spring-cloud / spring-cloud-skipper

A package manager that installs, upgrades, and rolls back Spring Boot applications on multiple Cloud Platforms.
Apache License 2.0
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Issue with passing annotations through Spring Cloud Data Flow Skipper to connected stream apps #1093

Open jaikemj opened 1 year ago

jaikemj commented 1 year ago

I am encountering an issue related to passing annotations through Spring Cloud Data Flow Skipper to stream apps connected to it. The problem is that when we describe the pod of a stream app, the annotation we passed through Skipper is not visible.

According to the documentation (link: https://docs.spring.io/spring-cloud-dataflow/docs/current/reference/htmlsingle/), it mentions that we can add annotations using the following configuration: deployer..kubernetes.podAnnotations=annotationName:annotationValue.

I would like to raise a question to inquire about the possibility of passing annotations through the Skipper config map and receiving them in the stream apps deployed via Spring Cloud Data Flow Skipper.

Is it possible to pass annotations through the Skipper config map and have those annotations accessible in the connected stream apps deployed using Spring Cloud Data Flow Skipper?