Open Aki325 opened 3 years ago
Pagination is currently not supported and probably won't become available for quite some time.
I expect we might offer something based on SpEL eventually, so it might be worth following #619.
Good morning Thank you for your concerns An idea about pagination for custom query :
I don't know the reason for having a SQL parser to make pagination but my idea is, if we wrappe the quey string by SELECT * FROM ( query string provided by @Query ) and then we apply mechansime of pagination on it it should work because we don't really need to parse the sql string query provided by @Query just we need to have the number of records and then check the page number and size is passed by Pageable object
I am working on a project with Spring DATA JDBC, I have different custom queries in my Repository such as:
@Query("SELECT test1, test2 FROM table where test1 = :test1 AND (:test2 IS NULL OR test2 =:test2)) " List findTest(String test1, String test2, Peagabe peagable)
@Query ("SELECT a.test1,a.test2 FROM tabe a inner join table2 b on a.test1 = b.test1 WHERE test1 = (SELECT test1 from table3 c where c.test5= :test)) List findOtherTest(String test, Pageable peagable)
or more complicted queries. P.S I wrote these queries without testing, I want just give the idea
There are two issues : 1) if I return a List from the method (List findTest(String test1, String test2, Peagabe peagable)) linked to the Query, even if I am passing an instance of Pageable to that method, it will return me all the records that it found. regardless of which size number I passed. (PageRequest pageable = PageRequest.of(0,1))
2) If I return a Page from the method (Page findTest(String test1, String test2, Peagabe peagable)) linked to the Query, It gives me org.springframework.dao.IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessEception : Incorrect result size: expected 1, actual 10
Would you please exlain me about these issues and if Spring is considering to add these futures in Spring Data JDBC? Thanks