Closed jokefaker closed 3 years ago
Spring boot version: 2.3.10 Spring cloud starter stream kafka : 3.0.11
I want to set the dlq's , here is the config file:
spring: cloud: stream: default: producer: partitionCount: 4 kafka: binder: brokers: localhost:9092 bindings: input: consumer: enableDlq: true dlqName: contract-service-error.dlq dlqPartitions: 1 dlqProducerProperties: topic: properties: retention: ms: 86400000 bindings: input: destination: input-topic group: contract-service application: name: creams-contract-service server: port: 8082
contract-service-error.dlq is created without the retention setting.
I find the code in org/springframework/cloud/stream/binder/kafka/provisioning/
private ConsumerDestination createDlqIfNeedBe(AdminClient adminClient, String name, String group, ExtendedConsumerProperties<KafkaConsumerProperties> properties, boolean anonymous, int partitions) { if (properties.getExtension().isEnableDlq() && !anonymous) { String dlqTopic = StringUtils.hasText(properties.getExtension().getDlqName()) ? properties.getExtension().getDlqName() : "error." + name + "." + group; int dlqPartitions = properties.getExtension().getDlqPartitions() == null ? partitions : properties.getExtension().getDlqPartitions(); try { createTopicAndPartitions(adminClient, dlqTopic, dlqPartitions, properties.getExtension().isAutoRebalanceEnabled(), properties.getExtension().getTopic()); } catch (Throwable throwable) { if (throwable instanceof Error) { throw (Error) throwable; } else { throw new ProvisioningException("Provisioning exception encountered for " + name, throwable); } } return new KafkaConsumerDestination(name, partitions, dlqTopic); } return null; }
createTopicAndPartitions will use the consumer topic properties, I think it should use the dlqProducerProperties.
@jokefaker Thanks for spotting this. Fixed it now.
Spring boot version: 2.3.10 Spring cloud starter stream kafka : 3.0.11
I want to set the dlq's , here is the config file:
contract-service-error.dlq is created without the retention setting.
I find the code in
will use the consumer topic properties, I think it should use the dlqProducerProperties.