spring-projects / spring-data-r2dbc

Provide support to increase developer productivity in Java when using Reactive Relational Database Connectivity. Uses familiar Spring concepts such as a DatabaseClient for core API usage and lightweight repository style data access.
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Is it possible to use Criteria API to query with Postgres functions such as to_tsquery and to_tsvector? #825

Open mindy-jump opened 1 year ago

mindy-jump commented 1 year ago

I am trying to implement full text search to one of my apis, here's an example postgres sql query:

FROM recipes
WHERE  to_tsvector('english', description || ' ' || name @@ to_tsquery('english', 'uni:*'); 

I've attempted to try and do the below within the code but noticed the where clause is only Critera.CriteriaStep type and needs to be chained with some operator to make it a Criteria:

Criteria criteria = Criteria.where("to_tsvector('english', " + VECTOR_FUNC + "@@ to_tsquery('english', 'sec:*');");

Or would I have to do something like below? I am relatively new to using this framework and apologies if this has already gone answered.

    .sql("SELECT id, type FROM recipes WHERE  to_tsvector('english', description || ' ' || name @@ to_tsquery('english', :searchText")
    .bind("searchText", searchText)
mp911de commented 1 year ago

Right now, we do not support vendor-specific queries through the R2dbcEntityTemplate. The only way you could use this functionality is by using string-based queries on a repository, see https://docs.spring.io/spring-data/r2dbc/docs/current/reference/html/#r2dbc.repositories.queries

Rahul-Bukuwarung commented 5 months ago

@mp911de Any update on this?

The query i am trying to make is below, I can't simply use a @Query because i have a lot more criteria that need to be added depending on user input. Any idea on how I can get this to work

select * 
from atable
where (name_ft @@ to_tsquery('t')) 
mindy-jump commented 5 months ago

@mp911de Any update on this?

The query i am trying to make is below, I can't simply use a @query because i have a lot more criteria that need to be added depending on user input. Any idea on how I can get this to work

select * 
from atable
where (name_ft @@ to_tsquery('t')) 

I had the same use case a year ago. We also had a couple of fields from a join table a user could also choose to filter from. I ended up just ditching the orm completely and just wrote a query builder specific to the search contract we had. Used the db client directly