spring-cloud / spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka

Spring Cloud Stream binders for Apache Kafka and Kafka Streams
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Integration of message router in Kafka Streams applications #1003

Closed sobychacko closed 3 years ago

sobychacko commented 3 years ago

As a developer, I would like to add a routing function in my Kafka Streams application so that a routing expression can be used to select the correct Kafka Streams processor to route to. For more information on the context of this request, see this gitter chat.

andrashatvani commented 3 years ago

One use case is to only consume messages of relevant types. The event type would be declared as a message header event_type. This feature is similar to condition of @StreamListener. For example, the following function should only receive messages of type projekt-aggregat-1 which is mapped to ProjektAggregatEvent in Kotlin code:

class ProjektStoreBuilderStreamConfiguration {

    fun projektStoreBuilder() = Consumer<GlobalKTable<String, ProjektAggregatEvent>> {}

The event types should be configurable on the binding level:

spring.cloud.stream.bindings.projektStoreBuilder-in-0.eventTypes = projekt-aggregat-1
spring.cloud.stream.bindings.otherFunction-in-0.eventTypes = projekt-aggregat-1,other-event-type-in-same-topic-1

The configurability of the event type header name is optional.

sobychacko commented 3 years ago

@andrashatvani Thinking about it a bit further, I wonder if solving it using a transformer approach is the cleaner one. See this SO thread, others have encountered this use case before. If the solutions outlined on that issue (See the accepted answer and the additional one as well from the reporter) work for you, I guess that will be a compromise for this issue. What do you think?

The problem with integrating the regular routing function here is that it introduces the creation of a new front-end topic. In addition, at the moment, the binder model only supports Kafka Streams functions triggered by a Kafka topic, not through any intermediate mechanisms.

andrashatvani commented 3 years ago

I already use this approach and just for the purpose of building a state store it's an overkill: It's way more time-consuming than defining an empty consumer and providing a property in the yaml. Perhaps a case-specific ie. event-type-focused mechanism would be the way? And instead of routing it really should be filtering: The binder is the first to see the message headers and it's the entry point which should decide which messages to forward to the functions and which to discard/ignore. How does this work for condition in @StreamListener? Can't it just be ported?

sobychacko commented 3 years ago

@andrashatvani Although the binder is the first to see the message, in the case of Kafka Streams, by the time the binder gets it, Kafka completes the deserialization and there we have a mismatch with what is registered on the function.

Are you ok with disabling nativeDecoding and then rely on using the framework provided message conversion on the inbound? If so, we might have some options. I will explore it further. Keep in mind that, this approach has a downside of making your topology deeper, but not by a lot.

andrashatvani commented 3 years ago

I got your point.

I've never enabled nativeDecoding so far, so I'm good with it. Do you mean with deeper topology that the framework would append a transformer?

sobychacko commented 3 years ago

nativeDecoding enabled is the default in 3.0.x and going forward in Kafka Streams binder, so you don't need to explicitly enable it. Yes, the framework appends some transformers and some branch calls.

sobychacko commented 3 years ago

Actually, there might be a way to solve this use case without resorting to the framework level message conversion. Sorry to cause more confusion, I am just thinking aloud. I will keep you posted with the design I have in mind. Do you use any custom Serde for your inbound types? Or rely on binder provided Serde inference?

sobychacko commented 3 years ago

You provided these above:

spring.cloud.stream.bindings.projektStoreBuilder-in-0.eventTypes = projekt-aggregat-1
spring.cloud.stream.bindings.otherFunction-in-0.eventTypes = projekt-aggregat-1,other-event-type-in-same-topic-1

How about using it at the Kafka Streams binding level instead?

spring.cloud.stream.kafka.streams.bindings.projektStoreBuilder-in-0.eventTypes = projekt-aggregat-1
spring.cloud.stream.bindings.otherFunction-in-0.eventTypes = projekt-aggregat-1,other-event-type-in-same-topic-1

How does it get mapped to the actual type (ProjektAggregatEvent) from projekt-aggregat-1? I would expect the eventType to be specified as the actual type - ProjektAggregatEvent. No?

sobychacko commented 3 years ago

Also, the incoming record's headers should contain the type information, correct? That is how we can match against what is set at the binding and based on a match continue processing downstream.

andrashatvani commented 3 years ago
data class ProjektAggregatEvent(
): BaseEvent(metaInfo) {
    override fun getEventType() = "projekt-aggregat-1"

abstract class BaseEvent(open val metaInfo: MetaInfo) {
    companion object {
        const val EVENT_TYPE_HEADER = "event_type"

    @JsonProperty(access = JsonProperty.Access.READ_ONLY)
    abstract fun getEventType(): String

    abstract fun getMessageKey(): String
sobychacko commented 3 years ago

Hi @andrashatvani The suggested changes are pushed upstream. See this commit. Could you take a look at these changes and see if it meets the criteria for your use case? The changes are only available in 3.1.x (should be part of the latest snapshots).

andrashatvani commented 3 years ago

Wow, that's awesome, I'm very impressed and looking forward to the release, I appreciate @sobychacko!

sobychacko commented 3 years ago

I just realized that this support only works for KStream as KTable and GlobalKTable do not provide process, transform or branch methods. Any chance you can convert the functions that you need tables as input to KStream and then call toTable internally in the business logic? I don't see a clean way to handle this for tables in the framework in the same way it is intuitive with KStream type. If you have any ideas or suggestions, PR is welcomed!

andrashatvani commented 3 years ago

Of course I could add an additional step, but it's a repetitive action and I really like to keep the state store builder as simple as it is: just a declaration. I assumed that the framework does the stream -> table conversion and in that case it has the chance to add any arbitrary transformation step prior to it. I just would like to better understand the issue.

sobychacko commented 3 years ago

@andrashatvani Framework directly calls StreamsBuilder.globaltable with the correct SerDe types to consume from. Thus, we don't have a way to intervene before invoking the function. GlobalKTable does not provide many ways to apply custom processing on it before calling the function, similar to what KStream provides.

sobychacko commented 3 years ago

Out of curiosity, how do you currently make the GlobalKTable scenario work for your use case?

andrashatvani commented 3 years ago

I only use the function exactly as described in my first comment. It currently uses a single topic containing a single event type, thus in this very function no filtering is needed.

andrashatvani commented 3 years ago

@sobychacko what's the status here?

sobychacko commented 3 years ago

Hi, @andrashatvani Sorry for the delay in responding to you. I was able to apply the same logic that we used for KStream type for KTable as well. Basically, if the event_type in the Kafka record doesn't match what is configured on the application, then it won't be forwarded to the function. However, it remains difficult to apply this same idea for GlobalKTable. The main issue is that GlobalKTable does not allow it to be converted to KStream (rightly so) and it does not expose any methods that allow us to inspect the headers. Although binder is the first one to see the GlobalKTable data, it simply hands that off to the function without doing any extra processing or filtering. Here is a potential workaround though.

Let's say this is your function:

public java.util.function.Consumer<GlobalKTable<Integer, Foo>> global() {
    return gt -> {};

You can define a special Serde bean in your application as below:

public JsonSerde<Foo> serde() {
    return new JsonSerde<>(new JsonSerializer<>(), new JsonDeserializer<Foo>() {

        public Foo deserialize(String topic, byte[] data) {
            final Foo deserialized = super.deserialize(topic, data);
            // if (deserialized.getEventType.equals(...)
            // { return deseialized; }
            // else { throw new IllegalStateExcepion(); }

If you have a bean defined as above in the application, then the binder takes this Serde for any type of Foo and gets the highest precedence. Essentially, while deserializing the incoming data, the overridden method above checks for the event type specified on the actual data (Note that this is not the one in the Kafka record header) and if it is not found, then throw an exception.

Then, at the application level, you add this binding level property: spring.cloud.stream.kafka.streams.bindings.global-in-0.consumer.deserializationExceptionHandler: skipAndContine. This is a new custom deserialization exception handler that is available from the binder that allows you to simply skip the message silently and then continue processing. This way, your function will only receive data that matched the event types defined on the incoming data.

I think this is a reasonable compromise to address this use case for GlobalKTable types. Please let me know what you think about this idea. Tomorrow, we will release 3.1.2. This will contain the KTable changes required for the event type routing and this new SkipAndContinue deserialization exception handler.

andrashatvani commented 3 years ago

@sobychacko I appreciate your effort and that the event routing for streams and tables found its way in the most recent release. For global tables however, creating a deserializer for every event type defeats the purpose of the one-liner store builder. In of my recent microservices 5 event types need to be aggregated so this means 5 store builders and 5 deserializers - in such a case it's perhaps better to just write the aggregator consumers. Furthermore, throwing exceptions is very costly and doing it for every unwanted event type could mean a serious performance impact. In case of my 5 event types this would mean 4 exceptions for every event accepted. Another implication/risk would be the dilution/hiding of real deserialization issues.

sobychacko commented 3 years ago

@andrashatvani Ya, the workaround I proposed has trade-offs. I am still brainstorming ideas on how we can address the GlobalKTable scenario. GlobalKTable API does not provide many options. I started an SO thread, hopefully there is a way.

sobychacko commented 3 years ago

@andrashatvani Based on the suggestions on that SO thread, I don't think there is a cleaner way to achieve what you are looking for easily with a one-line function such as Consumer<GlobalKTable<String, ProjektAggregatEvent>>. However, I have a few questions about this use-case. I see that your implementation is empty and thus assume that all you are interested in is in building a global state store that can be queried later in the application (maybe through an interactive query). If that is indeed the use-case and you are not planning to use the resultant GlobalKTable for other join operations downstream with a KStream, then I think what is suggested by Matthias on the SO thread will work, given we make some necessary changes inside the binder. We may have to introduce few new properties (something along the lines of spring.cloud.stream...globalStateStore). If the event routing properties we already introduced ^^ are present along with the new property, then we introduce a processor when retrieving records into the global state store. This way, you don't even need to write that single line function, but rather provide a new configuration. What do you think about that?

andrashatvani commented 3 years ago

@sobychacko Yes, the sole reason for these consumer functions is the building of state stores for later access via interactive queries. Building state stores merely by configuration with event type selection/routing would of course be even more awesome, so yes please!

sobychacko commented 3 years ago

@andrashatvani The implementation for the GlobalKTable event routing is trickier than I thought. Here is the gist of the issue. While the application is running, we can in the binder provide a way to route events based on some strategy. However, when there is a restore operation, Kafka Streams completely bypasses the custom processor we provided when the addGlobalStore was called and instead sources the data directly from the input topic, thus putting all the records we skipped prior, in the state store. This clearly has implications from a business logic perspective. This StackOverflow thread has more details on this.

This brings back the discussion on how to achieve this use case in the correct way. I don't think it is a good idea to implement the solution as is, given that it invalidates the state store if the application crashes or restarts. If you are open to the idea of introducing an extra topic that is the source for the global state store, here is an idea.

  1. Rely on the event routing introduced for KStream or KTable to consume records from the original topic. All the function does is to write to another topic - Function<KStream<?, ?>, KStream<?, ?>>.
  2. Then you create another consumer in which you use the normal GlobalKTable binding - Consumer<GlobalKTable<?, ?>>. For this, you use the output from the above function (the new extra topic) as the input.

The tradeoff obviously is that you have to now create and maintain an additional topic, but the data in the state store will be the correct set, which I think is more important. What do you think?

sobychacko commented 3 years ago

@andrashatvani Any thoughts on the ^^? The way you were thinking to build global stores is a problem even if you are not involving the binder, since is it by design from the ground up in Kafka Streams (at least at the moment). This is because each time you restart the application, the global state store is going to be restored directly from the source topic, thus completely short-circuiting any custom logic in the application. I would appreciate it if you can chime in and provide your thoughts, so that we can decide on how to proceed.

andrashatvani commented 3 years ago

@sobychacko I wouldn't duplicate data just to spare a few lines of code. However, in my current project our own services are the consumers and the producers, too. Thus I've decided that when importing data every event type goes into its own topic thereby allowing for the one-liner state store builders. The application restart is only an issue if the streams data won't be kept in a permanent location. The aforementioned services keep their data in k8s PVCs allowing for the continuation of work where it was left.

sobychacko commented 3 years ago

Ya, as long as you have data going into its own topic, then the oneliner state store builders should work. Basically in that case, there is no event type routing, rather everything from the topic will be read. It's a bummer that we couldn't implement it for GlobalKTable as it is a restriction from Kafka Streams itself. I see that there are some ongoing discussions there to improve that behavior. Once it is possible to do so in Kafka Streams, then we can revisit this use case. In the meantime, please feel free to close this issue if you agree.

sobychacko commented 3 years ago

@andrashatvani What are your thoughts on closing this issue? Maybe we can create a separate issue for addressing this use case for GlobalKTable once the support is available in Kafka Streams?

andrashatvani commented 3 years ago

OK, sounds good. Thanks for your effort and support!

sobychacko commented 3 years ago

Thank you, closing the issue now. Feel free to ping here or create a new issue if you find a solution to address the problem or if it is available to do so in Kafka Streams.

andrashatvani commented 2 years ago

@sobychacko The topic and the headers will be omitted when using event_type-based routing - why? On lines https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka/blob/63b306d34c2c0a84267e0842f15d0d10b8ed17d2/spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka-streams/src/main/java/org/springframework/cloud/stream/binder/kafka/streams/AbstractKafkaStreamsBinderProcessor.java#L457 and https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka/blob/63b306d34c2c0a84267e0842f15d0d10b8ed17d2/spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka-streams/src/main/java/org/springframework/cloud/stream/binder/kafka/streams/AbstractKafkaStreamsBinderProcessor.java#L559

Thus, it's currently not possible to use event type routing and method-based json target type determination based on topic or header data.

sobychacko commented 2 years ago

@andrashatvani That is a bug. If you don't mind, could you create a new issue and link to the comment above? I will try to fix it then.

andrashatvani commented 2 years ago

@sobychacko https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka/issues/1186