spring-petclinic / spring-petclinic-graphql

PetClinic Example based on GraphQL
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Failed to run backend as WAR package #2

Closed hfye closed 6 years ago

hfye commented 6 years ago

I was able to run the backend using Maven: mvnw spring-boot:run. Now I have this requirement to deploy it to Apache TOMCAT server with context path /petclinic.

When I test the connection to graphql using url /petclinic/graphql, it just returns 404 error. I have changed the settings in application.properties as: graphql.servlet.mapping=/petclinic/graphql

Do I miss out any configuration?

nilshartmann commented 6 years ago


i just tried to change the context path (but without deploying as WAR).

In the application.properties file I changed server.context-path to /petclinic and then again run mvnw spring-boot:run.

Calling the GraphQL API then just works, as in this call using curl:

curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"query": "{ pets { name } }"}' \

The GraphQL Browser (GraphiQL) does not work. If I remember correctly there was a problem when the app runs unter another context path since there was no way to change the URL the GraphiQL uses for it's calls to the backend.

Do you have problems with the API or with GraphiQL?

hfye commented 6 years ago

Hi nilshartmann,

I don't have any problem to run mvnw spring-boot:run with context path /petclinic. GraphiQL by default points to the context path /graphql. So it doesn't work with new context path.

My problem is with the WAR file deployment. It seems that the SpringBootApplication is not initialized after deploying war file to external TOMCAT container.

hfye commented 6 years ago

Hi, I resolved the issue. just update PetClinicApplication’s main class to extend SpringBootServletInitializer which allows servlet container to launch the application.

jshankarc commented 5 years ago

Hi, the same application when I extended SpringBootServletInitializer and deployed on Tomcat but GraphiQL page is loaded but return section 404 - Not Found HTML message and schema is not loaded. My object is to deploy Spring Boot with GraphQL feature on Tomcat container and also in short want to know whether it is possible to do so?