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Add support for Reactor Kafka #29080

Open thepaep opened 2 years ago

thepaep commented 2 years ago

As said in https://github.com/reactor/reactor-kafka/issues/100#issuecomment-995178795 native support for Reactor Kafka would be nice to lots of users. Spring Boot currently supports WebFlux, but auto-configuration and more capabilities aren't supported yet with Reactor Kafka. As others said in different issues, I also think the connection between Reactor Kafka and Spring Boot should be more documented and supported since it's the most basic usage of Reactor Kafka. There is currently no official way of using Reactor Kafka with Spring Boot, which is pretty odd.

lynch19 commented 2 years ago


lynch19 commented 2 years ago

@snicoll @simonbasle @garyrussell any help with this?

Can someone describe what features are currently missing on this subject and how should they be implemented (what functionalities should be added and where), so it'll be easier for contributors to help with this?

roger751 commented 2 years ago


snicoll commented 2 years ago

@lynch19 @roger751 please use the reaction on the original description rather than +1 comments like this.

garyrussell commented 2 years ago

@lynch19 reactor-kafka has two fundamental properties objects



Each with a number of properties.

In addition, creation of these takes a Map<String, Object> of regular Kafka Properties (similar to the ...properties extension for the spring-kafka auto configuration).

There are several levels of Boot auto configuration that would be useful, with the MVP being the auto-configuration of these two beans using application properties.

AntonLGVS commented 2 years ago

I'm using the reactive kafka in my applications. The Reactor kafka provides everything you need to work. Or does it means support in the form of annotations? For example:

@ReactiveKafkaListener(topic = "smth", autoCommit=true)
public Mono<Void> consumer(DTO dto) {
    log.info("received dto: " + dto);
    return service.call(dto).then();
garyrussell commented 2 years ago

No; not at all; this is just about configuring the sender and receiver options via Boot properties.

Such a mechanism would belong in Spring for Apache Kafka (spring-kafka), but there are currently no plans to do so.

garyrussell commented 2 years ago

I would suggest something like package org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.reactor.kafka in the spring-boot-autoconfigure project.

We can leverage the existing KafkaProperties for the consumer and producer properties passed into the receiver and sender options.

wilkinsona commented 2 years ago

This has been requested previously (https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/issues/18751) but was declined as the Reactor team advised us against adding support. IIRC, this was due to the status of Reactor's Kafka support at the time and things may well have moved on since then.

@simonbasle, what's you take on this now please? Has this moved on sufficiently in the last couple of years that this is now worth considering again?

simonbasle commented 2 years ago

@wilkinsona with the broad changes in 1.3.x late 2020, reactor-kafka has been made more stable and maintainable. thanks to @garyrussell and @artembilan, the project is more actively maintained. thus I would defer to gary and artem regarding that decision, but it definitely looks better than back in 2019

garyrussell commented 2 years ago

I concur; it is in much better shape now, thanks to some significant work by Sergie back then. Also, due to community requests, the Spring Cloud Stream team are likely to incorporate it in the next major release and basic auto configuration of the sender and receiver properties will make things easier there too.

almogtavor commented 2 years ago

@garyrussell what will it exactly demand? Only ReactiveKafkaAutoConfiguration, ReactiveKafkaAnnotationDrivenConfiguration (that will use KafkaProperties\ ReactiveKafkaProperties), ReceiverOptionsCustomizer and SenderOptionsCustomizer classes? Or is there anything else that needs to be noted?

We can leverage the existing KafkaProperties for the consumer and producer properties passed into the receiver and sender options.

Do you mean that we should use the existing KafkaProperties class, right?

garyrussell commented 2 years ago

@almogtavor There would be no ReactiveKafkaAnnotationDrivenConfiguration - there are no annotations in that project.

As I said above, I'd say the MVP would be a ReactiveKafkaAutoConfiguration creating 2 beans SenderOptions and ReceiverOptions.

For example

ReceiverOptions receiverOptions(KafkaProperties kp, ReactiveKafkaProperties rkp) {
    ReceiverOptions opts = ReceiverOptions.create(kp.buildConsumerProperties());
    /// apply rkps.getReceiver() properties here
    return opts;

Calling options customizers (if configured) before returning might be a nice addition, but not really a requirement because the user can further customize the properties where used to create a receiver/sender - since the options are immutable, the base options can be altered in different ways for each usage. A object is created each time a property is added.

almogtavor commented 2 years ago

@garyrussell Seems great. Is there any need for using KafkaProperties? Seems that we can easily auto-configure all of the ReceiverOptions and SenderOptions parameters.

garyrussell commented 2 years ago

KafkaProperties.Consumer and ....Producer encompass common Kafka consumer and producer properties, as well as a general .properties node, (passed into the create() methods as in my example above). We don't want to duplicate all of those properties here.

almogtavor commented 2 years ago

Notice that there are not a lot of common parameters between the two (KafkaProperties.Consumer and KafkaProperties.Receiver have only 3 parameters in common). There are also some caveats I'd like you to take a look at:

garyrussell commented 2 years ago

Notice that there are not a lot of common parameters between the two (KafkaProperties.Consumer and KafkaProperties.Receiver have only 3 parameters in common). There are also some caveats I'd like you to take a look at:

I am not talking about those properties, I am specifically talking about the ConsumerConfig and ProducerConfig kafka-clients properties (which are handled within KafkaProperties - some being first class properties that boot knows about, but other generic properties; see https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/messaging.html#messaging.kafka.additional-properties

Ideally, that part of KafkaProperties will be pulled out into a common super class.

almogtavor commented 2 years ago

Agree about the common super class. Is this a thing you'd want later on or at the very first PR?

almogtavor commented 2 years ago

@garyrussell I've raised a PR.

onobc commented 2 years ago

As a continuation of the discussion in the PR...

For the others, I think it's too soon to say. I think we need to know what we want the auto-configuration to offer before we spend any more time thinking about the precise details. What's offered should be defined as the beans that will be auto-configured and the properties that will be available to control their configuration

I believe we want to auto-configure only the ReceiverOptions and SenderOptions in the initial offering.

@garyrussell @artembilan @almogtavor is this your understanding as well?

and the properties that will be available to control their configuration

The properties would be the 1st class properties offered by the Receiver/Sender options as well as the ability to specify the normal consumer/producer properties currently available in KafkaProperties.Consumer/Producer. It does sound like we may only want to offer a subset of those. And there is also a question of "overlapping" properties to figure out.

onobc commented 2 years ago

As a continuation from this comment on the PR...

The number of Kafka properties are overwhelming; when we first added auto config, we picked a subset of properties to be first class, as discussed here: https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/messaging.html#messaging.kafka.additional-properties


Spring Boot auto-configuration supports all HIGH importance properties, some selected MEDIUM and LOW properties, and any properties that do not have a default value.

We have added others over time at user request (such as isolation level on that linked PR).

@garyrussell are you suggesting we should drop some of the properties in the current PR? I think the number of primitive properties on the ReceiverOptions (the ones chosen in the associated PR) are not too overwhelming. The more complicated props can be adjusted as needed in the options customizer that will be added shortly after.

Some kind of code generation of the properties from the kafka-clients *Config classes would be ideal.

Yes, this would be nice.

garyrussell commented 2 years ago

I believe we want to auto-configure only the ReceiverOptions and SenderOptions in the initial offering.

That was my proposal for the MVP above, yes:


For the "overlapping" properties (for spring-kafka), the hierarchy is as follows (e.g. for the consumer properties).

  1. Top level generic spring.kafka.properties
  2. First class boot-recognized properties
  3. Consumer generic ...consumer.properties

i.e. with:


the last one would win.

drop some of the properties in the current PR?

I am not sure what you mean; I am suggesting using the Producer and Consumer (from KafkaProperties) to build the map for ReceiverOptions.create() and expose the other methods that take simple values as Boot properties.

For complex types, for example, users can grab the auto configured ReceiverOptions and add listeners to it.

Given that the default implementation of ReceiverOptions is immutable, each use can "modify" the auto wired bean without affecting other uses.

ReceiverOptions ro;


ReceiverOptions one = ro.addAssignListener(...).subscription(List.of("topic1"));
ReceiverOptions two = ro.addAssignListener(...).subscription(List.of("topic2"));

one and two will be different objects.

onobc commented 2 years ago

For the "overlapping" properties (for spring-kafka), the hierarchy is as follows (e.g. for the consumer properties)


I agree w/ the property hierarchy and precedence as you outlined above. The "overlapping" ones I was referring to are the ones that are named similar but may or may not be the same thing (eg. consumer.auto-commit-interval and receiver option's commit-interval which is not passed into the consumer).

I am not sure what you mean; I am suggesting using the Producer and Consumer (from KafkaProperties) to build the map for ReceiverOptions.create() and expose the other methods that take simple values as Boot properties.

I am suggesting the same thing. My comment around the "drop some of the properties" I was referring to the 1st class boot properties in the current proposal. I was not sure if you were suggesting there were currently too many of them and we should pick the high priority ones. It sounds like that is not what you are saying though. Sorry for the confusion.

For complex types, for example, users can grab the auto configured ReceiverOptions and add listeners to it.

Given that the default implementation of ReceiverOptions is immutable, each use can "modify" the auto wired bean without affecting other uses.

Are you suggesting we do not add the Sender/ReceiverOptionCustomizers or that we can use this technique until we do add the customizers?

garyrussell commented 2 years ago

On second thought, I suppose customizers would still make sense - e.g. for an app that creates multiple receivers but wants to add the same assignment listener to them all.

onobc commented 2 years ago

So I dug into each ReactorKafka ReceiverOptions property. Here is what I found:


The only consumer properties that needs to be considered as duplicate/overlapping at this point are:

They are not the same exact property but could be used to control the same underlying concept. More details below.


ReceiverOptions properties

ignore (we are not surfacing these - customizer only)

Unique to RK only

Auto-commit related

So these were the ones that seemed likely overlapping

ℹ️ The KP has the following similar properties but always sets enableAutoCommit to false and controls this in the Reactive API

  • enableAutoCommit
  • autoCommitInterval - frequency to commit if above is set to true
Unique to RK only

While these are commit related, I believe these have no equivalent in KP

Needs more digging

I think this is RKP only but need to dig a bit more to see what KP options are available for out-of-order-commits

garyrussell commented 2 years ago

The only consumer properties that needs to be considered as duplicate/overlapping at this point are:

ReceiverOptions.commitInterval KafkaProperties.autoCommitInterval and possibly KafkaProperties.enableAutoCommit

This "overlap" is by name only; unfortunate, but true.

The latter two control whether the kafka-clients automatically commits the offsets on a schedule.

The first one is the interval used by reactor kafka to automatically commit offsets.

Users should not enable both mechanisms; in spring-kafka, we disable enable.auto.commit by default, because it takes care of the commits in a more deterministic fashion.

reactor-kafka also disables it - see ImmutableReceiverOptions (ctor).

this.properties.put(ConsumerConfig.ENABLE_AUTO_COMMIT_CONFIG, "false");
garyrussell commented 2 years ago

We should consider removing those properties from KafkaProperties - spring-kafka prefers them not to be set and reactor-kafka ignores them.

onobc commented 2 years ago

Users should not enable both mechanisms; in spring-kafka, we disable enable.auto.commit by default, because it takes care of the commits in a more deterministic fashion.

reactor-kafka also disables it - see ImmutableReceiverOptions (ctor).

this.properties.put(ConsumerConfig.ENABLE_AUTO_COMMIT_CONFIG, "false");

Agreed @garyrussell - that is what I was alluding to here as well with these comments:

They are not the same exact property but could be used to control the same underlying concept. More details below.

ℹ️ The KP has the following similar properties but always sets enableAutoCommit to false and controls this in the Reactive API

If they are not desired in spring-kafka either, it seems like a great thing to remove (as you suggested).

onobc commented 2 years ago

So I dug into each ReactorKafka SenderOptions properties. Here is what I found:


These are much more straight forward than the consumer/receiver properties.

Properties unique to RKP

ignore (not surfacing via props - customizer only)

onobc commented 2 years ago

Based on the above analysis of the KafkaProperties and the Sender/ReceiverOptions of ReactorKafka, here is a suggested list of properties as well as a suggested "layout" of them. I think we can use this as a starting point of how to map them out.


      # common properties (just like KafkaProperties)
      bootstrap-servers: localhost:9093
      ssl: ...
      security: ...
      properties: ...
      client.id: fooDemoApp

      # Producer class - pass to Kafka producer props (aka SenderOptions.properties)
        key-serializer: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.LongSerializer
        value-serializer: com.example.FooSerializer
        buffer-memory: 32MB # used in tandem w/ max-in-flight

      # SenderOptions props
        close-timeout: 5m
        max-in-flight: 256
        stop-on-error: false

      # Consumer class - pass to Kafka consumer props (aka ReceiverOptions.properties)
        auto-offset-reset: earliest
        key-deserializer: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.LongDeserializer
        value-deserializer: com.example.FooDeserializer
        # DELETE enable-auto-commit:
        # DELETE auto-commit-interval:

      # ReceiverOptions props

This assumes that no properties will be used for ReactorKafka directly under spring.kafka. but rather the properties for RK start under spring.kafka.reactor.. Do we want to allow regular and reactor spring-kafka to share properties under spring.kafka.? I could see possibly wanting to do that for the list of current common properties

A benefit of not sharing the KP producer/consumer props (the ones under spring.kafka.producer|consumer) and mapping them instead separately under spring.kafka.reactor.producer|consumer w/ RK is that both regular and reactor variants can co-exist and be configured independently and not worry about one change affecting the other one.

garyrussell commented 2 years ago

I would vote for keeping them separate.

almogtavor commented 2 years ago

@onobc @garyrussell Any concrete decision taken?

@onobc do you suggest implementing one CommonKafkaProperties and just autoconfigure it with both aliases? Or would you prefer to actually copy-paste it?

onobc commented 2 years ago

Hi @almogtavor ,

Due to competing priorities we have not had a chance to come to an agreement on the approach. More than likely we will close this PR and will revisit in a subsequent proposal. I will be sure we tag you when that happens to keep you in the loop. Thank you for this initial contribution.

almogtavor commented 2 years ago

@onobc Don't you think we can meanwhile lean on the current PR since it delivers the issue, and just migrate paths to the ideal solution when the time comes? The current PR doesn't include changes to Spring-Kafka's autoconfigurations, so that'll only be an additional feature. It just feels like it's going to take lots of time for some pretty semantic changes. After all, merging an initial and basic version will still help to prettify the usage of Reactor Kafka with Spring Boot. Wdyt?

wilkinsona commented 2 years ago

@almogtavor Unfortunately, I don't think we should do that. Until we know exactly what direction we want to take, merging something may set us off in the wrong direction. If we don't have a chance to course correct before 3.0 is released later this year, backwards compatibility will then limit our options. We want to avoid that by giving ourselves enough time to maximise our chances of getting it right first time round.

almogtavor commented 2 years ago

@wilkinsona makes sense.

influence160 commented 2 years ago

will the methods annotated @ReactiveKafkaListener supports @RetryableTopic ?

garyrussell commented 2 years ago

There is no such thing as @ReactiveKafkaListener.

Also @RetryableTopic is a feature of spring-kafka, not reactor-kafka so, no.

ashish-8f commented 2 years ago

Hi @garyrussell any plan when we'll be getting @Listener support for Reactor-Kafka and other Annotations similar to Spring-Kafka ? If not ready yet then any future plan for the same ?


garyrussell commented 2 years ago

There are no such plans; an evaluation resulted in there not being much value add that spring-kafka can provide over reactor-kafka.

ashish-8f commented 2 years ago

There are no such plans; an evaluation resulted in there not being much value add that spring-kafka can provide over reactor-kafka.

So, If I want to implement reactor-kafka then I have only below referral doc as of now?


garyrussell commented 2 years ago


ahmedalnuaimi commented 2 years ago

There are no such plans; an evaluation resulted in there not being much value add that spring-kafka can provide over reactor-kafka.

Why do you think there is no value in that? Isn't the difference similar to the one between WebMVC and WebFlux (i.e. blocking vs non-blocking?)

garyrussell commented 2 years ago

That is not a useful comparison. If you feel spring-kafka can provide some useful value add over reactor-kafka, please start a discussion with your thoughts over there. https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-kafka/discussions

Let's not continue here.

I am open to ideas, but nobody has provided a compelling reason to do anything so far.

ahmedalnuaimi commented 2 years ago


Replied here https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-kafka/discussions/2351#discussioncomment-3788458 Any help is appreciated.

almogtavor commented 1 year ago

@wilkinsona @garyrussell any reason for this to not get solved for so long? There are already 3 working PRs on the subject

wilkinsona commented 1 year ago

@almogtavor Thanks for your patience. That there are 3 working PRs is largely why nothing's happened. We know we want to do something here but as of yet we haven't managed to identify exactly what we want to do. We have a number of competing priorities at the moment and adding support for Reactor Kafka hasn't yet made it to the top of the list. Unfortunately, that's unlikely to change until we're able to carve out a block of time to work on this and figure out exactly what needs to be done.