Closed adammichalik closed 4 years ago
Sleuth's netty client support was not designed to work with that approach. I guess we'll need to look into this @smaldini
I'll have a look thanks for the feedback.
ping @smaldini
I get this working with the following code:
In order to get this to work i add a %X as part of the logback pattern for the access log
Example output: - - [29/Feb/2020:20:42:36 +0100] "GET /auth/foo HTTP/1.1" 200 17 8080 37 ms traceId=a6fda6abf7421af5, spanId=86f5da276bf91999, spanExportable=false, X-Span-Export=false, X-B3-SpanId=86f5da276bf91999, X-B3-ParentSpanId=a6fda6abf7421af5, X-B3-TraceId=a6fda6abf7421af5, parentId=a6fda6abf7421af5
However as soon as I add spring-security to the classpath the MDC dissappear.
In order for this to work fine please use the latest Sleuth snapshots (or upcoming 2020.0.0 aka Ilford release) and change your code like this
public class DemoApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
class PublicationFamilyEndpoint {
private final Tracing tracing;
// constructor injection
public Mono<String> testWithBody(ServerWebExchange exchange) {
WebFluxSleuthOperators.withSpanInScope(tracing, exchange, () -> LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()).info("Log HELLO"));
return Mono.just("HELLO");
and to speed things up set spring.sleuth.reactor.instrumentation-type=MANUAL
I am trying this new version to print trace Id in access log but unable to do it. Could you please provide a sample for it. It would be very helpful for me to understand where I am making mistake.
I've presented the sample in the comment above
Can you provide pom.xml for it.
It's using Spring cloud starter sleuth and the cloud bom is in version 2020.0.0-SNAPSHOT, boot is 2.4.0-SNAPSHOT
@marcingrzejszczak i'm use reactor-netty-http-brave 1.0.24 and spring cloud 2021.0.2. and start application with -Dreactor.netty.http.server.accessLogEnabled=true.But, trace id is null in my access log. are there other configurations to be configured?
Lately Netty (v0.7.9.RELEASE / v0.8.0.RELEASE) introduced access logging However, Sleuth trace/span IDs are not available in the access log. Tested with Spring Boot 2.1.0 + Spring Cloud Greenwich.BUILD-SNAPSHOT / Sleuth 2.1.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT.
Sample application: