spring-cloud / spring-cloud-gateway

An API Gateway built on Spring Framework and Spring Boot providing routing and more.
Apache License 2.0
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If the input parameter contains special characters such as brackets and Use url to access the service directly instead of through the default load balancing。 the parameter will encode and I have to decode myself #1653

Open xlb opened 4 years ago

xlb commented 4 years ago

If the input parameter contains special characters such as brackets and Use url to access the service directly instead of through the default load balancing。 the parameter will encode and I have to decode myself。 but it's ok if I visitor service by through the default load balancing。

springboot version 2.1.4.RELEASE springcloudversion Greenwich.SR1

spencergibb commented 4 years ago

Please upgrade to boot 2.2.5 and Hoxton.SR3 and try again as there have been a number of changes around this.

xlb commented 4 years ago

Please upgrade to boot 2.2.5 and Hoxton.SR3 and try again as there have been a number of changes around this.

it still exists

spencergibb commented 4 years ago

Which parameters? Request? Can you tell me how to reproduce the problem?

xlb commented 4 years ago

Which parameters? Request? Can you tell me how to reproduce the problem?

https://github.com/xlb/gateway_bug/tree/master for param c ,i have to decode myself ;just like gateway encode it twice; u can use this,thanks

philiahe commented 4 years ago

look like Reactive problem
