I found a small problem while using Spring Batch. I , it would be better that spring-jdbc's MySQLMaxValueIncrementer supports MYSQL safe_update_mode (or safe mode)
Mysql safe_update Mode
First if we have a MySQL database instance with global option:
SET global sql_safe_updates=1
Then the 'Incrementer' will fail:
Exception in thread "main" org.springframework.dao.DataAccessResourceFailureException:
Could not increment value for tab_sequence sequence table;
nested exception is java.sql.SQLException:
You are using safe update mode and you tried to update a table without a WHERE that uses a KEY column.
at org.springframework.jdbc.support.incrementer.MySQLMaxValueIncrementer.getNextKey(MySQLMaxValueIncrementer.java:148)
at org.springframework.jdbc.support.incrementer.AbstractDataFieldMaxValueIncrementer.nextIntValue(AbstractDataFieldMaxValueIncrementer.java:123)
Enabling sql_safe_updates causes UPDATE and DELETE statements to produce an error if they do not specify a key constraint in the WHERE clause, or provide a LIMIT clause, or both.
If we add limit 1, then this statement will success.
Affects: all
Hi~ I found a small problem while using Spring Batch. I , it would be better that spring-jdbc's
supports MYSQL safe_update_mode (or safe mode)Mysql safe_update Mode
First if we have a MySQL database instance with global option:
Then the 'Incrementer' will fail:
Code from spring-jdbc
As Mysql Reference says:
If we add
limit 1
, then this statement will success.or turn off sql_safe_updates (may be ignored by some dba middleware )
Spring Batch
Here are some schema in Spring Batch project.
for example
column neither is a primary key, nor a indexed column. The safe_update_mode will raise an exception.Appendix
A quick test code: