spring-guides / getting-started-guides

Getting Started Guide template :: The template for new guides and also the place to request them.
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where to see the results?? #31

Open amandeep16 opened 7 years ago

amandeep16 commented 7 years ago

Hi, I have tried this and it is running but where to see the results it is showing requesting forecast and after that

hello.WeatherClient : Requesting forecast for 94304 2016-09-16 23:09:30.697 INFO 3477 --- [ main] hello.Application : Started Application in 15.265 seconds (JVM running for 18.521) 2016-09-16 23:09:30.702 INFO 3477 --- [ Thread-1] s.c.a.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext : Closing org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext@d8cfe0: startup date [Fri Sep 16 23:09:19 IST 2016]; root of context hierarchy 2016-09-16 23:09:30.724 INFO 3477 --- [ Thread-1] o.s.j.e.a.AnnotationMBeanExporter : Unregistering JMX-exposed beans on shutdown pi@raspberrypi:~/gs-consuming-web-service/initial $

So, where to see the results