spring-projects / spring-data-cassandra

Provides support to increase developer productivity in Java when using Apache Cassandra. Uses familiar Spring concepts such as a template classes for core API usage and lightweight repository style data access.
Apache License 2.0
373 stars 307 forks source link

Datastax java-driver maven coordinates have changed #1467

Closed tmoschou closed 5 months ago

tmoschou commented 5 months ago

The java-driver has recently been donated by Datastax to The Apache Software Foundation and the Apache Cassandra project.

Apache Cassandra Java Driver 4.18.0 is the first release post-donation of the Java Driver. The maven coordinates have changed from com.datastax.oss to org.apache.cassandra, while all package names remain the same. Migration of docs and download links on the website are still in progress.

See the announcement to the user@cassandra.apache.org mailing list.

Presumably, as the packages names are the same, users can make use of new artifacts by excluding the transitive dependency on com.datastax.oss

mp911de commented 5 months ago

Thanks for reaching out. We will upgrade to the new coordinates with 4.3 M1.