spring-projects / spring-ai

An Application Framework for AI Engineering
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Function Calling with Kotlin Functions #922

Open jochenchrist opened 3 weeks ago

jochenchrist commented 3 weeks ago

Bug description When using a Kotlin function, the input type is not inferred. This causes an invalid_request_error error:

com.azure.core.exception.HttpResponseException: Status code 400, "{
  "error": {
    "message": "Invalid schema for function 'Weather': schema must be a JSON Schema of 'type: \"object\"', got 'type: \"None\"'.",
    "type": "invalid_request_error",
    "param": "tools[0].function.parameters",
    "code": "invalid_function_parameters"

Workaround is to specify the input type explictly withInputType (and use a custom object mapper)

Environment Latest Snapshot.

Steps to reproduce See example below

Expected behavior Spring AI should also work with Kotlin or update the documentation.

Minimal Complete Reproducible example

class MyAi(
  val functionCallbacks: List<FunctionCallback>,
) : ApplicationRunner {

  override fun run(args: ApplicationArguments) {

    val openAIClient = OpenAIClientBuilder()

    val openAIChatOptions = AzureOpenAiChatOptions.builder()

    val chatModel = AzureOpenAiChatModel(openAIClient, openAIChatOptions)

    val response = chatModel.call(
      Prompt("Is it rainy in Paris?", AzureOpenAiChatOptions.builder().withFunction("Weather").build())



class AiFunctionCallbacks(val objectMapper: ObjectMapper) {

  fun weatherFunctionCallback(): FunctionCallback {
    return FunctionCallbackWrapper.builder { request: WeatherRequest ->
      WeatherResponse(rainy = false)
      .withDescription("Get weather information for a city")
//      .withInputType(WeatherRequest::class.java) // this is required, but should not

  data class WeatherRequest(
    val city: String?,

  data class WeatherResponse(
    val rainy: Boolean?,
KAMO030 commented 2 weeks ago

I reproduced the problem. The cause is that when inputType is not specified, the resolveInputType function uses reflection to get the generic type. However, when using a function with a trailing lambda, it is not possible to obtain the generic type declaration.

public FunctionCallbackWrapper<I, O> build() {
// ...
            if (this.inputType == null) {
                this.inputType = FunctionCallbackWrapper.resolveInputType(this.function);
// ...

Currently, the issue can be resolved through the aforementioned method, or by passing in a specific implementation class. Alternatively, it could be addressed by adding support for reified generic function extensions in the library:

inline fun<reified I,O> functionCallbackWrapperBuild(
    noinline function:(I)->O
): FunctionCallbackWrapper.Builder<I,O> =

or perhaps by import other reflection packages to obtain the Metadata info?