spring-projects / spring-ai

An Application Framework for AI Engineering
Apache License 2.0
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About Ollama #693

Open SimpleYj opened 3 weeks ago

SimpleYj commented 3 weeks ago

Please do a quick search on GitHub issues first, there might be already a duplicate issue for the one you are about to create. If the bug is trivial, just go ahead and create the issue. Otherwise, please take a few moments and fill in the following sections:

Bug description 14211715134529_ pic 14201715134464_ pic

Environment Please provide as many details as possible: Spring AI version, Java version, which vector store you use if any, etc Spring AI version :0.8.1 Spring AI :jdk17

Steps to reproduce Steps to reproduce the issue.

Expected behavior

The Ollama is deployed on the server, and it can be tested successfully with curl, but when called using SpringAI configuration, a timeout error is reported. Occasionally, Interestingly, under certain conditions,it also works correctly.

Minimal Complete Reproducible example Please provide a failing test or a minimal complete verifiable example that reproduces the issue. Bug reports that are reproducible will take priority in resolution over reports that are not reproducible.