Closed dreamstar-enterprises closed 1 month ago
I think the problem is that for some reason when I get redirected from Auth0 back to my App, the request does not send the original session cookie:
I have set Cookie SameSite to Lax in both cases. Does anyone know why the browser is not adding the Session Cookie when hosted on AWS?
I had Cookie secure set to true, when it should have been false, as my AWS even through aims to be production, is still on the http protocol (debugging!)
Redis version
AWS Elasticache 7.1 (not AWS Serverless Elasticache)
Redisson version
Redisson configuration
What is the Expected behavior?
On my local machine, everything works:
In AWS Elasticache, the session ID logged, is different to the one created, so I get a state mismatch.
Here is the exact same code for the authrozation request function I have:
I am also using Redisson rather than Lettuce on AWS Elasticache (as Lettuce kept giving a crosslot error:
Also neither work Redisson or Lettuce, with Spring work on the new AWS Serverless Elasticache, as they both give 'psubscribe' errors:
Why is AWS Elasticache returning a different Session ID, and hence failing the authentication flow?
What is the Actual behavior?
Session ID should be the same, just like with my local machine testing using the cache on
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