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Kind load error #3

Open luisfcofv opened 2 years ago

luisfcofv commented 2 years ago

I'm following this guide, and I'm hitting this error when loading the docker image.

kind load docker-image spring-k8s/gs-spring-boot-k8s:snapshot
Image: "spring-k8s/gs-spring-boot-k8s:snapshot" with ID "sha256:cb9e9a6289f812a147e95d8447fe65526e1f256154901d37c5c5e24409704130" not yet present on node "kind-control-plane", loading...
ERROR: failed to load image: command "docker exec --privileged -i kind-control-plane ctr --namespace=k8s.io images import --digests --snapshotter=overlayfs -" failed with error: exit status 1

I'm using an Apple M1 machine, so this might be related. Spring boot version: 2.7.1

Any ideas on how to solve it?

Thank you

ryanjbaxter commented 2 years ago

Seems like it might be related to using an M1 and Kind. There are some workaround here https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kind/issues/2402