Closed aholland closed 10 months ago
I can't think of a recent change or regression here. Can you share a minimal sample application that reproduces the problem?
I can't think of a recent change or regression here. Can you share a minimal sample application that reproduces the problem?
I'd like to and if you have any guidance on paring down a large API-server Spring Boot application to a minimal example which doesn't expose too much company code, let me know. This is my first time working with Spring.
You can start from a a simple application created on with the relevant dependencies (Spring Data REST and Spring Security from what I can see) and add bit by bit classes to reproduce the problem. If you can't reproduce the issue when you've reached the point where the code snippet shown above is mostly there, this means that you'll need to investigate a bit more.
You might also try adding a exception breakpoint for SpelEvaluationException
to see if debugging can shed any insight. In these cases I often work back up the stacktrace and try to add a breakpoint somwhere before the exception is thrown, then debug the app again with the previous version to see why the exception isn't being thrown in that version.
It may be duplicate of
Thanks, @quaff.
@aholland, can you try with all of Spring Framework's modules, and spring-aop
in particular, downgraded to 6.1.2?
The significant difference between 3.2.1
and 3.2.2
comes in a class called AopUtils
In 3.2.1
, spring-aop-6.1.2.jar!
, calls spring-core-6.1.2.jar!org.springframework.core.BridgeMethodResolver#findBridgedMethod:68
which checks bridgeMethod.isBridge()
(false) and so returns bridgeMethod
68 public static Method findBridgedMethod(Method bridgeMethod) {
69 if (!bridgeMethod.isBridge()) {
70 return bridgeMethod;
In 3.2.2
however, spring-aop-6.1.3.jar!
, calls spring-core-6.1.3.jar!org.springframework.core.BridgeMethodResolver#getMostSpecificMethod:88 (shown below)
This then calls resolveBridgeMethod
on line 94 and on line 95 compares targetClass (== class
with bridgeMethod.getDeclaringClass() (== interface co.givealittle.repository.UserRepository)
, setting localBridge
to false
, and so lands up using the method filter on line 105. That uses isBridgedCandidateFor, line 127
, which find that both Spring's SimpleJpaRepository
and the aforementioned UserRepository
have a method called save
with exactly one parameter each. This becomes the only candidate method and is selected by line 108, which is how we end up with a MethodBasedEvaluationContext
for the wrong method.
With the wrong method in hand, we eventually fail to find a suitable accessor
in the loop at spring-expression-6.1.3-sources.jar!org.springframework.expression.spel.ast.PropertyOrFieldReference:208
and proceed to throw the exception on 224
88 public static Method getMostSpecificMethod(Method bridgeMethod, @Nullable Class<?> targetClass) {
89 Method specificMethod = ClassUtils.getMostSpecificMethod(bridgeMethod, targetClass);
90 return resolveBridgeMethod(specificMethod,
91 (targetClass != null ? targetClass : specificMethod.getDeclaringClass()));
92 }
94 private static Method resolveBridgeMethod(Method bridgeMethod, Class<?> targetClass) {
95 boolean localBridge = (targetClass == bridgeMethod.getDeclaringClass());
. if (!bridgeMethod.isBridge() && localBridge) {
. return bridgeMethod;
. }
Object cacheKey = (localBridge ? bridgeMethod : new MethodClassKey(bridgeMethod, targetClass));
Method bridgedMethod = cache.get(cacheKey);
if (bridgedMethod == null) {
// Gather all methods with matching name and parameter size.
List<Method> candidateMethods = new ArrayList<>();
105 MethodFilter filter = (candidateMethod -> isBridgedCandidateFor(candidateMethod, bridgeMethod));
ReflectionUtils.doWithMethods(targetClass, candidateMethods::add, filter);
if (!candidateMethods.isEmpty()) {
108 bridgedMethod = (candidateMethods.size() == 1 ? candidateMethods.get(0) :
searchCandidates(candidateMethods, bridgeMethod, targetClass));
if (bridgedMethod == null) {
// A bridge method was passed in but we couldn't find the bridged method.
// Let's proceed with the passed-in method and hope for the best...
bridgedMethod = bridgeMethod;
. }
. cache.put(cacheKey, bridgedMethod);
. }
118 return bridgedMethod;
119 }
* Returns {@code true} if the supplied '{@code candidateMethod}' can be
* considered a valid candidate for the {@link Method} that is {@link Method#isBridge() bridged}
* by the supplied {@link Method bridge Method}. This method performs inexpensive
* checks and can be used to quickly filter for a set of possible matches.
127 private static boolean isBridgedCandidateFor(Method candidateMethod, Method bridgeMethod) {
128 return (!candidateMethod.isBridge() &&
129 candidateMethod.getName().equals(bridgeMethod.getName()) &&
130 candidateMethod.getParameterCount() == bridgeMethod.getParameterCount());
131 }
Thanks very much, @aholland. That confirms that this is a duplicate of as @quaff suspected. If you have time, please try Spring Framework 6.1.4-SNAPSHOT (available from and confirm that it fixes the problem for you.
@wilkinsona Yes, that fixes it. I added the repo and the first two implementation lines below to my build.gradle, and now all my tests are passing again. I assume that's not a safe combination of dependencies though. Guess I'll wait for 6.1.4 or—can I assume?—Spring Boot 3.2.3.
dependencies {
implementation 'org.springframework:spring-core:6.1.4-SNAPSHOT'
implementation 'org.springframework:spring-aop:6.1.4-SNAPSHOT'
// managed (ie version determined by plugin `io.spring.dependency-management`)
annotationProcessor 'org.projectlombok:lombok'
annotationProcessor 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-configuration-processor' // purely for IDEA autocomplete
compileOnly 'org.projectlombok:lombok'
implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-data-jpa'
implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-data-rest'
implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-jersey'
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
runtimeOnly 'com.h2database:h2'
runtimeOnly 'com.mysql:mysql-connector-j'
runtimeOnly 'org.apache.httpcomponents.client5:httpclient5'
runtimeOnly 'org.flywaydb:flyway-mysql'
runtimeOnly 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-actuator'
runtimeOnly ''
testAnnotationProcessor 'org.projectlombok:lombok'
testCompileOnly 'org.projectlombok:lombok'
testImplementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-test'
testRuntimeOnly 'org.junit.platform:junit-platform-launcher'
testRuntimeOnly ''
// fixed (ie version coordinate is a specific number)
implementation 'com.auth0:auth0:2.10.0'
implementation 'com.auth0:java-jwt:4.4.0'
implementation 'com.devskiller.friendly-id:friendly-id:1.1.0'
implementation ''
implementation 'com.mailjet:mailjet-client:5.2.5'
implementation 'com.opencsv:opencsv:5.9' // vulnerability Cx78f40514-81ff
implementation 'com.stripe:stripe-java:20.136.0'
implementation 'net.javacrumbs.shedlock:shedlock-provider-jdbc-template:5.10.2'
implementation 'net.javacrumbs.shedlock:shedlock-spring:5.10.2'
implementation 'org.apache.commons:commons-vfs2:2.9.0'
implementation 'org.reflections:reflections:0.10.2'
testImplementation 'com.github.CautionYourBlast:java-faker:1.0.3'
I would not recommend using snapshots for anything important.
Spring Boot 3.2.3, to be released next month, will upgrade to Spring Framework 6.1.4. In the meantime, you may want to downgrade Spring Framework to 6.1.2 or even 6.1.1 (the latter to avoid being vulnerable to
Thanks @wilkinsona . A final question if you possibly have some time - given the build.gradle you see above, what is the best way to revert to Spring Framework 6.1.1? Do I just change to an older version of Spring Boot (in the plugins block, not shown), or, if I do it in dependencies, which of the org.springframework._
dependencies above do you mean when you write "...may want to downgrade Spring Framework to ..."? Do I just put :6.1.2 after all of them? And doesn't mixing and matching risk things like method-not-found exceptions at runtime? To be clear, we intend to wait until Spring Boot 3.2.3 as our actual course of action but I'd like to be clear on what is meant by, and covered by, the term "Spring Framework".
given the build.gradle you see above, what is the best way to revert to Spring Framework 6.1.1?
The Gradle plugin documentation shows how to override managed dependency versions. In your case, you'd add something like this to your build.gradle
ext['spring-framework.version'] = '6.1.1`
doesn't mixing and matching risk things like method-not-found exceptions at runtime?
It is generally safe to override the version of a managed Spring dependency to a different patch level (for example, from 6.1.3
to 6.1.2
). Spring projects try very hard not to change public APIs in patch releases. Changing to an older minor version (for example, from 6.1.3
to 6.0.16
) would have more risk of API problems.
@scottfrederick thanks!
My system compiles with zero warnings and all tests pass, under 3.2.1. But if I change just one character, ie
in my build.gradle file, the system still compiles with no warnings but I get the following error running my tests:I've tried forcing spring-core and spring-web back to 6.1.2 in my dependencies section, but it makes no difference. I am not sure which part of Spring governs SpEL, but this looks like a bug to me.
Here is the class containing the SpEL in question:
Please bear in mind that this works perfectly with Spring Boot 3.2.1