he can't fill the application.yaml settings.

DaniloSottoDeLima commented 8 months ago

checking the behavior here, when I use the already generated skipper image in springcloud/spring-cloud-skipper-server it can read the application.yaml, however when I build this image and generate my own docker to work with the oracle driver , it can no longer fill these files. The documentation only says to add the dependency and generate the jar.

corneil commented 8 months ago

I will be better to use 2.11.1 or skipper and 2.9.2 of deployer dependencies. The 2.11.2-SNAPSHOT is in flux at the moment.

onobc commented 8 months ago

Hi @DaniloSottoDeLima Did you follow these steps to generate the jar? My guess is that what you are ending up w/ is not a Spring Boot executable jar. The above process will make sure to build the jar up properly (see here for details).