spring-cloud / spring-cloud-skipper

A package manager that installs, upgrades, and rolls back Spring Boot applications on multiple Cloud Platforms.
Apache License 2.0
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How to add annotation with comma separated value #1095

Open rob-64 opened 3 months ago

rob-64 commented 3 months ago

Trying to use Stakater Reloader (https://github.com/stakater/Reloader/tree/master), with a value to watch configmaps as follows:

annotations: configmap.reloader.stakater.com/reload: "foo-configmap,bar-configmap,baz-configmap"

however, since I have to use SCDF to get the values to k8s, i have it in this format:


which gets past the code of PropertyParserUtils.getStringPairsToMap:


BUT, it then fails skipper ReleaseService.install when passed to ManifestUtils.createManifest:99
