spring-cloud / spring-cloud-vault

Configuration Integration with HashiCorp Vault
Apache License 2.0
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spring.cloud.config.databases latest version 4.0.1 still has spring.factories #687

Open ilyasjaan opened 1 year ago

ilyasjaan commented 1 year ago


spring.cloud.config.databases is loaded with spring boot 3.0.5 as spring cloud version 2022.0.1 needs spring boot 3.0.5.

So seems like with this combination we cannot use database backend with vault anymore. As nothing is started to create creds for database as such.

We need to fix this library to be able to use with spring cloud version 2022.0.1. I see that spring-vault-consul has been updated to use latest guidance to migrate from spring.factories into META-INF/spring/.imports. But spring.cloud.config.databases and some others are still there. So not usable with Spring Boot 3.0.*.

According to https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/wiki/Spring-Boot-3.0.0-M5-Release-Notes. spring.factories not supported anymore. So this breaks the use of new spring cloud version with spring.cloud.config.databases
