spring-projects / spring-framework

Spring Framework
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springmodules project is dead [SPR-5415] #10089

Closed spring-projects-issues closed 13 years ago

spring-projects-issues commented 15 years ago

Neale Upstone opened SPR-5415 and commented

SM 0.9 has been released, but no one can use it because springmodules.org hasn't got the .xsd files on it, and Colin Yates has a stack of MOD bugs against his name and nothing is happening.

Can someone please help the community out.... we're trying to help you, but it really doesn't work when a significant project goes dead, and that reflects badly on the whole Spring Source ecosystem!

Affects: 2.5.6, 3.0 M1

spring-projects-issues commented 15 years ago

Russ Miles commented

Spring Modules has been deprecated and those modules that we can find significant interest and support from the community are being moved into Spring Extensions, see http://www.springsource.org/extensions.

The main issues with Spring Modules were that it wasn't scaling well (one big jar file with a lot of unrelated modules in it), wasn't appropriate for Spring-related projects that went beyond Java (the deployment model was a jar) and didn't support the natural and unique evolutions and maturity levels of the constituent modules. In order to fix these problems, Spring Extensions was created, taking our knowledge of how the Apache Incubator process works and applying it to individual Spring Extensions. Each Spring Extension ios it's own project, with its own community project lead and an internal SpringSource sponsor so that we can better champion these extensions.

If there is a particular module that you have been working on or championing and it is not in Spring Extensions then please contact extensions@springsource.com to begin the proposal process to potentially make that module a full Spring Extension.

Thanks, Russ Miles Lead, Spring Extensions

spring-projects-issues commented 13 years ago

Neale Upstone commented

I think this can be closed as "won't fix" ;-)

(something I can't do, but hopefully someone else can :)