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Programmatic bean registration within configuration classes [SPR-13779] #18353

Open spring-projects-issues opened 8 years ago

spring-projects-issues commented 8 years ago

Rob Winch opened SPR-13779 and commented

It would be nice to be able to allow Java Configuration to register multiple types of Beans. For example, right now the Spring Security exposes a Java DSL like this:

public void configure(HttpSecurity http) {

This single invocation (made by the developer configuring Spring Security) should ideally create numerous Beans (i.e. UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter, AuthenticationEntryPoint, etc) and expose them to the Spring ApplicationContext.

The key takeaway is that a developer should be able to interact with a DSL where a single invocation creates multiple Beans.

This is something Juergen Hoeller and I spoke about briefly at SpringOne that I would like to get on the roadmap (hopefully for Spring 5).


To elaborate on my comment below, I think it would be nice if we could do something like this:

class MyDsl {
   private boolean addABean;
   private boolean addBBean;
   // getters /setters

class MyDslXmlParser {
   MyDsl parse(Document d) {
      return createDls(d);

class MyDslParser {
    public void registerBeans(MyDsl dsl, BeanFactory) {
        if(dsl.isAddABean()) {
            bf.registerBean(new A());
        if(dsl.isAddBBean()) {
            bf.registerBean(new B());

I Java Config Users could consume this with:

class JavaConfig {
    public MyDsl myDsl() {
        MyDsl myDsl = new MyDsl();
        return myDsl;

and MyDslParser.registerBeans would automatically be invoked with the proper arguments.

In XML Config users could consume this with:

<mydsl:mydsl aBean="true" />

and MyDslParser.registerBeans would automatically be invoked with the proper arguments.

This would allow the framework to easily support multiple ways of configuring the Beans.

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2 votes, 16 watchers

spring-projects-issues commented 8 years ago

Juergen Hoeller commented

Rob Winch, could you sketch the bean registration logic for a use case such as the above? What would it take to register those underlying beans via the BeanDefinitionRegistry, i.e. via GenericBeanDefinition setup and registerBeanDefinition calls? Ideally, I'd like to provide something more lambda-oriented than that but for a start it'd be good to understand your needs a bit better.

spring-projects-issues commented 8 years ago

Rob Winch commented

Juergen Hoeller Thanks for reaching out.

I have put together a small (very simplified) sample that demonstrates the use case above. Some of the simplifications are:

Ideally, I'd like to provide something more lambda-oriented than that but for a start it'd be good to understand your needs a bit better.

Part of the reason I like the idea of using BeanDefinition s is because they tend to handle circular references better. This will almost certainly improve the user experience when they are using Spring Security since it tends to cause all sorts of circular references. An example of such:

Ultimately, I think it would be awesome if somehow I could reuse the Bean Creation logic for both my XML Namespace and Java Configuration. For example, I might first turn the following XML:


into a Java Bean like:

HttpSecurity http = new HttpSecurity();

Then I can run the HttpSecurity object through the same logic that creates Beans from Java Config DSL (i.e. the code that creates beans from the HttpSecurity object).

Cheers, Rob

spring-projects-issues commented 7 years ago

Janne Valkealahti commented

I think these issues for getting proper programmatic registration of beans can be boiled down to a very simple missing feature, from JavaConfig returning a list of beans.

At compile time if I don't know how many instances of MyBean class I have, I either have to use ImportBeanDefinitionRegistrar which most of a times is a bit useless as it can only access annotation info and some resources or use BFPP's. So many times I've hoped that I could just return List and spring would treat list members as beans.

spring-projects-issues commented 7 years ago

Rossen Stoyanchev commented

We have these cases in the MVC Java config:

  1. ViewResolver and HandlerExceptionResolver beans -- either a default set or the set of instances provided by the application through a WebMvcConfigurer. Currently we use a ViewResolverComposite and a HandlerExceptionResolverComposite to wrap these sets but it's not ideal with regards to lifecycle methods since we can't be sure if given instances are already beans or not.

  2. Optional registration of a HandlerMapping depending on static resource and view controller registrations via a WebMvcConfigurer.

spring-projects-issues commented 7 years ago

Sébastien Deleuze commented

See also my functional Spring Boot draft proposal since I think this use case could take advantage of what is discussed here.

spring-projects-issues commented 7 years ago

Juergen Hoeller commented

So is there anything that we need to do for 5.0 still? If yes, could the stakeholders please summarize their current position :-)

spring-projects-issues commented 7 years ago

Rob Winch commented

Juergen Hoeller Thanks for reaching out. I chatted with Sébastien Deleuze I don't think this is really solved from my perspective. He is going to see if he can prototype out the example I have above and get back to me.

spring-projects-issues commented 7 years ago

Sébastien Deleuze commented

We had a discussion with Rob about his use case. Functional bean registration API is very powerful because it allows to register programmatically beans, using if or for statements, but maybe the missing point is how to integrate properly in a JavaConfig based Spring application (typically a Spring Boot one).

The most important need I have identified about the feature discussed here is that Spring Framework should provide a way to contribute some beans with the functional bean registration API as part of an application that is using XML or JavaConfig, and I am not sure actually how to do that in order to get it invoked at the right moment of the lifecycle.

To express that differently, the need here is to allow Spring Security and other Spring projects to leverage the powerful/flexible bean registration API for there internals while integrating in Spring Boot application that still leverage JavaConfig for users beans or Spring Boot internals. So it seems to me that we need to have a bridge between JavaConfig and functional bean rehgistration API to use both in the same application. That would be super useful for Spring Boot as well (discussion on this issue shows that there is no easy way to do that currently).

Another important point is how the MyDsl object will be provided. If we take Spring Securitry example, the DSL is what the user provides using @EnableWebSecurity + WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter overriden methods. If we take a concrete example, currently Spring Security allows to specify its configuration via a Java DSL that leverage internally @Import to create a few beans + META-INF/spring.factories to create object instances that are not beans because of the current limitation of JavaConfig:

public class MyWebSecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {

    protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
            // Possibly more configuration ...
            .formLogin() // enable form based log in
                // set permitAll for all URLs associated with Form Login

    public Foo fooBean() { ... }

    public Bar barBean(Foo fooBean) { ... }


The purpose of the feature discussed on this issue would be IMO to provide a way for Spring Security to provide a registerBeansWithFunctionalApi method that could invoke something like configure(HttpSecurity http) to allow the user to specify his configuration using the Java DSL, and then to perform various context.registerBean invocations to register beans consitionnaly based on what the user has register.

For example, it would be nice for Spring Security to be able to do that kind of things:

public class WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {

    public void registerBeansWithFunctionalApi(GenericApplicationContext context) {
        HttpSecurity http = configure(new HttpSecurity());
        HttpDsl httpDsl = http.generateDsl();
            if (httpDsl.isAddFooBean()) {
            if (httpDsl.isAddBarBean()) {
                context.registerBean(Bar.class, () -> new Bar(context.getBean(Foo.class)));

I am not sure at all there is a need for a dedicated annotation for that, but the idea is to provide an extension point that can allow a JavaConfig Spring application to leverage functional bean registration API. Instantiating ApplicationContext and calling refresh() would still be manage by JavaConfig.

spring-projects-issues commented 7 years ago

Janne Valkealahti commented

One of the easiest examples to show what we're missing from a programmatic registration is how Spring Integration javadsl fails. If taking below example which creates gateway and registers it to app context, you can't ever auto-wire it because only hook they have is registerSingleton and that is called only after spring tries to auto-wire beans.

public IntegrationFlow iotGatewayFlow() {
  return IntegrationFlows


this.beanFactory.registerSingleton(beanName, component);
spring-projects-issues commented 7 years ago

Juergen Hoeller commented

I've done some local tests with straight use of an injected GenericApplicationContext, and this seems to work fine for me...

public class MyConfigClass {

    public void register(GenericApplicationContext ctx) {

    public MyOtherBean() {

Anything I'm missing here?

spring-projects-issues commented 7 years ago

Janne Valkealahti commented

I've never seen any of our own code to directly use GenericApplicationContext, probably for a good reason as I'd assume it opens a can of worms to all sort of other issues which are potentially impossible to track down.

Lets say that there are multiple @Configuration classes which register their own MyOtherBean's and then some other class injects List. I assume there is no way for Spring to know that those specific register methods should be called before possible inject happens for those beans. In this case I assume what would get injected to List is not predictable?

Would it be bad to have some sort of an annotation which would instruct context that this specific method will eventually provide/register beans of certain type? Not sure I like this idea myself either but we do have a chicken/egg situation here and all these are really starting to limit what we can do in all other Spring umbrella projects.

spring-projects-issues commented 7 years ago

Sébastien Deleuze commented

Juergen Hoeller I made a try with my MiXiT application (which is a Spring Boot + Kotlin application), if I replace

class MixitApplication {

    fun viewResolver(messageSource: MessageSource, properties: MixitProperties) = MustacheViewResolver().apply {
        val prefix = "classpath:/templates/"
        val suffix = ".mustache"
        val loader = MustacheResourceTemplateLoader(prefix, suffix)

    fun filter(properties: MixitProperties) = MixitWebFilter(properties)

    fun markdownConverter() = MarkdownConverter()


class MixitApplication {

    fun register(ctx: GenericApplicationContext) {
        ctx.registerBean {
            MustacheViewResolver().apply {
                val prefix = "classpath:/templates/"
                val suffix = ".mustache"
                val loader = MustacheResourceTemplateLoader(prefix, suffix)

I get the following error :

Parameter 2 of constructor in mixit.web.handler.BlogHandler required a bean of type 'mixit.util.MarkdownConverter' that could not be found.
Consider defining a bean of type 'mixit.util.MarkdownConverter' in your configuration.
spring-projects-issues commented 7 years ago

Juergen Hoeller commented

Janne Valkealahti, Sébastien Deleuze, good points: Such @Autowired-driven registrations work in general but they might come in too late for other injection points. I'll see what we can do about this, probably enforcing such a callback at BeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessor time.

spring-projects-issues commented 7 years ago

Sébastien Deleuze commented

Here is a quick update on the Spring Boot + functional bean registration use case : in addition to @Autowired-driven registration, the other way to register beans with Boot is via using ApplicationContextInitializer with SpringApplication API, as described in this comment.

When this issue will be fixed, I will check both works with MiXiT application.

spring-projects-issues commented 7 years ago

Juergen Hoeller commented

I still don't have a clear enough vision of a dedicated first-class mechanism here, so I'd rather defer this to 5.1. The existing mechanisms remain in place: functional registration works in custom BeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessor and ApplicationContextInitializer implementations which can be mixed and matched with configuration classes. There is just no specific callback arrangement for functional registration within configuration classes yet.

sdeleuze commented 3 years ago

I would like to provide an updated POV on that issue based on the use cases we see on Spring Native side and based on latest @jhoeller feedback.

While working on native support, we have seen some consistent patterns emerging and requiring manual native configuration because reflection based. In most cases, using more functional constructs allows native-image compiler to include automatically the required code via pure static analysis.

The pattern we see is typically for advanced configuration of let say Spring Security or Spring Data where regular @Configuration are not dynamic enough. I think there are 2 complementary ways to solve that:

As pointed out by Juergen, it is currently already theoretically possible by casting BeanDefinitionRegistry to GenericApplicationContext. Also:

At the moment, supplier-based registration works everywhere via a GenericBeanDefinition and setInstanceSupplier, then passed to plain BeanDefinitionRegistry.registerBeanDefinition

So a potential outcome of this issue could be a dedicated functional contract (like the registerBean methods on GenericApplicationContext) that could be triggered from configuration classes, in order to provide more guidance (with related documentation) and discoverability to projects like Spring Data, Spring Security or even third party ones.

It could be done via @EnableFoo annotations and their related imports, and transformed to a more programmatic approach by a build time transformation for native needs. I am not sure yet there is a need to allow that from within configuration class, but to be discussed.

cc @aclement @dsyer @bclozel @rwinch @mp911de @christophstrobl

mp911de commented 3 years ago

Spring Data's repository bean registrations make use of BeanDefinitionBuilder and BeanDefinitionRegistry.registerBeanDefinition(…) to register beans. We attempt also to delay class initialization to avoid loading classes unless required as eager class loading may interfere with AOP (specifically EclipseLink) or when using different classloaders.

In terms of reflection, we have few types (e.g. JpaRepositoryFactoryBean, EntityManagerBeanDefinitionRegistrarPostProcessor, JpaMetamodelMappingContextFactoryBean, PersistenceAnnotationBeanPostProcessor, `repository fragments) that are affected. Since repository fragments require reflection then from a Spring Data perspective we could optimize away.

We use import selectors also for e.g. @EnableJpaAuditing to obtain the annotation metadata and configure based on the annotation attributes how the beans get instantiated and things like autowireMode. Auditing is a pretty static arrangement with a static number of beans to register.

sdeleuze commented 1 week ago

We are not sure yet what the outcome of this issue will be, and if there will be an outcome, but we should move forward and close it in Spring Framework 7.0 timeframe, either providing related capabilities or providing guidance for the need that has been described by @rwinch.