spring-projects / spring-authorization-server

Spring Authorization Server
Apache License 2.0
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Support transforming authorized scopes when the OAuth2Authorization object is created #1504

Open Kehrlann opened 5 months ago

Kehrlann commented 5 months ago


We have a use-case for filtering the scopes that go into an access_token, based on the Resource Owner's "roles" - e.g., if you have the role hr-user you can have payslip.view in the scopes of access tokens issued for you, but not the payslip.edit scope - even if the Client is allowed to request it.

There is no way to easily change the OAuth2Authorization#authorizedScopes() before it is created/saved.

The token itself, when it is a JWT, can be customized with an OAuth2TokenCustomizer<JwtEncodingContext> that acts on the scope claim, but the token response has the full list of authorized scopes.

Expected Behavior

When the OAuth2Authorization object is created and saved in the OAuth2Service, either through OAuth2AuthorizationCodeRequestAuthenticationProvider or OAuth2AuthorizationConsentAuthenticationProvider, I want to be able to alter the scopes.

Current workaround

Currently, we work around this by creating a custom AuthenticationProvider that wraps around both OAuth2AuthorizationCodeRequestAuthenticationProvider and OAuth2AuthorizationConsentAuthenticationProvider:

public class AppSsoAuthorizationCodeRequestAuthenticationProvider implements AuthenticationProvider {

    // Either an OAuth2AuthorizationCodeRequestAuthenticationProvider or an OAuth2AuthorizationConsentAuthenticationProvider
    private final AuthenticationProvider delegate;

    private final OAuth2AuthorizationService authorizationService;

    public AppSsoAuthorizationCodeRequestAuthenticationProvider(AuthenticationProvider delegate,
            OAuth2AuthorizationService authorizationService) {
        this.delegate = delegate;
        this.authorizationService = authorizationService;

    public Authentication authenticate(Authentication authentication) throws AuthenticationException {
        // This may throw an OAuth2AuthorizationCodeRequestAuthenticationException; in
        // this case we rethrow.
        var authResult = delegate.authenticate(authentication);

        // This does not happen with our supported cases, but in the case of the device
        // grant type, OAuth2AuthorizationConsentAuthenticationProvider will return null.
        if (authResult == null) {
            return null;

        // When an authorization request comes in, and is valid, BUT the user is not
        // authenticated, an OAuth2AuthorizationCodeRequestAuthenticationToken is
        // returned, that is marked as !authenticated. This is a special case signaling
        // that the end-user must log-in first. In this case, we just follow through.
        // The rest of the filter chain will save the incoming request in the session and
        // redirect the user to the login page. Once they are logged in, the saved request
        // will be replayed.
        if (!authResult.isAuthenticated()) {
            return authResult;

        // Sometimes the authentication flow returns a
        // OAuth2AuthorizationConsentAuthenticationToken when consent is required.
        // In that case, we just follow through. Otherwise we grab the result.
        if (!(authResult instanceof OAuth2AuthorizationCodeRequestAuthenticationToken authCodeAuthResult)) {
            return authResult;

        // We load the authorization from the repo, change the scopes, and re-save it.
        var authCode = authCodeAuthResult.getAuthorizationCode();
        var authorization = authorizationService.findByToken(authCode.getTokenValue(),
                new OAuth2TokenType(OAuth2ParameterNames.CODE));

        // Filter the scopes based on the principal
        var filteredScopes = filterScopes(authorization.getAuthorizedScopes(), authResult.getPrincipal());

        var newAuthorization = OAuth2Authorization.from(authorization).authorizedScopes(filteredScopes).build();

        return new OAuth2AuthorizationCodeRequestAuthenticationToken(

    public boolean supports(Class<?> authentication) {
        return delegate.supports(authentication);

    private Set<String> filterScopes(Set<String> authorizedScopes, Object principal) {
        // business logic

Suvink commented 5 months ago

@Kehrlann How did you register AppSsoAuthorizationCodeRequestAuthenticationProvider with the authorization server?

Kehrlann commented 5 months ago

@Suvink excellent question, this is a classic pattern, but not 100% obvious. You register it with the AuthorizationServerConfigurer using an object post-processor. In your security configuration:

class SecurityConfiguration {

    public SecurityFilterChain securityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
        return http
                .authorizeHttpRequests(authorize -> {
                    // ...
                // ...
                        new OAuth2AuthorizationServerConfigurer(),
                        authServer -> {
                            authServer.withObjectPostProcessor(new AuthorizationCodeAuthenticationProvider());
                            // ...

    class AuthorizationCodeAuthenticationProvider implements ObjectPostProcessor<AuthenticationProvider> {

        public <O extends AuthenticationProvider> O postProcess(O object) {
            if (object instanceof OAuth2AuthorizationCodeRequestAuthenticationProvider) {
                return (O) new AppSsoAuthorizationCodeRequestAuthenticationProvider(object, authorizationService);
            } else if (object instanceof OAuth2AuthorizationConsentAuthenticationProvider) {
                return (O) new AppSsoAuthorizationCodeRequestAuthenticationProvider(object, authorizationService);
            return object;

Suvink commented 5 months ago

Perfect. Initially we tried to register this with web security config but it didn't work. Then registered it with auth server configs and it works perfectly fine. Thanks a lot for the support!