spring-projects / spring-data-jpa

Simplifies the development of creating a JPA-based data access layer.
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Ordering JPA statement with SUM function #3446

Closed Rubynam closed 2 months ago

Rubynam commented 2 months ago

Hi team, I am using Spring Boot 3.2.4 with Spring Data JPA. I have the following JpaRepository and Specification with a CriteriaBuilder query against MYSQL. JPA/Hibernate always generate A SUM function into Ordering statement. My code below:

return (Root<User> root, CriteriaQuery<?> query, CriteriaBuilder builder) -> {
            Expression<Long> reportCount = builder.count(root.join(REWARDS, JoinType.LEFT).get(REWARD_ID));

            Join<Object, Object> joinReward = root.join(REWARDS, JoinType.LEFT);
            joinReward = joinReward.on(builder.equal(joinReward.get(REWARD_STATUS),RewardStatusEnum.PAID.getId()));

            Expression<Double> totalAmount = builder.sum(joinReward.get(REWARD_COLUMN));

            query = query.multiselect(root, reportCount, totalAmount);

            return query.getRestriction();

Hibernate query debug:

select distinct u1_0.*,
from user u1_0
    left join rewards r1_0 on u1_0.id=r1_0.reporter_id
    left join rewards r2_0 on u1_0.id=r2_0.reporter_id and r2_0.status=?
group by user_id
order by sum(r2_0.reward) desc limit ?,?

My question that: Is it possible when i try to move a SUM function to selection statement?

My expectation:

select distinct u1_0.*, sum(r2_0.reward)) as total
from user u1_0
    left join rewards r1_0 on u1_0.id=r1_0.reporter_id
    left join rewards r2_0 on u1_0.id=r2_0.reporter_id and r2_0.status=?
group by user_id
order by total desc limit ?,?
mp911de commented 2 months ago

That's achievable via query.orderBy(cb.asc(cb.literal(1))) but you need to mind property ordering. In any case, as this topic relates to the JPA API and not Spring Data, I'm closing the ticket.