Closed spring-projects-issues closed 6 years ago
Christoph Strobl commented
please add more information. How do you use the api? Can you provide a code snippet so we can see what happens?
From the error msg provided I'd guess you mixed up lon and lat, assuming it should have been lat: 13,756... and lon: 100.566...
Vinod Kumar Jagwani commented
Yes, sure,
I am adding list of latitude and longitude and want to find near by locations (from my input latitude, longitude )
when u add these values (13.756631,100.566015)
public List<CurrentGeoLocation> findNearByLocation(final Double latitude, final Double longitude) {
List<CurrentGeoLocation> geoLocationList = new ArrayList<>();
final GeoOperations<String, CurrentGeoLocation> geoOpt = redisTemplate.opsForSet().getOperations().opsForGeo();
for (CurrentGeoLocation currentGeoLocation : currentGeoLocationService.findAll()) {
Point point = new Point(currentGeoLocation.getLatitude(), currentGeoLocation.getLongitude());
geoOpt.geoAdd("geo", point, currentGeoLocation);
Point breakDownPoint = new Point(latitude, longitude);
Circle circle = new Circle(breakDownPoint, new Distance(radius, RedisGeoCommands.DistanceUnit.KILOMETERS));
final GeoResults<RedisGeoCommands.GeoLocation<CurrentGeoLocation>> result = geoOpt.geoRadius(
GeoTrackingConstants.GEO_KEY, circle);
List<GeoResult<RedisGeoCommands.GeoLocation<CurrentGeoLocation>>> locations = result.getContent();
for (GeoResult<RedisGeoCommands.GeoLocation<CurrentGeoLocation>> location : locations) {
if (location.getContent().getName() != null) {
return geoLocationList;
Mark Paluch commented
Fyi, Redis lon/lat limits are:
/* Limits from EPSG:900913 / EPSG:3785 / OSGEO:41001 */
#define GEO_LAT_MIN -85.05112878
#define GEO_LAT_MAX 85.05112878
#define GEO_LONG_MIN -180
#define GEO_LONG_MAX 180
Christoph Strobl commented
The conversion from Point(x,y)
to redis.clients.jedis.GeoCoordinate(lon,lat)
is defined as x = longitude
and y = latitude
So flipping arguments should solve your problem.
public void somewhereInItaly() {
// longitude is the X axis
final Double lon = 13.583333D;
final Double x = lon;
// Latitude is the Y axis
final Double lat = 37.316667;
final Double y = lat;
// actually:,13.582560000000058,17z
final Point arigento_XY = new Point(x, y);
final Point arigento_LonLat = new Point(lon, lat);
GeoCoordinate geo = JedisConverters.toGeoCoordinate(arigento_XY);
Vinod Kumar Jagwani commented
Hi Christoph Strobl,
Yes that was the issue, and now i am not getting this issue, thank you so much for your help. (y)
Vinod Kumar Jagwani opened DATAREDIS-754 and commented
Hi, I am getting issue using springboot 1.5.9 rela and spring redis starter:
org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException: ERR invalid longitude,latitude pair 13.756631,100.566006;
Can you help me to resolve this
No further details from DATAREDIS-754