@ryanjbaxter ready to be looked, I've compared the times of a few previous runs and running on github is not that impressive of a time reduction, a few minutes, but since we distribute tests, it does not have a "wow" effect. It should be close to that for your internal jenkins though (as far as I understand there you don't run tests in parallel).
P.S. Once I am done with all integration tests re-factor, we should see much better times in github also.
@ryanjbaxter ready to be looked, I've compared the times of a few previous runs and running on github is not that impressive of a time reduction, a few minutes, but since we distribute tests, it does not have a "wow" effect. It should be close to that for your internal jenkins though (as far as I understand there you don't run tests in parallel).
P.S. Once I am done with all integration tests re-factor, we should see much better times in github also.