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Disable JMX by default #16090

Closed bclozel closed 5 years ago

bclozel commented 5 years ago

This feature doesn't seem to be widely used and takes a significant amount of resources so we're reconsidering this default for the 2.2 line.

This option is not only about switching spring.jmx.enabled, but also about checking that the other features relying on that option don't fail as a result.

snicoll commented 5 years ago

IDEs support comes to mind but if the user decides to go with the default and not have that info, I think that's fine.

snicoll commented 5 years ago

IntelliJ IDEA gracefully handles the fact beans are not there but the error message could be improved a bit. They also have a "Enable JMX agent" option that could be used to set the property. I'll reach out to the team.

martinlippert commented 5 years ago

The Spring Tools 4 feature to show live hovers for boot apps heavily relies on this JMX actuator endpoints being available and enabled - and having them enabled by default makes those live hovers appear "magically", which is a quite nice user experience. So to be honest, I am not a big fan of flipping the default to disabled.

Of course devs could still enable that, but it would turn our live hover IDE feature much harder to discover.

wilkinsona commented 5 years ago

Unfortunately, slowing down startup for everyone isn't a nice user experience either. Given that IDE tooling has the means to enable JMX (Spring Tools also has an Enable JMX option), I believe that disabling JMX by default and allowing those that want to use it to enable it is the right choice. It means that only those that want to use JMX pay the cost of using it.

martinlippert commented 5 years ago

I see your point. But looking from the tooling perspective, it looks different. I need to mention that enabling this in the IDEs might not be as easy as it sounds, just to get back to the point where we are at the moment where this feature of the tooling just works out-of-the-box as soon as you have the actuators on your project. Of course users could click the checkbox to enable it (in Spring Tools 4 for Eclipse), add that option to the launch config (VSCode, Theia, etc.), or put that in the environment variables (for their apps on CF), but it all causes these different extra steps - whereas at the moment all those settings just work out-of-the-box. In the end, just two different perspectives... :-)

Looks like it boils down to the question: save startup time by default for X people/apps (who don't need JMX access) vs. save developer time for extra config work for Y people/apps (who need JMX access), right?

Do you have any numbers how many people (or apps) using the actuator endpoints need / don't need them via JMX?

wilkinsona commented 5 years ago

It's not just about Actuator. Enabling JMX by default has a cost when Actuator isn't in the picture. We don't have any numbers specifically for JMX, but we can make some educated inferences from the data that we do have.

Judging by download numbers, we know that only ~33% of Boot's users use the Actuator. IMO, that alone is reason enough not to enable JMX by default just for the Actuator's benefit. When we factor in that not everyone will be using an IDE that relies on JMX, or won't be using the functionality in their IDE that relies on JMX, that 33% drops further. Anecdotally, when users are accessing Actuator themselves (rather than via some tooling), I see them almost exclusively using HTTP. I think that's to be expected given the relative ease of using curl, http, or your browser vs JConsole or the like. If more people were using JMX, I'd expect to see more questions about the JSON response format as it's rather atypical in that context. To my knowledge, there haven't been any such questions.

Spring Boot's model of enabling functionality when it's on the classpath has served us well and it continues to do so. However, it falls down a bit when something that should trigger some functionality being enabled is always on the classpath. JMX falls into that category. We have the spring.jmx.enabled property but we've now realised that we got its default value wrong. The cost of enabling JMX (startup time and memory usage) is too high for it to be paid by everyone by default, especially given that it's almost certainly a minority of users that use JMX.

Those that need JMX can easily enable it by setting spring.jmx.enabled=true and those that don't will get faster startup and lower memory usage. From a user's perspective, that feels like a win-win situation. I appreciate that this may create some work for tooling support. While that's not ideal, I don't think it's a reason not to flip the default. That work will be a one-off cost isolated to a few people, whereas the benefits will be enjoyed by a majority of all of Boot's users.

martinlippert commented 5 years ago

I agree that JMX should not be enabled by default in the framework. I would argue that having JMX enabled if you have actuators on the classpath would make a lot of sense to me - if possible - and would serve our ease-of-use needs.

wilkinsona commented 5 years ago

It's technically possible, but, other than DevTools, we don't have any other situation where adding a dependency changes the default value of a property. It would be confusing to make Actuator and spring.jmx.enabled an exception to that.

As I've tried to explain above, I don't think changing a default for everyone or everyone who uses Actuator can be justified purely to serve the ease-of-use needs of tooling. It's particularly hard to justify as tooling is a development-only concern yet the change in default would affect an app in production too.

We could consider enabling JMX when DevTools and Actuator are on the classpath, but I don't think that will remove the need for tooling to adapt to the change in default. Not everyone will be using DevTools after all.

martinlippert commented 5 years ago

I will file an issue in our tracker to somehow deal with this upcoming change in Boot 2.2 then.

anandrahul commented 1 year ago

when i am upgrading my spring-boot-admin-starter-client version to 2.7.8, the jmx option is not visible under jvm on spring boot admin dashboard.I have put spring.jmx.enabled=true in application.properties file of client application

scottfrederick commented 1 year ago

@anandrahul Spring Boot Admin is a separate project, not maintained by the Spring team. If you're having a problem upgrading Spring Boot Admin, please contact that team for support.

anandrahul commented 1 year ago

implementation group: 'de.codecentric', name: 'spring-boot-admin-starter-client', version: '2.7.8'. i am addding this dependency in client application to register the application on admin dashboard, but the issue here is in this dependency only as when i am downgrading this version to 2.1.2 , i can see jmx for that application on admin dashboard but the jmx is not showing for this version 2.7.8.